--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This discusses the specification for DBIx::Class v0.09. Along with discussing
+new features, it will also include proper specification for features that exist
+in the DBIx::Class 0.08 versions that will be supported in DBIx::Class 0.09.
+Where appropriate, it will also discuss specifications for Data::Query and any
+other modules/distributions.
+DBIx::Class has become one of, if not the, premier ORMs in the Perl community.
+However, its featureset has grown organically. As such, some features that were
+considered a good idea at one time proved to be implemented in such a way that
+prevented proper implementation of other features down the road. Examples
+include prefetching and searching.
+This document means to provide a solid foundation for future development so as
+to prevent painting the distribution into a corner for features that have not
+been conceived of at this time.
+=head1 GOALS
+This specification will be driven by the following design goals.
+=head2 Database-agnostic usage
+One of the biggest selling points of an ORM is that a programmer should be able
+to change the relational database used to back a given application without
+having to change anything but configuration. And, to a point, this works
+relatively well. Until it doesn't. DBIx::Class 0.09 will change that.
+=head2 Database-specific optimization
+As it turns out, the drive to be database-agnostic, makes it very hard to
+optimize for a given specific database's strengths. In order to support as many
+databases, the SQL generated generally ends up being at the lowest common
+denominator. This gives ORMs a bad name where performance is concerned. But, it
+doesn't have to be that way and DBIx::Class 0.09 will demonstrate how.
+=head2 Datastore-agnostic usage
+Data doesn't just live in relational databases anymore. There are many reasons,
+for this, the primary one being that the relational model doesn't necessarily
+reflect the structure of certain data models. But, there are many times when
+relational calculus represents the proper way of manipulating that data. Or,
+more commonly, a given relational query needs to merge data from relational and
+non-relational sources. DBIx::Class, along with Data::Query, will provide a
+single API for manipulating data in a relational fashion, regardless of whether
+that manipulation is in a datastore, within Perl, or both.
+=head2 Intuitive API
+Every API has unavoidable gribbly bits. This falls out of the fact that the
+problemspace a given API solves can never be fully mapped to it (an extension
+of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem). However, like Perl itself, the API should be
+organized and optimized so that the user only needs to know a minimum of the
+API's functionality in order to accomplish the most common tasks. Furthermore,
+that minimum should be easily discoverable in simple synopses and examples.
+=head2 Extensible API and backend
+Without breaking or, in as many cases as possible I<knowing>, existing backend
+implementation details, the functionality of DBIx::Class should be extensible.
+Both the API (new contact points) and backend (new datastores, etc) should be
+extended knowing a simple API for doing so. This implies that as many pieces as
+possible of the backend functionality should be overridable separate from every
+other piece.
+Fill this part in.
+(B<Author's note:> To understand the fundamental underpinnings of DBIx::Class
+0.09's choice of features, it is necessary to have a common understanding of
+relational theory. I recommend that everyone at least read this section once in
+order to be familiar with the terms I use throughout this document.)
+Relational theory (calculus or algebra - the difference is esoteric) is, at its
+roots, all about set theory and set manipulations. Each row in a table (or
+tuple) is an element of a set. The various clause (or operations) in a SQL
+statement can be viewed as set manipulators that take one or more sets of tuples
+as input and provide a set of tuples as output.
+A SQL statement has many clauses and they are evaluated in a very specific order
+that is different from the order they are presented. (As mutations share all of
+their clauses with queries and evaluate in the same order, only queries will be
+discussed here.) The order of evaluation for a SELECT statement is:
+=over 4
+=item * FROM (with JOINs evaluated in left-to-right order)
+=item * WHERE (with AND/OR evaluated in left-to-right order within each
+parenthetical block)
+=item * GROUP BY
+=item * SELECT
+=item * HAVING
+=item * ORDER BY
+(Expand here.)
+=head1 FEATURES
+=head2 Basic Features
+An ORM must provide some very basic features. They are, in essence, the ability
+=over 4
+=item * Retrieve data from a relational database (a.k.a., select)
+=item * Insert, update, and delete in that relational database (a.k.a., mutate)
+These functions are generally achieved by providing some API to the SELECT
+statement that returns a collection of objects. These objects then allow for
+updating and deleting. The same API that allows for SELECT also, generally, will
+allow for creation and, possibly, deletion. Most ORMs do this modelling by
+mapping a class to a table and an instance of that class to a given row in that
+DBIx::Class takes a different approach. Given rows in a table are represented by
+objects, but the table as a whole is also represented by an object. There is no
+class that represents the table in itself. Instead, there is a class that is
+used to instantiate the rows of a table and another class that is used to
+instantiate objects that represent SQL clauses for statements against that
+table. The former is the Row class and the latter is the ResultSet class. This
+separation allows for greater expressivity when dealing with a given table.
+DBIx::Class 0.09 extends these concepts by adding a third layer - the source.
+(Expand here.)
+=head3 Sources
+A source, at its simplest, is the representation of a single table in a
+relational database. For example, the table `artists`. But, a source can be
+much more than that. Within a relational database, "`artists JOIN cds`" forms a
+source containing the columns of both `artists` and `cds`. Taken to the logical
+extreme, the FROM clause of a query forms a single source. A subquery can also
+be viewed as a source. (In fact, any table or join can be viewed as the subquery
+"(SELECT * FROM table) AS table".)
+=head3 Resultsets
+The resultset is arguably the single most important breakthrough in DBIx::Class.
+It allows for the gradual building of a SQL statement and reuse of that building
+for more than just SELECT statements. In addition to being able to separate
+responsibilites by letting different pieces of an application (such as security)
+decorate the resultset appropriately, a resultset can also be reused for various
+needs. The same resultset can be used for a query, a mass update, a mass delete,
+or anything else.
+Under the hood, a resultset has a representation for each SQL clause. Each usage
+of the resultset will take the clauses that make sense for that usage and leave
+the others.
+(Expand here, detailing each usage of a resultset and the clauses that each
+=head3 Rows
+Traditionally, the row object is a hashref representing a row in a table. This
+representation is simple to implement, meets the 80/20 case, and completely
+wrong. It fails when dealing with GROUP BY clauses and custom queries. The
+proper treatment of a row object is that it represents the SELECT clause of the
+resultset that generated it. In the 80/20 case, the SELECT clause will be all
+the columns of the primary table being selected. By moving the defintion of the
+row object into the resultset, the row object's definition is closer to its
+Under the hood, the row object is defined by using anonymous classes built with
+roles, one role for each column. The roles for the columns are defined in the
+definitions for each table. Those roles flow from the source(s), through the
+resultset and into the row objects.
+=head2 Queries as streams
+A grouping of data can be viewed as either a collection or a stream. The main
+difference is that a collection is eager and a stream is lazy. For large
+datasets, collections can be very expensive in terms of memory and time (filling
+that memory). Streams, on the other hand, defer loading anything into memory
+until the last possible moment, but are easily convertible into a collection as
+needed. (q.v. Higher Order Perl for more information.)
+=head1 TODO
+=over 4
+=item * L</RESTRICTIONS> section needs to be filled in.
+=head1 AUTHOR(S)
+robkinyon: Rob Kinyon C<< <rkinyon@cpan.org> >>
+=head1 LICENSE
+You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.