--- /dev/null
+package File::Fetch;
+use strict;
+use FileHandle;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Spec::Unix;
+use File::Fetch::Item;
+use File::Basename qw[dirname];
+use Cwd qw[cwd];
+use Carp qw[carp];
+use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run run];
+use File::Path qw[mkpath];
+use Params::Check qw[check];
+use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];
+use Locale::Maketext::Simple Style => 'gettext';
+ ];
+$VERSION = 0.08;
+$PREFER_BIN = 0; # XXX TODO implement
+$FROM_EMAIL = 'File-Fetch@example.com';
+$USER_AGENT = 'File::Fetch/$VERSION';
+$BLACKLIST = [qw|ftp|];
+$METHOD_FAIL = { };
+$TIMEOUT = 0;
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$WARN = 1;
+### methods available to fetch the file depending on the scheme
+ http => [ qw|lwp wget curl lynx| ],
+ ftp => [ qw|lwp netftp wget curl ncftp ftp| ],
+ file => [ qw|lwp file| ],
+ rsync => [ qw|rsync| ]
+### silly warnings ###
+local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;
+local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;
+local $Module::Load::Conditional::VERBOSE = 0;
+local $Module::Load::Conditional::VERBOSE = 0;
+### see what OS we are on, important for file:// uris ###
+use constant ON_UNIX => ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and
+ $^O ne 'MacOS' and
+ $^O ne 'VMS');
+=head1 NAME
+File::Fetch - A generic file fetching mechanism
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use File::Fetch;
+ ### build a File::Fetch object ###
+ my $ff = File::Fetch->new(uri => 'http://some.where.com/dir/a.txt');
+ ### fetch the uri to cwd() ###
+ my $where = $ff->fetch() or die $ff->error;
+ ### fetch the uri to /tmp ###
+ my $where = $ff->fetch( to => '/tmp' );
+ ### parsed bits from the uri ###
+ $ff->uri;
+ $ff->scheme;
+ $ff->host;
+ $ff->path;
+ $ff->file;
+File::Fetch is a generic file fetching mechanism.
+It allows you to fetch any file pointed to by a C<ftp>, C<http>,
+C<file>, or C<rsync> uri by a number of different means.
+See the C<HOW IT WORKS> section further down for details.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 $ff = File::Fetch->new( uri => 'http://some.where.com/dir/file.txt' );
+Parses the uri and creates a corresponding File::Fetch::Item object,
+that is ready to be C<fetch>ed and returns it.
+Returns false on failure.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($uri);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ uri => { required => 1, store => \$uri },
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### parse the uri to usable parts ###
+ my $href = __PACKAGE__->_parse_uri( $uri ) or return;
+ ### make it into a FFI object ###
+ my $ffi = File::Fetch::Item->new( %$href ) or return;
+ ### return the object ###
+ return $ffi;
+### parses an uri to a hash structure:
+### $class->_parse_uri( 'ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/mirror/index.txt' )
+### becomes:
+### $href = {
+### scheme => 'ftp',
+### host => 'ftp.cpan.org',
+### path => '/pub/mirror',
+### file => 'index.html'
+### };
+sub _parse_uri {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $uri = shift or return;
+ my $href = { uri => $uri };
+ ### find the scheme ###
+ $uri =~ s|^(\w+)://||;
+ $href->{scheme} = $1;
+ ### file:// paths have no host ###
+ if( $href->{scheme} eq 'file' ) {
+ $href->{path} = $uri;
+ $href->{host} = '';
+ } else {
+ @{$href}{qw|host path|} = $uri =~ m|([^/]*)(/.*)$|s;
+ }
+ ### split the path into file + dir ###
+ { my @parts = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath( delete $href->{path} );
+ $href->{path} = $parts[1];
+ $href->{file} = $parts[2];
+ }
+ return $href;
+=head2 $ff->fetch( [to => /my/output/dir/] )
+Fetches the file you requested. By default it writes to C<cwd()>,
+but you can override that by specifying the C<to> argument.
+Returns the full path to the downloaded file on success, and false
+on failure.
