my $file = shift;
my $args = shift || {};
- # work around bug (?) in Config::General
- # return if $class->_test_perl($file);
$args->{ -ConfigFile } = $file;
require Config::General;
- Config::General->VERSION('2.47');
+ Config::General->VERSION( '2.47' );
$args->{ -ForceArray } = 1 unless exists $args->{ -ForceArray };
return $config;
-# this is a bit of a hack but necessary, because Config::General is *far* too lax
-# about what it will load -- specifically, it seems to be quite happy to load a Perl
-# config file (ie, a file which is valid Perl and creates a hashref) as if it were
-# an Apache-style configuration file, presumably due to laziness on the part of the
-# developer.
-sub _test_perl {
- my ( $class, $file ) = @_;
- my $is_perl_src;
- eval { $is_perl_src = do "$file"; };
- delete $INC{ $file }; # so we don't screw stuff later on
- return defined $is_perl_src;
=head2 requires_all_of( )
Specifies that this module requires L<Config::General> in order to work.
-Joel Bernstein C<< <> >>
+Joel Bernstein E<lt>rataxis@cpan.orgE<gt>
- my $config = Config::Any::General->load(
- 't/conf/single_element_arrayref.conf'
- );
- is_deeply $config->{foo}, [ 'bar' ],
- 'single element arrayref';
+ my $config
+ = Config::Any::General->load( 't/conf/single_element_arrayref.conf' );
+ is_deeply $config->{ foo }, [ 'bar' ], 'single element arrayref';
# test invalid config