# test running against v4 schema with load_namespaces, upgrade to v5 but
-# downgrade to load_classes
+# downgrade to load_classes, with external content
+ my $temp_dir = tempdir;
+ push @INC, $temp_dir;
+ my $external_result_dir = join '/', $temp_dir, split /::/,
+ "${SCHEMA_CLASS}::Result";
+ make_path $external_result_dir;
+ # make external content for Result that will be singularized
+ IO::File->new(">$external_result_dir/Quuxs.pm")->print(<<"EOF");
+package ${SCHEMA_CLASS}::Result::Quuxs;
+sub b_method { 'dongs' }
+__PACKAGE__->has_one('bazrel11', 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Result::Bazs',
+ { 'foreign.baz_num' => 'self.baz_id' });
+ # make external content for Result that will NOT be singularized
+ IO::File->new(">$external_result_dir/Bar.pm")->print(<<"EOF");
+package ${SCHEMA_CLASS}::Result::Bar;
+__PACKAGE__->has_one('foorel5', 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Result::Foos',
+ { 'foreign.fooid' => 'self.foo_id' });
write_v4_schema_pm(use_namespaces => 1);
my $res = run_loader(dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR);
my $warning = $res->{warnings}[0];
+ is $res->{classes}{quuxs}, 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Result::Quuxs',
+ 'use_namespaces in backcompat mode';
# add some custom content to a Result that will be replaced
my $schema = $res->{schema};
my $quuxs_pm = $schema->_loader
- is $res->{classes}{quuxs}, 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Result::Quuxs',
- 'use_namespaces in backcompat mode';
# now upgrade the schema to v5 but downgrade to load_classes
$res = run_loader(
dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR,
is $res->{classes}{quuxs}, 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Quux',
'load_classes in upgraded mode';
- # check that custom content was preserved
+ # check that custom and external content was preserved
lives_and { is $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->a_method, 'mtfnpy' }
'custom content was carried over from un-singularized Result';
+ lives_and { is $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->b_method, 'dongs' }
+ 'external content was carried over from un-singularized Result';
lives_and { isa_ok $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->bazrel6,
$res->{classes}{bazs} }
'unsingularized class names in custom content are translated';
+ lives_and { isa_ok $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->bazrel11,
+ $res->{classes}{bazs} }
+ 'unsingularized class names in external content are translated';
+ lives_and { isa_ok $schema->resultset('Bar')->find(1)->foorel5,
+ $res->{classes}{foos} }
+'unsingularized class names in external content from unchanged Result class ' .
+'names are translated in static schema';
my $file = $schema->_loader->_get_dump_filename($res->{classes}{quuxs});
my $code = do { local ($/, @ARGV) = (undef, $file); <> };
like $code, qr/sub a_method { 'mtfnpy' }/,
'custom content from unsingularized Result loaded into static dump correctly';
+ like $code, qr/sub b_method { 'dongs' }/,
+'external content from unsingularized Result loaded into static dump correctly';
+ rmtree $temp_dir;
+ pop @INC;
# test a regular schema with use_namespaces => 0 upgraded to
'during load_classes downgrade';
-# rewrite from one result_namespace to another
+# rewrite from one result_namespace to another, with external content
rmtree $DUMP_DIR;
mkdir $DUMP_DIR;
+ my $temp_dir = tempdir;
+ push @INC, $temp_dir;
+ my $external_result_dir = join '/', $temp_dir, split /::/,
+ "${SCHEMA_CLASS}::Result";
+ make_path $external_result_dir;
+ # make external content for Result that will be singularized
+ IO::File->new(">$external_result_dir/Quux.pm")->print(<<"EOF");
+package ${SCHEMA_CLASS}::Result::Quux;
+sub c_method { 'dongs' }
+__PACKAGE__->has_one('bazrel12', 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Result::Baz',
+ { 'foreign.baz_num' => 'self.baz_id' });
+ # make external content for Result that will NOT be singularized
+ IO::File->new(">$external_result_dir/Bar.pm")->print(<<"EOF");
+package ${SCHEMA_CLASS}::Result::Bar;
+__PACKAGE__->has_one('foorel6', 'DBIXCSL_Test::Schema::Result::Foo',
+ { 'foreign.fooid' => 'self.foo_id' });
my $res = run_loader(dump_directory => $DUMP_DIR);
ok ((not -d "$schema_dir/MyResult"),
'original Result dir was removed when rewriting result_namespace');
- # check that custom content was preserved
+ # check that custom and external content was preserved
lives_and { is $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->a_method, 'mtfnpy' }
'custom content was carried over when rewriting result_namespace';
+ lives_and { is $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->c_method, 'dongs' }
+ 'custom content was carried over when rewriting result_namespace';
lives_and { isa_ok $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->bazrel10,
$res->{classes}{bazs} }
'class names in custom content are translated when rewriting result_namespace';
+ lives_and { isa_ok $schema->resultset('Quux')->find(1)->bazrel12,
+ $res->{classes}{bazs} }
+'class names in external content are translated when rewriting '.
+ lives_and { isa_ok $schema->resultset('Bar')->find(1)->foorel6,
+ $res->{classes}{foos} }
+'class names in external content are translated when rewriting '.
$file = $schema->_loader->_get_dump_filename($res->{classes}{quuxs});
$code = do { local ($/, @ARGV) = (undef, $file); <> };
like $code, qr/sub a_method { 'mtfnpy' }/,
'custom content from namespaced Result loaded into static dump correctly '.
'when rewriting result_namespace';
+ like $code, qr/sub c_method { 'dongs' }/,
+'external content from unsingularized Result loaded into static dump correctly';
+ rmtree $temp_dir;
+ pop @INC;
# test upgrading a v4 schema, the check that the version string is correct