+sub fetch {
+ my $self = shift or return;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my $to;
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { default => cwd(), store => \$to },
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### create the path if it doesn't exist yet ###
+ unless( -d $to ) {
+ eval { mkpath( $to ) };
+ return $self->_error(loc("Could not create path '%1'",$to)) if $@;
+ }
+ ### set passive ftp if required ###
+ ###
+ for my $method ( @{ $METHODS->{$self->scheme} } ) {
+ my $sub = '_'.$method.'_fetch';
+ unless( __PACKAGE__->can($sub) ) {
+ $self->_error(loc("Cannot call method for '%1' -- WEIRD!",
+ $method));
+ next;
+ }
+ ### method is blacklisted ###
+ next if grep { lc $_ eq $method } @$BLACKLIST;
+ ### method is known to fail ###
+ next if $METHOD_FAIL->{$method};
+ if(my $file = $self->$sub(to=>File::Spec->catfile($to,$self->file))){
+ unless( -e $file && -s _ ) {
+ $self->_error(loc("'%1' said it fetched '%2', ".
+ "but it was not created",$method,$file));
+ ### mark the failure ###
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{$method} = 1;
+ next;
+ } else {
+ my $abs = File::Spec->rel2abs( $file );
+ return $abs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ### if we got here, we looped over all methods, but we weren't able
+ ### to fetch it.
+ return;
+A C<File::Fetch> object has the following accessors
+=over 4
+=item $ff->uri
+The uri you passed to the constructor
+=item $ff->scheme
+The scheme from the uri (like 'file', 'http', etc)
+=item $ff->host
+The hostname in the uri, will be empty for a 'file' scheme.
+=item $ff->path
+The path from the uri, will be at least a single '/'.
+=item $ff->file
+The name of the remote file. Will be used as the name for the local
+file as well.
+### _*_fetch methods ###
+### LWP fetching ###
+sub _lwp_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### modules required to download with lwp ###
+ my $use_list = {
+ LWP => '0.0',
+ 'LWP::UserAgent' => '0.0',
+ 'HTTP::Request' => '0.0',
+ 'HTTP::Status' => '0.0',
+ URI => '0.0',
+ };
+ if( can_load(modules => $use_list) ) {
+ ### setup the uri object
+ my $uri = URI->new( File::Spec::Unix->catfile(
+ $self->path, $self->file
+ ) );
+ ### special rules apply for file:// uris ###
+ $uri->scheme( $self->scheme );
+ $uri->host( $self->scheme eq 'file' ? '' : $self->host );
+ $uri->userinfo("anonymous:$FROM_EMAIL") if $self->scheme ne 'file';
+ ### set up the useragent object
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+ $ua->timeout( $TIMEOUT ) if $TIMEOUT;
+ $ua->agent( $USER_AGENT );
+ $ua->from( $FROM_EMAIL );
+ $ua->env_proxy;
+ my $res = $ua->mirror($uri, $to) or return;
+ ### uptodate or fetched ok ###
+ if ( $res->code == 304 or $res->code == 200 ) {
+ return $to;
+ } else {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Fetch failed! HTTP response: %1 %2 [%3]",
+ $res->code, HTTP::Status::status_message($res->code),
+ $res->status_line));
+ }
+ } else {
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{'lwp'} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+### Net::FTP fetching
+sub _netftp_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### required modules ###
+ my $use_list = { 'Net::FTP' => 0 };
+ if( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
+ ### make connection ###
+ my $ftp;
+ my @options = ($self->host);
+ push(@options, Timeout => $TIMEOUT) if $TIMEOUT;
+ unless( $ftp = Net::FTP->new( @options ) ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Ftp creation failed: %1",$@));
+ }
+ ### login ###
+ unless( $ftp->login( anonymous => $FROM_EMAIL ) ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Could not login to '%1'",$self->host));
+ }
+ ### set binary mode, just in case ###
+ $ftp->binary;
+ ### create the remote path
+ ### remember remote paths are unix paths! [#11483]
+ my $remote = File::Spec::Unix->catfile( $self->path, $self->file );
+ ### fetch the file ###
+ my $target;
+ unless( $target = $ftp->get( $remote, $to ) ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Could not fetch '%1' from '%2'",
+ $remote, $self->host));
+ }
+ ### log out ###
+ $ftp->quit;
+ return $target;
+ } else {
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{'netftp'} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+### /bin/wget fetch ###
+sub _wget_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### see if we have a wget binary ###
+ if( my $wget = can_run('wget') ) {
