--- /dev/null
+package Function::Parameters;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.03';
+use Devel::Declare;
+use B::Hooks::EndOfScope;
+use B::Compiling;
+sub guess_caller {
+ my ($start) = @_;
+ $start ||= 1;
+ my $defcaller = (caller $start)[0];
+ my $caller = $defcaller;
+ for (my $level = $start; ; ++$level) {
+ my ($pkg, $function) = (caller $level)[0, 3] or last;
+ #warn "? $pkg, $function";
+ $function =~ /::import\z/ or return $caller;
+ $caller = $pkg;
+ }
+ $defcaller
+sub _fun ($) { $_[0] }
+sub import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $caller = guess_caller;
+ #warn "caller = $caller";
+ Devel::Declare->setup_for(
+ $caller,
+ { fun => { const => \&parser } }
+ );
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$caller . '::fun'} = \&_fun;
+sub report_pos {
+ my ($offset, $name) = @_;
+ $name ||= '';
+ my $line = Devel::Declare::get_linestr();
+ substr $line, $offset + 1, 0, "\x{20de}\e[m";
+ substr $line, $offset, 0, "\e[31;1m";
+ print STDERR "$name($offset)>> $line\n";
+sub parser {
+ my ($declarator, $start) = @_;
+ my $offset = $start;
+ my $line = Devel::Declare::get_linestr();
+ my $fail = do {
+ my $_file = PL_compiling->file;
+ my $_line = PL_compiling->line;
+ sub {
+ my $n = $_line + substr($line, $start, $offset - $start) =~ tr[\n][];
+ die join('', @_) . " at $_file line $n\n";
+ }
+ };
+ my $atomically = sub {
+ my ($pars) = @_;
+ sub {
+ my $tmp = $offset;
+ my @ret = eval { $pars->(@_) };
+ if ($@) {
+ $offset = $tmp;
+ die $@;
+ }
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]
+ }
+ };
+ my $try = sub {
+ my ($pars) = @_;
+ my @ret = eval { $pars->() };
+ if ($@) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]
+ };
+ my $skipws = sub {
+ #warn ">> $line";
+ my $skip = Devel::Declare::toke_skipspace($offset);
+ if ($skip < 0) {
+ $skip == -$offset or die "Internal error: offset=$offset, skip=$skip";
+ Devel::Declare::set_linestr($line);
+ return;
+ }
+ $line = Devel::Declare::get_linestr();
+ #warn "toke_skipspace($offset) = $skip\n== $line";
+ $offset += $skip;
+ };
+ $offset += Devel::Declare::toke_move_past_token($offset);
+ $skipws->();
+ my $manip_start = $offset;
+ my $name;
+ if (my $len = Devel::Declare::toke_scan_word($offset, 1)) {
+ $name = substr $line, $offset, $len;
+ $offset += $len;
+ $skipws->();
+ }
+ my $scan_token = sub {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ my $len = length $str;
+ substr($line, $offset, $len) eq $str or $fail->(qq{Missing "$str"});
+ $offset += $len;
+ $skipws->();
+ };
+ my $scan_id = sub {
+ my $len = Devel::Declare::toke_scan_word($offset, 0) or $fail->('Missing identifier');
+ my $name = substr $line, $offset, $len;
+ $offset += $len;
+ $skipws->();
+ $name
+ };
+ my $scan_var = $atomically->(sub {
+ (my $sigil = substr($line, $offset, 1)) =~ /^[\$\@%]\z/ or $fail->('Missing [$@%]');
+ $offset += 1;
+ $skipws->();
+ my $name = $scan_id->();
+ $sigil . $name
+ });
+ my $separated_by = $atomically->(sub {
+ my ($sep, $pars) = @_;
+ my $len = length $sep;
+ defined(my $x = $try->($pars)) or return;
+ my @res = $x;
+ while () {
+ substr($line, $offset, $len) eq $sep or return @res;
+ $offset += $len;
+ $skipws->();
+ push @res, $pars->();
+ }
+ });
+ my $many_till = $atomically->(sub {
+ my ($end, $pars) = @_;
+ my $len = length $end;
+ my @res;
+ until (substr($line, $offset, $len) eq $end) {
+ push @res, $pars->();
+ }
+ @res
+ });
+ my $scan_params = $atomically->(sub {
+ if ($try->(sub { $scan_token->('('); 1 })) {
+ my @param = $separated_by->(',', $scan_var);
+ $scan_token->(')');
+ return @param;
+ }
+ $try->($scan_var)
+ });
+ my @param = $scan_params->();
+ my $scan_pargroup_opt = sub {
+ substr($line, $offset, 1) eq '(' or return '';
+ my $len = Devel::Declare::toke_scan_str($offset);
+ my $res = Devel::Declare::get_lex_stuff();
+ Devel::Declare::clear_lex_stuff();
+ $res eq '' and $fail->(qq{Can't find ")" anywhere before EOF});
+ $offset += $len;
+ $skipws->();
+ "($res)"
+ };
+ my $scan_attr = sub {
+ my $name = $scan_id->();
+ my $param = $scan_pargroup_opt->() || '';
+ $name . $param
+ };
