!! You must have Class::MOP 0.37_001 !!
!! for this developer release to work !!
- Lots of changes really, too numerous to mention now,
- I need to have people test/fiddle with this first.
+ This release was primarily adding the immutable
+ feature to Moose. An immutable class is one which
+ you promise not to alter. When you set the class
+ as immutable it will perform various bits of
+ memoization and inline certain part of the code
+ (constructors, destructors and accessors). This
+ minimizes (and in some cases totally eliminates)
+ one of Moose's biggest performance hits. This
+ feature is not on by default, and is 100% optional.
+ It has several configurable bits as well, so you
+ can pick and choose to your specific needs.
+ The changes involved in this were fairly wide and
+ highly specific, but 100% backwards compatible, so
+ I am not going to enumerate them here. If you are
+ truely interested in what was changed, please do
+ a diff :)
0.17 Tues. Nov. 14, 2006
* Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor
-package MooseHorse;
-use Moose;
-has foo => (is => 'rw');
-no Moose;
-package MooseHorseImmut;
-use Moose;
-has foo => (is => 'rw');
-no Moose;
-package MooseHorseImmutNoConst;
-use Moose;
-has foo => (is => 'rw');
-__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
-no Moose;
-package CAFHorse;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
-package main;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
+ package PlainMoose;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => (is => 'rw');
+ package MooseImmutable;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => (is => 'rw');
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable();
+ package MooseImmutable::NoConstructor;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => (is => 'rw');
+ __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+ package ClassAccessorFast;
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(foo));
use Benchmark qw(cmpthese);
use Benchmark ':hireswallclock';
-my $moose = MooseHorse->new;
-my $moose_immut = MooseHorseImmut->new;
-my $moose_immut_no_const = MooseHorseImmutNoConst->new;
-my $caf = CAFHorse->new;
+my $moose = PlainMoose->new;
+my $moose_immut = MooseImmutable->new;
+my $moose_immut_no_const = MooseImmutable::NoConstructor->new;
+my $caf = ClassAccessorFast->new;
-my $acc_rounds = 1_000_000;
-my $ins_rounds = 1_000_000;
+my $acc_rounds = 100_000;
+my $ins_rounds = 100_000;
print "\nSETTING\n";
cmpthese($acc_rounds, {
- Moose => sub { $moose->foo(23) },
- MooseImmut => sub { $moose_immut->foo(23) },
- MooseImmutNoConst => sub { $moose_immut_no_const->foo(23) },
- CAF => sub { $caf->foo(23) },
+ Moose => sub { $moose->foo(23) },
+ MooseImmutable => sub { $moose_immut->foo(23) },
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub { $moose_immut_no_const->foo(23) },
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub { $caf->foo(23) },
}, 'noc');
print "\nGETTING\n";
cmpthese($acc_rounds, {
- Moose => sub { $moose->foo },
- MooseImmut => sub { $moose_immut->foo },
- MooseImmutNoConst => sub { $moose_immut_no_const->foo },
- CAF => sub { $caf->foo },
+ Moose => sub { $moose->foo },
+ MooseImmutable => sub { $moose_immut->foo },
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub { $moose_immut_no_const->foo },
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub { $caf->foo },
}, 'noc');
my (@moose, @moose_immut, @moose_immut_no_const, @caf_stall);
print "\nCREATION\n";
cmpthese($ins_rounds, {
- Moose => sub { push @moose, MooseHorse->new(foo => 23) },
- MooseImmut => sub { push @moose_immut, MooseHorseImmut->new(foo => 23) },
- MooseImmutNoConst => sub { push @moose_immut_no_const, MooseHorseImmutNoConst->new(foo => 23) },
- CAF => sub { push @caf_stall, CAFHorse->new({foo => 23}) },
+ Moose => sub { push @moose, PlainMoose->new(foo => 23) },
+ MooseImmutable => sub { push @moose_immut, MooseImmutable->new(foo => 23) },
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub { push @moose_immut_no_const, MooseImmutable::NoConstructor->new(foo => 23) },
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub { push @caf_stall, ClassAccessorFast->new({foo => 23}) },
}, 'noc');
my ( $moose_idx, $moose_immut_idx, $moose_immut_no_const_idx, $caf_idx ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
$moose[$moose_idx] = undef;
- MooseImmut => sub {
+ MooseImmutable => sub {
$moose_immut[$moose_immut_idx] = undef;
- MooseImmutNoConst => sub {
+ MooseImmutableNoConstructor => sub {
$moose_immut_no_const[$moose_immut_no_const_idx] = undef;
- CAF => sub {
+ ClassAccessorFast => sub {
$caf_stall[$caf_idx] = undef;
after 'clear' => sub {
my $self = shift;
- };
-=head1 CAVEAT
-Moose is a rapidly maturing module, and is already being used by
-a number of people. It's test suite is growing larger by the day,
-and the docs should soon follow.
-This said, Moose is not yet finished, and should still be considered
-to be evolving. Much of the outer API is stable, but the internals
-are still subject to change (although not without serious thought
-given to it).
+ };
Perl 5 objects better, but it also provides the power of metaclass
-=head2 Can I use this in production? Or is this just an experiment?
+=head2 Is this for real? Or is this just an experiment?