+ ### no verboseness, thanks ###
+ my $cmd = [ $wget, '--quiet' ];
+ ### if a timeout is set, add it ###
+ push(@$cmd, '--timeout=' . $TIMEOUT) if $TIMEOUT;
+ ### run passive if specified ###
+ push @$cmd, '--passive-ftp' if $FTP_PASSIVE;
+ ### set the output document, add the uri ###
+ push @$cmd, '--output-document', $to, $self->uri;
+ ### shell out ###
+ my $captured;
+ unless( run( command => $cmd, buffer => \$captured, verbose => 0 ) ) {
+ ### wget creates the output document always, even if the fetch
+ ### fails.. so unlink it in that case
+ 1 while unlink $to;
+ return $self->_error(loc( "Command failed: %1", $captured || '' ));
+ }
+ return $to;
+ } else {
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{'wget'} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+### /bin/ftp fetch ###
+sub _ftp_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### see if we have a wget binary ###
+ if( my $ftp = can_run('ftp') ) {
+ my $fh = FileHandle->new;
+ local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
+ unless ($fh->open("|$ftp -n")) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("%1 creation failed: %2", $ftp, $!));
+ }
+ my @dialog = (
+ "lcd " . dirname($to),
+ "open " . $self->host,
+ "user anonymous $FROM_EMAIL",
+ "cd /",
+ "cd " . $self->path,
+ "binary",
+ "get " . $self->file . " " . $self->file,
+ "quit",
+ );
+ foreach (@dialog) { $fh->print($_, "\n") }
+ $fh->close or return;
+ return $to;
+ }
+### lynx is stupid - it decompresses any .gz file it finds to be text
+### use /bin/lynx to fetch files
+sub _lynx_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### see if we have a wget binary ###
+ if( my $lynx = can_run('lynx') ) {
+ ### write to the output file ourselves, since lynx ass_u_mes to much
+ my $local = FileHandle->new(">$to")
+ or return $self->_error(loc(
+ "Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",$to,$!));
+ ### dump to stdout ###
+ my $cmd = [
+ $lynx,
+ '-source',
+ "-auth=anonymous:$FROM_EMAIL",
+ ];
+ push @$cmd, "-connect_timeout=$TIMEOUT" if $TIMEOUT;
+ push @$cmd, $self->uri;
+ ### shell out ###
+ my $captured;
+ unless(run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$captured,
+ verbose => $DEBUG )
+ ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Command failed: %1", $captured || ''));
+ }
+ ### print to local file ###
+ ### XXX on a 404 with a special error page, $captured will actually
+ ### hold the contents of that page, and make it *appear* like the
+ ### request was a success, when really it wasn't :(
+ ### there doesn't seem to be an option for lynx to change the exit
+ ### code based on a 4XX status or so.
+ ### the closest we can come is using --error_file and parsing that,
+ ### which is very unreliable ;(
+ $local->print( $captured );
+ $local->close or return;
+ return $to;
+ } else {
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{'lynx'} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+### use /bin/ncftp to fetch files
+sub _ncftp_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### we can only set passive mode in interactive sesssions, so bail out
+ ### if $FTP_PASSIVE is set
+ return if $FTP_PASSIVE;
+ ### see if we have a wget binary ###
+ if( my $ncftp = can_run('ncftp') ) {
+ my $cmd = [
+ $ncftp,
+ '-V', # do not be verbose
+ '-p', $FROM_EMAIL, # email as password
+ $self->host, # hostname
+ dirname($to), # local dir for the file
+ # remote path to the file
+ File::Spec::Unix->catdir( $self->path, $self->file ),
+ ];
+ ### shell out ###
+ my $captured;
+ unless(run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$captured,
+ verbose => $DEBUG )
+ ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Command failed: %1", $captured || ''));
+ }
+ return $to;
+ } else {
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{'ncftp'} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+### use /bin/curl to fetch files
+sub _curl_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ if (my $curl = can_run('curl')) {
+ ### these long opts are self explanatory - I like that -jmb
+ my $cmd = [ $curl ];
+ push(@$cmd, '--connect-timeout', $TIMEOUT) if $TIMEOUT;
+ push(@$cmd, '--silent') unless $DEBUG;
+ ### curl does the right thing with passive, regardless ###
+ if ($self->scheme eq 'ftp') {
+ push(@$cmd, '--user', "anonymous:$FROM_EMAIL");
+ }
+ ### curl doesn't follow 302 (temporarily moved) etc automatically
+ ### so we add --location to enable that.
