package System::Introspector::Probe::LibDirs::Perl;
use Moo;
-use Module::Metadata;
use Digest::SHA;
use ExtUtils::Installed;
log_debug { "Gathering Perl libdir info for '$libdir'" };
my $installed = ExtUtils::Installed->new(inc_override => [ $libdir ]);
foreach my $module ($installed->modules) {
my $packlist = $installed->packlist($module)->packlist_file;
Dlog_trace { "Packlist file for '$module' in '$libdir' is '$_'" } $packlist;
$modules{$module} = {};
if ($self->enumerate_packlists && -f $packlist) {
#sub _enumerate_metadata {
# my ($self, $libdir, $module) = @_;
+# require Module::Metadata;
# my $pipe = $self->_open_locate_pm_pipe($libdir);
# while (defined( my $line = <$pipe> )) {
# chomp $line;
log_debug { "Executing 'locate' to identify Perl 5 library directories" };
return handle_from_command sprintf
#lib/perl5 for Local::Lib and debian installed perl? - lib/perl for others?
+# q{locate --regex '^%s.*lib/perl$'}, $root;
q{locate --regex '^%s.*lib/perl5$'}, $root;
use Moo;
use File::Tree::Snapshot;
use Object::Remote::Future qw( await_all );
+use Object::Remote::MiniLoop;
use JSON::Diffable qw( encode_json );
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use System::Introspector::Gatherer;
use System::Introspector::Logger qw( :log :dlog );
use System::Introspector::Report;
log_debug { sprintf("There are %i hosts in the waiting list", scalar(@waiting)) };
for my $wait (@waiting) {
my ($host, @futures) = @$wait;
+ my $report;
log_debug { "Waiting on futures for host '$host'" };
#they complete - it would cause less RAM consumption for the
#system as a whole but requires modifying the future based
#syncronization logic
- my ($report) = await_all @futures;
-# die Dumper($report_proxy); use Data::Dumper;
+ eval { ($report) = await_all @futures };
+ if ($@) {
+ log_error { "Failure when probing '$host': $@" };
+ next;
+ }
log_trace { "Received all from group '$group' on '$host'" };
-# $self->_store($host, $group, +{ map %$_, @data });
$self->_store($host, $group, $report);
log_info { "Probing host '$host' with " . join ", ", map $_->[0], @nosudo, @sudo };
if (@nosudo) {
log_debug { "Preparing to fetch without sudo: " . join ", ", map $_->[0], @nosudo };
- my $proxy = $self->_create_gatherer(
+ push @futures, $self->_create_gatherer(
host => $host,
introspectors => [@nosudo],
- push @futures, $proxy->start::gather_all;
if (@sudo) {
log_debug { "Preparing to fetch with sudo: ", join ", ", map $_->[0], @nosudo };
- my $proxy = $self->_create_gatherer(
+ push @futures, $self->_create_gatherer(
sudo => 1,
host => $host,
introspectors => [@sudo],
- push @futures, $proxy->start::gather_all;
log_trace { sprintf("Fetching resulted in %i futures being created", scalar(@futures)) };
} split m{::}, $class;
my $fh = $storage->open('>:utf8', $file, mkpath => 1);
my $full_path = $storage->file($file);
+ log_trace { "Collecting probe data for '$class' from '$host'" };
my $data = $gathered->get_probe_data($class);
log_debug { "Generated file name for storage: '$file'; Writing state to '$full_path'" };
Dlog_trace { "Input to storage engine: $_" } $data;
log_trace { "Comitting stored data" };
unless ($ok) {
log_error { "Rolling back snapshot because of: " . $@ || 'unknown error' };
- $storage->rollback;
- die $@;
+ $storage->reset;
+ return 0;
return 1;
sub _create_gatherer {
my ($self, %arg) = @_;
- return System::Introspector::Gatherer->new_from_spec(
+ my $gatherer = System::Introspector::Gatherer->new_from_spec(
user => $self->user,
host => $arg{host},
sudo_user => $arg{sudo} && $self->sudo_user,
introspectors => $arg{introspectors},
- #TODO waiting to see if this really is never coming back
- );#->init_logging($self->config->log_level, "probe:$arg{host}");
+ );
+ my $future = $gatherer->start::gather_all;
+ $self->_create_watchdog($gatherer, $future);
+ return $future;
+sub _create_watchdog {
+ my ($self, $gatherer, $future) = @_;
+ my $timeout = 3;
+# my $handler = $self->_create_watchdog_handler($timeout, $gatherer, $future);
+# $self->_schedule_watchdog( $handler, $timeout );
+sub _schedule_watchdog {
+ my ($self, $handler, $timeout) = @_;
+ my $timer_id;
+ log_trace { "Setting a watchdog to check a gatherer after $timeout seconds" };
+ $timer_id = Object::Remote->current_loop->watch_time(
+ every => $timeout,
+ code => sub {
+ log_trace { "Watchdog timer has expired; checking on gatherer" };
+ unless ($handler->()) {
+ log_trace { "Not scheduling watchdog to execute again" };
+ $handler = undef;
+ Object::Remote->current_loop->unwatch_time($timer_id);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+sub _create_watchdog_handler {
+ my ($self, $timeout, $gatherer, $future) = @_;
+ return sub {
+ #handler returns 1 if it should run again or 0 otherwise
+ my $ping_waiting;
+ log_debug { "Watchdog is checking up on gatherer" };
+ if ($future->is_ready || $future->is_cancelled) {
+ log_trace { "Future for gatherer is ready or cancelled; watchdog is no longer needed" };
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($ping_waiting) {
+ log_debug { "This gatherer did not respond to a ping after '$timeout' seconds" };
+ $future->fail("Gatherer did not respond to ping");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ log_trace { "Watchdog is going to ping the gatherer" };
+ $ping_waiting = 1;
+ my $ping_resp;
+ eval { $ping_resp = $gatherer->ping };
+ log_trace { "Ping completed" };
+ if ($@) {
+ log_debug { "Could not invoke ping method on gatherer: $@" };
+ $future->fail("Could not ping gatherer: $@") unless $future->is_ready;
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ log_debug { "Ping to gatherer did not return true" };
+ $future->fail("Ping to gatherer did not return true") unless $future->is_ready;
+ }
+ $ping_waiting = 0;
+ log_trace { "The watchdog did not find any problems" };
+ return 1;
+ }