-# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.2 2003-02-15 02:31:23 kycl4rk Exp $
+# $Id: auto-dia.pl,v 1.3 2003-02-15 23:38:35 kycl4rk Exp $
=head1 NAME
- -o|--output Output file name (default STDOUT)
- -i|--image Output image type (default PNG)
- -t|--title Title to give schema
- -c|--cols Number of columns
- -n|--no-lines Don't draw lines
- -s|--skip Fields to skip in natural joins
+ -o|--output Output file name (default STDOUT)
+ -i|--image Output image type (default PNG)
+ -t|--title Title to give schema
+ -c|--cols Number of columns
+ -n|--no-lines Don't draw lines
+ -s|--skip Fields to skip in natural joins
+ --join-pk-only Perform natural joins from primary keys only
use Pod::Usage;
use SQL::Translator;
-my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.2 $)[-1];
+my $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.3 $)[-1];
# Get arguments.
my ( $out_file, $image_type, $db_driver, $title, $no_columns,
- $no_lines, $skip_fields );
+ $no_lines, $skip_fields, $join_pk_only );
- 'd|db=s' => \$db_driver,
- 'o|output:s' => \$out_file,
- 'i|image:s' => \$image_type,
- 't|title:s' => \$title,
- 'c|columns:i' => \$no_columns,
- 'n|no-lines' => \$no_lines,
- 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields,
+ 'd|db=s' => \$db_driver,
+ 'o|output:s' => \$out_file,
+ 'i|image:s' => \$image_type,
+ 't|title:s' => \$title,
+ 'c|columns:i' => \$no_columns,
+ 'n|no-lines' => \$no_lines,
+ 's|skip:s' => \$skip_fields,
+ '--join-pk-only' => \$join_pk_only,
) or die pod2usage;
my $file = shift @ARGV or pod2usage( -message => 'No input file' );
my $t = SQL::Translator->new( parser => $db_driver, producer => 'Raw' );
my $data = $t->translate( $file ) or die $t->error;
+use Data::Dumper;
+#print Dumper( $data );
# Layout the image.
$no_columns ||= sprintf( "%.0f", sqrt( $no_tables ) + .5 );
my $no_per_col = sprintf( "%.0f", $no_tables/$no_columns + .5 );
-my ( @shapes, $max_x, $max_y );
-my $orig_y = 40;
-my ( $x, $y ) = ( 20, $orig_y );
-my $cur_col = 1;
-my $no_this_col = 0;
-my $this_col_x = $x;
-my %registry; # for locations of fields
-my %table_x; # for max x of each table
-my $field_no;
+my @shapes;
+my ( $max_x, $max_y ); # the furthest x and y used
+my $orig_y = 40; # used to reset y for each column
+my ( $x, $y ) = (20, $orig_y); # where to start
+my $cur_col = 1; # the current column
+my $no_this_col = 0; # number of tables in current column
+my $this_col_x = $x; # current column's x
+my $gutter = 30; # distance b/w columns
+my %registry; # for locations of fields
+my %table_x; # for max x of each table
+my $field_no; # counter to give distinct no. to each field
for my $table (
map { $_->[1] }
map { [ $_->{'order'}, $_ ] }
values %{ $table->{'fields'} };
- my $pk;
+ my %pk;
for my $index ( @{ $table->{'indices'} || [] } ) {
next unless $index->{'type'} eq 'primary_key';
my @fields = @{ $index->{'fields'} || [] } or next;
- $pk = $fields[0];
+ $pk{ $_ } = 1 for @fields;
my ( @fld_desc, $max_name );
for my $f ( @fields ) {
- my $name = $f->{'name'} or next;
- $name .= ' *' if $name eq $pk;
+ my $name = $f->{'name'} or next;
+ my $is_pk = $pk{ $name };
+ $name .= ' *' if $is_pk;
my $size = @{ $f->{'size'} || [] }
? '(' . join( ',', @{ $f->{'size'} } ) . ')'
my $nlen = length $name;
$max_name = $nlen if $nlen > $max_name;
- push @fld_desc, [ $name, $desc, $f->{'name'} ];
+ push @fld_desc, [ $name, $desc, $f->{'name'}, $is_pk ];
$max_name += 4;
for my $fld_desc ( @fld_desc ) {
- my ( $name, $desc, $orig_name ) = @$fld_desc;
+ my ( $name, $desc, $orig_name, $is_pk ) = @$fld_desc;
my $diff = $max_name - length $name;
$name .= ' ' x $diff;
$desc = $name . $desc;
right => [ $length, $y_link ],
table => $table_name,
field_no => ++$field_no,
+ is_pk => $is_pk,
$max_x = $this_max_x if $this_max_x > $max_x;
$y += 25;
- if ( ++$no_this_col == $no_per_col ) {
- $cur_col++;
- $no_this_col = 0;
- $max_x += 20;
- $this_col_x = $max_x;
- $max_y = $y if $y > $max_y;
- $y = $orig_y;
+ if ( ++$no_this_col == $no_per_col ) { # if we've filled up this column
+ $cur_col++; # up the column number
+ $no_this_col = 0; # reset the number of tables
+ $max_x += $gutter; # push the x over for next column
+ $this_col_x = $max_x; # remember the max x for this column
+ $max_y = $y if $y > $max_y; # note the max y
+ $y = $orig_y; # reset the y for next column
my ( $bx, $by ) = @{ $pos1->{'right'} };
my $table1 = $pos1->{'table'};
my $fno1 = $pos1->{'field_no'};
+ my $is_pk = $pos1->{'is_pk'};
+ next if $join_pk_only and !$is_pk;
- for my $j ( 1 .. $#positions ) {
+ for my $j ( 0 .. $#positions ) {
my $pos2 = $positions[ $j ];
my ( $cx, $cy ) = @{ $pos2->{'left'} };
my ( $dx, $dy ) = @{ $pos2->{'right'} };
my $table2 = $pos2->{'table'};
my $fno2 = $pos2->{'field_no'};
next if $done{ $fno1 }{ $fno2 };
+ next if $fno1 == $fno2;
my @distances = ();
push @distances, [
my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) = @{ $shortest->[1] };
my ( $side1, $side2 ) = @{ $shortest->[2] };
my ( $start, $end );
- my $offset = 10;
+ my $offset = 9;
my $col1_right = $table_x{ $table1 };
my $col2_right = $table_x{ $table2 };