+ chomp @{$program -> {SKIP_OS}};
if (@{$program -> {SKIP_OS}}) {
- chomp @{$program -> {SKIP_OS}};
if (grep {$^O eq $_} @{$program -> {SKIP_OS}}) {
skip "Your OS uses different quoting.", 1;
chmod 0755 => $progfile or die "Failed to chmod $progfile: $!\n";
my $command = "./$progfile";
$command .= ' 2>&1' unless $^O eq 'MacOS';
- my $output = `$command`;
+ if ( $^O eq 'qnx' ) {
+ skip "#!./perl not supported in QNX4";
+ skip "#!./perl not supported in QNX4";
+ } else {
+ my $output = `$command`;
- $i ++;
- is ($output, $JaPH, "Self correcting code $i");
+ is ($output, $JaPH, "Self correcting code $i");
- $output = `$command`;
- is ($output, "", "Self corrected code $i");
+ $output = `$command`;
+ is ($output, "", "Self corrected code $i");
+ }
+ $i ++;
for ($*=******;$**=******;$**=******) {$**=*******s*..*qq}
print chr 0x$& and q
+SKIP_OS: qnx
####### Funky loop 3.
$_ = q *4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720a*;
for ($*=******;$**=******;$**=******) {$**=*******s*..*qq}
print chr 0x$& and q
+SKIP_OS: qnx
####### Funky loop 4.
$_ = q ?4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as?;??;
####### Overloaded constants 1
BEGIN {$^H {q} = sub {pop and pop and print pop}; $^H = 2**4.2**12}
"Just "; "another "; "Perl "; "Hacker";
+SKIP_OS: qnx
####### Overloaded constants 2
BEGIN {$^H {q} = sub {$_ [1] =~ y/S-ZA-IK-O/q-tc-fe-m/d; $_ [1]}; $^H = 0x28100}