+ push @$cmd, '--fail', '--location', '--output', $to, $self->uri;
+ my $captured;
+ unless(run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$captured,
+ verbose => $DEBUG )
+ ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Command failed: %1", $captured || ''));
+ }
+ return $to;
+ } else {
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{'curl'} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+### use File::Copy for fetching file:// urls ###
+### XXX file:// uri to local path conversion is just too weird...
+### depend on LWP to do it for us
+sub _file_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### prefix a / on unix systems with a file uri, since it would
+ ### look somewhat like this:
+ ### file://home/kane/file
+ ### wheras windows file uris might look like:
+ ### file://C:/home/kane/file
+ my $path = ON_UNIX ? '/'. $self->path : $self->path;
+ my $remote = File::Spec->catfile( $path, $self->file );
+ ### File::Copy is littered with 'die' statements :( ###
+ my $rv = eval { File::Copy::copy( $remote, $to ) };
+ ### something went wrong ###
+ if( !$rv or $@ ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Could not copy '%1' to '%2': %3 %4",
+ $remote, $to, $!, $@));
+ }
+ return $to;
+### use /usr/bin/rsync to fetch files
+sub _rsync_fetch {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($to);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ to => { required => 1, store => \$to }
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ if (my $rsync = can_run('rsync')) {
+ my $cmd = [ $rsync ];
+ ### XXX: rsync has no I/O timeouts at all, by default
+ push(@$cmd, '--timeout=' . $TIMEOUT) if $TIMEOUT;
+ push(@$cmd, '--quiet') unless $DEBUG;
+ push @$cmd, $self->uri, $to;
+ my $captured;
+ unless(run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$captured,
+ verbose => $DEBUG )
+ ) {
+ return $self->_error(loc("Command failed: %1", $captured || ''));
+ }
+ return $to;
+ } else {
+ $METHOD_FAIL->{'rsync'} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+# Error code
+=head2 $ff->error([BOOL])
+Returns the last encountered error as string.
+Pass it a true value to get the C<Carp::longmess()> output instead.
+### Error handling, the way Archive::Tar does it ###
+ my $error = '';
+ my $longmess = '';
+ sub _error {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $error = shift;
+ $longmess = Carp::longmess($error);
+ ### set Archive::Tar::WARN to 0 to disable printing
+ ### of errors
+ if( $WARN ) {
+ carp $DEBUG ? $longmess : $error;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ sub error {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return shift() ? $longmess : $error;
+ }
+=head1 HOW IT WORKS
+File::Fetch is able to fetch a variety of uris, by using several
+external programs and modules.
+Below is a mapping of what utilities will be used in what order
+for what schemes, if available:
+ file => LWP, file
+ http => LWP, wget, curl, lynx
+ ftp => LWP, Net::FTP, wget, curl, ncftp, ftp
+ rsync => rsync
+If you'd like to disable the use of one or more of these utilities
+and/or modules, see the C<$BLACKLIST> variable further down.
+If a utility or module isn't available, it will be marked in a cache
+(see the C<$METHOD_FAIL> variable further down), so it will not be
+tried again. The C<fetch> method will only fail when all options are
+exhausted, and it was not able to retrieve the file.
