- Add basic intro (norkakn)
- install should now work in all cases, previously had a really bad bug
where it would try to install the version storage table twice, which
breaks everything
- Fix issue where the ignore_version connect attr doesn't work in all
Revision history for {{$dist->name}}
+0.001002 2010-07-07 21:11:45 CST6CDT
- Add basic intro (norkakn)
- install should now work in all cases, previously had a really bad bug
where it would try to install the version storage table twice, which
author = Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <frioux+cpan@gmail.com>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt
-version = 0.001001
+version = 0.001002