=item *
+The return value of Cwd::fastcwd() is now tainted.
+=item *
Data::Dumper has now an option to sort hashes.
=item *
=item *
+Devel::Peek now has an interface for the Perl memory statistics
+(this works only if you are using perl's malloc, and if you have
+compiled with debugging).
+=item *
The English module can now be used without the infamous performance
hit by saying
=item *
+ExtUtils::MakeMaker now uses File::Spec internally, which hopefully
+leads into better portability.
+=item *
Fcntl, Socket, and Sys::Syslog have been rewritten to use the
new-style constant dispatch section (see L<ExtUtils::Constant>).
This means that they will be more robust and hopefully faster.
=item *
-Devel::Peek now has an interface for the Perl memory statistics
-(this works only if you are using perl's malloc, and if you have
-compiled with debugging).
-=item *
IPC::Open3 now allows the use of numeric file descriptors.
=item *
=item *
-ExtUtils::MakeMaker now uses File::Spec internally, which hopefully
-leads into better portability.
-=item *
Math::BigFloat and Math::BigInt have undergone a full rewrite.
They are now magnitudes faster, and they support various
bignum libraries such as GMP and PARI as their backends.