--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan'; #tests => 105;
+use SQL::Translator;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
+use SQL::Translator::Parser::Oracle qw(parse);
+my $t = SQL::Translator->new( trace => 0 );
+my $sql = q[
+ CREATE TABLE qtl_trait_category
+ (
+ qtl_trait_category_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT pk_qtl_trait_category PRIMARY KEY,
+ trait_category VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
+ UNIQUE ( trait_category )
+ );
+ comment on table qtl_trait_category is 'hey, hey, hey, hey';
+ comment on column qtl_trait_category.qtl_trait_category_id
+ is 'the primary key!';
+ CREATE TABLE qtl_trait
+ (
+ qtl_trait_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL
+ trait_symbol VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
+ trait_name VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
+ qtl_trait_category_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL,
+ UNIQUE ( trait_symbol ),
+ UNIQUE ( trait_name ),
+ FOREIGN KEY ( qtl_trait_category_id ) REFERENCES qtl_trait_category
+ );
+ (
+ qtl_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL
+ qtl_accession_id VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,
+ published_symbol VARCHAR2(100),
+ qtl_trait_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL,
+ linkage_group VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL,
+ start_position NUMBER(11,2) NOT NULL,
+ stop_position NUMBER(11,2) NOT NULL,
+ comments long,
+ UNIQUE ( qtl_accession_id ),
+ FOREIGN KEY ( qtl_trait_id ) REFERENCES qtl_trait
+ );
+ CREATE TABLE qtl_trait_synonym
+ (
+ qtl_trait_synonym_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL
+ CONSTRAINT pk_qtl_trait_synonym PRIMARY KEY,
+ trait_synonym VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
+ qtl_trait_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL,
+ UNIQUE( qtl_trait_id, trait_synonym ),
+ FOREIGN KEY ( qtl_trait_id ) REFERENCES qtl_trait
+ );
+$| = 1;
+my $data = parse( $t, $sql );
+my $schema = $t->schema;
+#use Data::Dumper;
+#print Dumper($schema), "\n";
+isa_ok( $schema, 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'Schema object' );
+my @tables = $schema->get_tables;
+is( scalar @tables, 4, 'Found four tables' );
+# qtl_trait_category
+my $t1 = shift @tables;
+is( $t1->name, 'qtl_trait_category', 'First table is "qtl_trait_category"' );
+is( $t1->comments, 'hey, hey, hey, hey', 'Comment = "hey, hey, hey, hey"' );
+my @t1_fields = $t1->get_fields;
+is( scalar @t1_fields, 2, '2 fields in table' );
+my $f1 = shift @t1_fields;
+is( $f1->name, 'qtl_trait_category_id',
+ 'First field is "qtl_trait_category_id"' );
+is( $f1->data_type, 'number', 'Field is a number' );
+is( $f1->size, 11, 'Size is "11"' );
+is( $f1->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+is( $f1->default_value, undef, 'Default value is undefined' );
+is( $f1->is_primary_key, 1, 'Field is PK' );
+is( $f1->comments, 'the primary key!', 'Comment = "the primary key!"' );
+my $f2 = shift @t1_fields;
+is( $f2->name, 'trait_category', 'Second field is "trait_category"' );
+is( $f2->data_type, 'varchar2', 'Field is a varchar2' );
+is( $f2->size, 100, 'Size is "100"' );
+is( $f2->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+is( $f2->default_value, undef, 'Default value is undefined' );
+is( $f2->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
+my @t1_indices = $t1->get_indices;
+is( scalar @t1_indices, 0, '0 indices on table' );
+my @t1_constraints = $t1->get_constraints;
+is( scalar @t1_constraints, 2, '2 constraints on table' );
+my $c1 = $t1_constraints[0];
+is( $c1->name, 'pk_qtl_trait_category',
+ 'Constraint name is "pk_qtl_trait_category"' );
+is( $c1->type, PRIMARY_KEY, 'First constraint is PK' );
+is( join(',', $c1->fields), 'qtl_trait_category_id',
+ 'Constraint is on field "qtl_trait_category_id"' );