+ my $scan_attributes = $atomically->(sub {
+ $try->(sub { $scan_token->(':'); 1 }) or return '', [];
+ my $proto = $scan_pargroup_opt->();
+ my @attrs = $many_till->('{', $scan_attr);
+ ' ' . $proto, \@attrs
+ });
+ my ($proto, $attributes) = $scan_attributes->();
+ my $attr = @$attributes ? ' : ' . join(' ', @$attributes) : '';
+ $scan_token->('{');
+ my $manip_end = $offset;
+ my $manip_len = $manip_end - $manip_start;
+ #print STDERR "($manip_start:$manip_len:$manip_end)\n";
+ my $params = @param ? 'my (' . join(', ', @param) . ') = @_;' : '';
+ #report_pos $offset;
+ $proto =~ tr[\n][ ];
+ if (defined $name) {
+ my $pkg = __PACKAGE__;
+ #print STDERR "($manip_start:$manip_len) [$line]\n";
+ substr $line, $manip_start, $manip_len, " do { sub $name$proto; sub $name$proto$attr { BEGIN { ${pkg}::terminate_me(q[$name]); } $params ";
+ } else {
+ substr $line, $manip_start, $manip_len, " sub$proto$attr { $params ";
+ }
+ #print STDERR ".> $line\n";
+ Devel::Declare::set_linestr($line);
+sub terminate_me {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ on_scope_end {
+ my $line = Devel::Declare::get_linestr();
+ #print STDERR "~~> $line\n";
+ my $offset = Devel::Declare::get_linestr_offset();
+ substr $line, $offset, 0, " \\&$name };";
+ Devel::Declare::set_linestr($line);
+ #print STDERR "??> $line\n";
+ };
+=head1 NAME
+Function::Parameters - subroutine definitions with parameter lists
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Function::Parameters;
+ fun foo($bar, $baz) {
+ return $bar + $baz;
+ }
+ fun mymap($fun, @args) :(&@) {
+ my @res;
+ for (@args) {
+ push @res, $fun->($_);
+ }
+ @res
+ }
+ print "$_\n" for mymap { $_ * 2 } 1 .. 4;
+This module lets you use parameter lists in your subroutines. Thanks to
+L<Devel::Declare> it works without source filters.
+WARNING: This is my first attempt at using L<Devel::Declare> and I have
+almost no experience with perl's internals. So while this module might
+appear to work, it could also conceivably make your programs segfault.
+Consider this module alpha quality.
+=head2 Basic stuff
+To use this new functionality, you have to use C<fun> instead of C<sub> -
+C<sub> continues to work as before. The syntax is almost the same as for
+C<sub>, but after the subroutine name (or directly after C<fun> if you're
+writing an anonymous sub) you can write a parameter list in parens. This
+list consists of comma-separated variables.
+The effect of C<fun foo($bar, $baz) {> is as if you'd written
+C<sub foo { my ($bar, $baz) = @_; >, i.e. the parameter list is simply
+copied into C<my> and initialized from L<@_|perlvar/"@_">.
+=head2 Advanced stuff
+If you need L<subroutine attributes|perlsub/"Subroutine Attributes">, you can
+put them after the parameter list with their usual syntax. There's one
+exception, though: you can only use one colon (to start the attribute list);
+multiple attributes have to be separated by spaces.
+Syntactically, these new parameter lists live in the spot normally occupied
+by L<prototypes|perlsub/"Prototypes">. However, you can include a prototype by
+specifying it as the first attribute (this is syntactically unambiguous
+because normal attributes have to start with a letter).
+Normally, Perl subroutines are not in scope in their own body, meaning the
+parser doesn't know the name C<foo> or its prototype when processing
+C<sub foo ($) { foo $bar[1], $bar[0]; }>, parsing it as
+C<$bar-E<gt>foo([1], $bar[0])>. Yes. You can add parens to change the
+interpretation of this code, but C<foo($bar[1], $bar[0])> will only trigger
+a I<foo() called too early to check prototype> warning. This module attempts
+to fix all of this by adding a subroutine declaration before the definition,
+so the parser knows the name (and possibly prototype) while it processes the
+body. Thus C<fun foo($x) :($) { $x }> really turns into
+C<sub foo ($); sub foo ($) { my ($x) = @_; $x }>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Lukas Mai, C<< <l.mai at web.de> >>
+Copyright 2009 Lukas Mai.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
+See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.