# DBM::Deep Test
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 7;
+use Test::More tests => 9;
use Test::Exception;
use DBM::Deep;
ok(($db = DBM::Deep->new(fh => *FILE)), "open db in filehandle");
ok($db->{hash}->{foo}->[1] eq 'b', "and get at stuff in the database");
+throws_ok {
+ $db->{foo} = 1;
+} qr/Cannot write to a readonly filehandle/, "Can't write to a read-only filehandle";
+ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist" );
undef $db;
my $offset = tell(FILE);
-open(FILE, '<', "t/28_DATA.t");
+open(FILE, "t/28_DATA.t");
ok(($db = DBM::Deep->new(fh => *FILE, file_offset => $offset)), "open db in filehandle with offset");
ok($db->{hash}->{foo}->[1] eq 'b', "and get at stuff in the database");
-ok( !$db->{foo}, "foo doesn't exist yet" );
+ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist yet" );
throws_ok {
$db->{foo} = 1;
} qr/Cannot write to a readonly filehandle/, "Can't write to a read-only filehandle";
-ok( !$db->{foo}, "foo doesn't exist yet" );
+ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist" );