use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
@ISA = qw(Module::Build::Base);
-$VERSION = '0.2802';
+$VERSION = '0.2803';
# Okay, this is the brute-force method of finding out what kind of
die "ERROR: Missing required field '$_' for META.yml\n"
unless defined($node->{$name}) && length($node->{$name});
+ # Really don't understand why I need the "... if exists" here
+ $node->{version} = $node->{version}->stringify if exists $node->{version};
if (defined( $self->license ) &&
defined( my $url = $self->valid_licenses->{ $self->license } )) {
my $pkgs = eval { $self->find_dist_packages };
if ($@) {
- $self->log_warn("WARNING: Possible missing or corrupt 'MANIFEST' file.\n" .
+ $self->log_warn("$@\nWARNING: Possible missing or corrupt 'MANIFEST' file.\n" .
"Nothing to enter for 'provides' field in META.yml\n");
} else {
$node->{provides} = $pkgs if %$pkgs;
+ # Stringify versions
+ for (grep exists $_->{version}, values %prime) {
+ $_->{version} = $_->{version}->stringify;
+ }
return \%prime;
Revision history for Perl extension Module::Build.
+0.2803 Sat Jul 15 08:26:34 CDT 2006
+ - The META.yml file in the last release was all screwed up, so the
+ distribution wasn't indexed properly. Fixed in this release.
0.2802 Fri Jul 14 22:40:34 CDT 2006
- Added reliance on, which means we should deal much