+my $c2 = $t1_constraints[1];
+is( $c2->type, UNIQUE, 'Second constraint is unique' );
+is( join(',', $c2->fields), 'trait_category',
+ 'Constraint is on field "trait_category"' );
+# qtl_trait
+my $t2 = shift @tables;
+is( $t2->name, 'qtl_trait', 'Table "qtl_trait" exists' );
+my @t2_fields = $t2->get_fields;
+is( scalar @t2_fields, 4, '4 fields in table' );
+my $t2_f1 = shift @t2_fields;
+is( $t2_f1->name, 'qtl_trait_id', 'First field is "qtl_trait_id"' );
+is( $t2_f1->data_type, 'number', 'Field is a number' );
+is( $t2_f1->size, 11, 'Size is "11"' );
+is( $t2_f1->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+is( $t2_f1->default_value, undef, 'Default value is undefined' );
+is( $t2_f1->is_primary_key, 1, 'Field is PK' );
+my $t2_f2 = shift @t2_fields;
+is( $t2_f2->name, 'trait_symbol', 'Second field is "trait_symbol"' );
+is( $t2_f2->data_type, 'varchar2', 'Field is a varchar2' );
+is( $t2_f2->size, 100, 'Size is "100"' );
+is( $t2_f2->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+is( $t2_f2->is_foreign_key, 0, 'Field is not a FK' );
+my $t2_f3 = shift @t2_fields;
+is( $t2_f3->name, 'trait_name', 'Third field is "trait_name"' );
+is( $t2_f3->data_type, 'varchar2', 'Field is a varchar2' );
+is( $t2_f3->size, 200, 'Size is "200"' );
+is( $t2_f3->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+is( $t2_f3->is_foreign_key, 0, 'Field is not a FK' );
+my $t2_f4 = shift @t2_fields;
+is( $t2_f4->name, 'qtl_trait_category_id',
+ 'Fourth field is "qtl_trait_category_id"' );
+is( $t2_f4->data_type, 'number', 'Field is a number' );
+is( $t2_f4->size, 11, 'Size is "11"' );
+is( $t2_f4->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
+is( $t2_f4->is_foreign_key, 1, 'Field is a FK' );
+my $f4_fk = $t2_f4->foreign_key_reference;
+isa_ok( $f4_fk, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint', 'FK' );
+is( $f4_fk->reference_table, 'qtl_trait_category',
+ 'FK references table "qtl_trait_category"' );
+is( join(',', $f4_fk->reference_fields), 'qtl_trait_category_id',
+ 'FK references field "qtl_trait_category_id"' );
+my @t2_constraints = $t2->get_constraints;
+is( scalar @t2_constraints, 4, '4 constraints on table' );
+my $t2_c1 = shift @t2_constraints;
+is( $t2_c1->type, PRIMARY_KEY, 'First constraint is PK' );
+is( $t2_c1->name, 'pk_qtl_trait', 'Name is "pk_qtl_trait"' );
+is( join(',', $t2_c1->fields), 'qtl_trait_id', 'Fields = "qtl_trait_id"' );
+my $t2_c2 = shift @t2_constraints;
+is( $t2_c2->type, UNIQUE, 'Second constraint is unique' );
+is( $t2_c2->name, '', 'No name' );
+is( join(',', $t2_c2->fields), 'trait_symbol', 'Fields = "trait_symbol"' );
+my $t2_c3 = shift @t2_constraints;
+is( $t2_c3->type, UNIQUE, 'Third constraint is unique' );
+is( $t2_c3->name, '', 'No name' );
+is( join(',', $t2_c3->fields), 'trait_name', 'Fields = "trait_name"' );
+my $t2_c4 = shift @t2_constraints;
+is( $t2_c4->type, FOREIGN_KEY, 'Fourth constraint is FK' );
+is( $t2_c4->name, '', 'No name' );
+is( join(',', $t2_c4->fields), 'qtl_trait_category_id',
+ 'Fields = "qtl_trait_category_id"' );
+is( $t2_c4->reference_table, 'qtl_trait_category',
+ 'Reference table = "qtl_trait_category"' );
+is( join(',', $t2_c4->reference_fields), 'qtl_trait_category_id',
+ 'Reference fields = "qtl_trait_category_id"' );
+# qtl
+my $t3 = shift @tables;
+is( $t3->name, 'qtl', 'Table "qtl" exists' );
+my @t3_fields = $t3->get_fields;
+is( scalar @t3_fields, 8, '8 fields in table' );
+my @t3_constraints = $t3->get_constraints;
+is( scalar @t3_constraints, 3, '3 constraints on table' );
+# qtl_trait_synonym
+my $t4 = shift @tables;
+is( $t4->name, 'qtl_trait_synonym', 'Table "qtl_trait_synonym" exists' );
+my @t4_fields = $t4->get_fields;
+is( scalar @t4_fields, 3, '3 fields in table' );
+my @t4_constraints = $t4->get_constraints;
+is( scalar @t4_constraints, 3, '3 constraints on table' );