+A special note about fetching files from an ftp uri:
+By default, all ftp connections are done in passive mode. To change
+that, see the C<$FTP_PASSIVE> variable further down.
+Furthermore, ftp uris only support anonymous connections, so no
+named user/password pair can be passed along.
+C</bin/ftp> is blacklisted by default; see the C<$BLACKLIST> variable
+further down.
+The behaviour of File::Fetch can be altered by changing the following
+global variables:
+=head2 $File::Fetch::FROM_EMAIL
+This is the email address that will be sent as your anonymous ftp
+Default is C<File-Fetch@example.com>.
+=head2 $File::Fetch::USER_AGENT
+This is the useragent as C<LWP> will report it.
+Default is C<File::Fetch/$VERSION>.
+=head2 $File::Fetch::FTP_PASSIVE
+This variable controls whether the environment variable C<FTP_PASSIVE>
+and any passive switches to commandline tools will be set to true.
+Default value is 1.
+Note: When $FTP_PASSIVE is true, C<ncftp> will not be used to fetch
+files, since passive mode can only be set interactively for this binary
+=head2 $File::Fetch::TIMEOUT
+When set, controls the network timeout (counted in seconds).
+Default value is 0.
+=head2 $File::Fetch::WARN
+This variable controls whether errors encountered internally by
+C<File::Fetch> should be C<carp>'d or not.
+Set to false to silence warnings. Inspect the output of the C<error()>
+method manually to see what went wrong.
+Defaults to C<true>.
+=head2 $File::Fetch::DEBUG
+This enables debugging output when calling commandline utilities to
+fetch files.
+This also enables C<Carp::longmess> errors, instead of the regular
+C<carp> errors.
+Good for tracking down why things don't work with your particular
+Default is 0.
+=head2 $File::Fetch::BLACKLIST
+This is an array ref holding blacklisted modules/utilities for fetching
+files with.
+To disallow the use of, for example, C<LWP> and C<Net::FTP>, you could
+set $File::Fetch::BLACKLIST to:
+ $File::Fetch::BLACKLIST = [qw|lwp netftp|]
+The default blacklist is [qw|ftp|], as C</bin/ftp> is rather unreliable.
+See the note on C<MAPPING> below.
+=head2 $File::Fetch::METHOD_FAIL
+This is a hashref registering what modules/utilities were known to fail
+for fetching files (mostly because they weren't installed).
+You can reset this cache by assigning an empty hashref to it, or
+individually remove keys.
+See the note on C<MAPPING> below.
+=head1 MAPPING
+Here's a quick mapping for the utilities/modules, and their names for
+the $BLACKLIST, $METHOD_FAIL and other internal functions.
+ LWP => lwp
+ Net::FTP => netftp
+ wget => wget
+ lynx => lynx
+ ncftp => ncftp
+ ftp => ftp
+ curl => curl
+ rsync => rsync
+=head2 So how do I use a proxy with File::Fetch?
+C<File::Fetch> currently only supports proxies with LWP::UserAgent.
+You will need to set your environment variables accordingly. For
+example, to use an ftp proxy:
+ $ENV{ftp_proxy} = 'foo.com';
+Refer to the LWP::UserAgent manpage for more details.
+=head2 I used 'lynx' to fetch a file, but its contents is all wrong!
+C<lynx> can only fetch remote files by dumping its contents to C<STDOUT>,
+which we in turn capture. If that content is a 'custom' error file
+(like, say, a C<404 handler>), you will get that contents instead.
+Sadly, C<lynx> doesn't support any options to return a different exit
+code on non-C<200 OK> status, giving us no way to tell the difference
+between a 'successfull' fetch and a custom error page.
+Therefor, we recommend to only use C<lynx> as a last resort. This is
+why it is at the back of our list of methods to try as well.
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item Implement $PREFER_BIN
+To indicate to rather use commandline tools than modules
+=head1 AUTHORS
+This module by
+Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This module is
+copyright (c) 2003 Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+All rights reserved.
+This library is free software;
+you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+# Local variables:
+# c-indentation-style: bsd
+# c-basic-offset: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: