foreach my $id ( $d->traditions ) {
print $d->tradition( $id )->name;
+ ## Users:
+ my $userstore = Text::Tradition::UserStore->new(dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:foo.db');
+ my $newuser = $userstore->add_user({ username => 'fred',
+ password => 'somepassword' });
+ my $fetchuser = $userstore->find_user({ username => 'fred' });
+ if($fetchuser->check_password('somepassword')) {
+ ## login user or .. whatever
+ }
+ my $user = $userstore->deactivate_user({ username => 'fred' });
+ if(!$user->active) {
+ ## shouldnt be able to login etc
+ }
Text::Tradition::Directory is an interface for storing and retrieving text traditions and all their data, including an associated stemma hypothesis. It is an instantiation of a KiokuDB::Model, storing traditions and associated stemmas by UUID.
+=head2 MIN_PASS_LEN
+Constant for the minimum password length when validating passwords,
+defaults to "8".
+has MIN_PASS_LEN => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => sub { 8 } );
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
-=head1 NAME
-Text::Tradition::UserStore - KiokuDB storage management for Users
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- my $userstore = Text::Tradition::UserStore->new(dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:foo.db');
- my $newuser = $userstore->add_user({ username => 'fred',
- password => 'somepassword' });
- my $fetchuser = $userstore->find_user({ username => 'fred' });
- if($fetchuser->check_password('somepassword')) {
- ## login user or .. whatever
- }
- my $user = $userstore->deactivate_user({ username => 'fred' });
- if(!$user->active) {
- ## shouldnt be able to login etc
- }
-A L<KiokuX::Model> for managing the storage and creation of
-L<Text::Tradition::User> objects. Subclass or replace this module in
-order to use a different source for stemmaweb users.
-=head3 dsn
-Inherited from KiokuX::Model - dsn for the data store we are using.
-=head3 MIN_PASS_LEN
-Constant for the minimum password length when validating passwords,
-defaults to "8".
-has MIN_PASS_LEN => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => sub { 8 } );
# has 'directory' => (
# is => 'rw',
## To die or not to die, on error, this is the question.
-=head2 METHODS
-=head3 add_user
+=head2 add_user
Takes a hashref of C<username>, C<password>.
password => ($password ? crypt_password($password) : ''),
- my $scope = $self->new_scope;
$self->store($user->kiokudb_object_id, $user);
return $user;
return $self->add_user(@_);
-=head3 find_user
+=head2 find_user
Takes a hashref of C<username>, optionally C<openid_identifier>.
-=head3 modify_user
+=head2 modify_user
Takes a hashref of C<username> and C<password> (same as add_user).
return unless $username && $self->validate_password($password);
- my $scope = $self->new_scope;
my $user = $self->find_user({ username => $username });
return unless $user;
return $user;
-=head3 deactivate_user
+=head2 deactivate_user
Takes a hashref of C<username>.
## Not implemented yet
# $tradition->public(0);
- my $scope = $self->new_scope;
## Should we be using Text::Tradition::Directory also?
$self->update(@{ $user->traditions });
return $user;
-=head3 reactivate_user
+=head2 reactivate_user
Takes a hashref of C<username>.
return if !$username;
- my $scope = $self->new_scope;
my $user = $self->find_user({ username => $username });
return if !$user;
return $user;
-=head3 delete_user
+=head2 delete_user
-CAUTION: Delets actual data!
+CAUTION: Deletes actual data!
Takes a hashref of C<username>.
return if !$username;
- my $scope = $self->new_scope;
my $user = $self->find_user({ username => $username });
return if !$user;
return 1;
-=head3 validate_password
+=head2 validate_password
Takes a password string. Returns true if it is longer than
L</MIN_PASS_LEN>, false otherwise.