Moose is I<based> on the prototypes and experiments I did for the Perl 6
meta-model; however Moose is B<NOT> an experiment/prototype, it is
-for B<real>. I will be deploying Moose into production environments later
-this year, and I have every intentions of using it as my de facto class
-builder from now on.
+for B<real>.
+=head2 Can I, should I use this in production?
+I have two medium-to-large-ish web applications which use Moose heavily
+and have been in production (without issue) for several months now. At
+$work, we are re-writing our core offering in it. And several people on
+#moose have been using it (in production) for several months now as well.
=head2 Is Moose just Perl 6 in Perl 5?
some of the features of Moose, and then proceeds to explain the
details of the code.
+We also provide a L<Moose::Cookbook::FAQ> and a L<Moose::Cookbook::WTF>
+for common questions and problems people have with Moose.
=head1 RECIPES
=over 4
=head3 Is Moose "production ready"?
-Yes and No. Currently I have one web application in production
-using Moose, and at $work we are re-writing our core offering to
-use Moose. Several other people on #moose either have sites in
-production which use Moose, or are in the process of deploying
-sites which use Moose.
-The biggest barrier to widespread use of Moose in production
-right now is speed of development and speed of execution.
-Since development is still happening, regular upgrades are a
-fact of life. This can be hairy in production, so if this makes
-you quake with fear, you might want to wait a few months.
-Then comes speed of execution. In some ways, Moose is actually
-pretty fast and makes great effort to stay out of your way when
-you don't want it there. However, certain parts of Moose are
-slow, such as compile time setup, introspection and object
-construction (only because it uses introspection). See
-L<Is Moose slow?> below for a deeper discussion on the subject.
+Yes. I have two medium-to-large-ish web applications in
+production using Moose, they have been running without
+issue now for almost a year.
+At $work we are re-writing our core offering to use Moose,
+so it's continued development is assured.
+Several other people on #moose either have apps in production
+which use Moose, or are in the process of deploying sites
+which use Moose.
=head3 Is Moose's API stable?
reserve the right to tweak that if needed, but I will do my
absolute best to maintain backwards comptability here as well.
-=head3 Is Moose slow?
+=head3 I heard Moose is slow, is this true?
Again, this one is tricky, so Yes I<and> No.
that taking this approach allows for greater optimization
-And lastly, I want to reassure the speed junkies out there that
-we B<are> working on it.
-We have the immutable classes in Class::MOP, but which are not
-yet integrated with Moose. These allow you to "close" a class
-and then for many of it's more expensive methods to me memoized.
-Our tests indicated a performance comparable (and in some
-instances exceeding) that of hand-coded Perl.
+Currently we have the option of making your classes immutable
+as a means of boosting speed. This will mean a larger compile
+time cost, but the runtime speed increase (especially in object
+construction) is pretty signifigant.
-We are also discussing and experimenting with L<Module::Compile>,
-and the idea of compiling highly optimized C<.pmc> files. And we
-have also mapped out some core methods as canidates for conversion
-to XS.
+This is not all either, we are also discussing and experimenting
+with L<Module::Compile>, and the idea of compiling highly
+optimized C<.pmc> files. And we have also mapped out some core
+methods as canidates for conversion to XS.
=head3 When will Moose be 1.0 ready?
-I expect (barring unforseen circumstances) that Moose will be
-at 1.0 by the end of this year (2006). Which means that it will be
-completely stable and provide a number of optimization options to
-suit the need for speed.
+I had originally said it would be end of 2006, but various bits
+of $work kept me too busy. At this point, I think we are getting
+pretty close and I will likely declare 1.0 within the next few
-Will I have addressed all your concerns by then? Will all the
-features you want be included? I don't know unless you tell me,
-so come over to #moose and we can talk.
+When will that be? Hard to say really, but honestly, it is ready
+to use now, the difference between now and 1.0 will be pretty
=head2 Constructors
This will be called when a value fails to pass the C<NaturalLessThanTen>
constraint check.
+=head3 Can I turn type constraint checking off?
+Not yet, but soon. This option will likely be coming in the next
=head1 AUTHOR
Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
=head3 Why are my objects taking so long to construct?
Moose uses a lot of introspection when constructing an
-instance, and introspection can be slow. However, this
-is a temporary problem, and is already solved in
-Class::MOP by making classes immutable. However immutable
-support in Moose is not ready yet, but will be soon.
+instance, and introspection can be slow. This problem
+can be solved by making your class immutable. This can
+be done with the following code:
-=head2 Constructors
+ MyClass->meta->make_immutable();
+Moose will then memoize a number of meta-level methods
+and inline a constructor for you. For more information
+on this see the L<Constructors> section below and in the
+=head2 Constructors & Immutability
+=head3 I made my class immutable, but C<new> it is still slow!
+Do you have a custom C<new> method in your class? Moose
+will not overwrite your custom C<new> method, you would
+probably do better to try and convert this to use the
+C<BUILD> method or possibly set C<default> values in
+the attribute declaration.
+=head3 I made my class immutable, and now my (before | after | around) C<new> is not being called?
+Making a I<before>, I<after> or I<around> wrap around the
+C<new> method, will actually create a C<new> method within
+your class. This will prevent Moose from creating one itself
+when you make the class immutable.
=head2 Accessors