# listing the modifications you have made.
# The most recent version and complete docs are available at:
-# http://www.genome.wi.mit.edu/ftp/pub/software/WWW/cgi_docs.html
-# ftp://ftp-genome.wi.mit.edu/pub/software/WWW/
+# http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/
-$CGI::revision = '$Id: CGI.pm,v 1.32 1998/05/28 21:55:43 lstein Exp lstein $';
+$CGI::revision = '$Id: CGI.pm,v 1.5 1998/12/06 10:19:48 lstein Exp $';
# Change this to 1 to disable uploads entirely:
+ # Change this to 1 to suppress redundant HTTP headers
+ # separate the name=value pairs by semicolons rather than ampersands
# Other globals that you shouldn't worry about.
undef $Q;
# Turn on special checking for Doug MacEachern's modperl
-if (defined($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}) &&
+ &&
$| = 1;
require Apache;
tt u i b blockquote pre img a address cite samp dfn html head
base body Link nextid title meta kbd start_html end_html
input Select option comment/],
- ':html3'=>[qw/div table caption th td TR Tr sup sub strike applet Param
+ ':html3'=>[qw/div table caption th td TR Tr sup Sub strike applet Param
embed basefont style span layer ilayer font frameset frame script small big/],
':netscape'=>[qw/blink fontsize center/],
':form'=>[qw/textfield textarea filefield password_field hidden checkbox checkbox_group
submit reset defaults radio_group popup_menu button autoEscape
scrolling_list image_button start_form end_form startform endform
- start_multipart_form isindex tmpFileName uploadInfo URL_ENCODED MULTIPART/],
- ':cgi'=>[qw/param path_info path_translated url self_url script_name cookie dump
- raw_cookie request_method query_string accept user_agent remote_host
+ start_multipart_form end_multipart_form isindex tmpFileName uploadInfo URL_ENCODED MULTIPART/],
+ ':cgi'=>[qw/param path_info path_translated url self_url script_name cookie Dump
+ raw_cookie request_method query_string Accept user_agent remote_host
remote_addr referer server_name server_software server_port server_protocol
virtual_host remote_ident auth_type http use_named_parameters
save_parameters restore_parameters param_fetch
remote_user user_name header redirect import_names put Delete Delete_all url_param/],
':ssl' => [qw/https/],
+ ':imagemap' => [qw/Area Map/],
':cgi-lib' => [qw/ReadParse PrintHeader HtmlTop HtmlBot SplitParam/],
':html' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :netscape/],
':standard' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :form :cgi/],
sub expand_tags {
my($tag) = @_;
+ return ("start_$1","end_$1") if $tag=~/^(?:\*|start_|end_)(.+)/;
return ($tag) unless $EXPORT_TAGS{$tag};
foreach (@{$EXPORT_TAGS{$tag}}) {
$name = $p[0];
- return () unless defined($name) && $self->{$name};
+ return unless defined($name) && $self->{$name};
return wantarray ? @{$self->{$name}} : $self->{$name}->[0];
sub init {
my($self,$initializer) = @_;
my($query_string,$meth,$content_length,$fh,@lines) = ('','','','');
+ local($/) = "\n";
# if we get called more than once, we want to initialize
# ourselves from the original query (which may be gone
&& $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}=~m|^multipart/form-data|
&& !defined($initializer)
) {
- my($boundary) = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /boundary=\"?([^\";]+)\"?/;
+ my($boundary) = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?/;
last METHOD;
sub parse_params {
my($self,$tosplit) = @_;
- my(@pairs) = split('&',$tosplit);
+ my(@pairs) = split(/[&;]/,$tosplit);
foreach (@pairs) {
($param,$value) = split('=',$_,2);
sub _make_tag_func {
- my $tagname = shift;
- return qq{
+ my ($self,$tagname) = @_;
+ my $func = qq#
sub $tagname {
- # handle various cases in which we're called
- # most of this bizarre stuff is to avoid -w errors
shift if \$_[0] &&
(!ref(\$_[0]) && \$_[0] eq \$CGI::DefaultClass) ||
(ref(\$_[0]) &&
my(\@attr) = make_attributes( '',shift() );
\$attr = " \@attr" if \@attr;
+ #;
+ if ($tagname=~/start_(\w+)/i) {
+ $func .= qq! return "<\U$1\E\$attr>";} !;
+ } elsif ($tagname=~/end_(\w+)/i) {
+ $func .= qq! return "<\U/$1\E>"; } !;
+ } else {
+ $func .= qq#
my(\$tag,\$untag) = ("\U<$tagname\E\$attr>","\U</$tagname>\E");
return \$tag unless \@_;
my \@result = map { "\$tag\$_\$untag" } (ref(\$_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') ? \@{\$_[0]} : "\@_";
return "\@result";
- }
+ }#;
+ }
+return $func;
$code = "sub $AUTOLOAD { }" if (!$code and $func_name eq 'DESTROY');
if (!$code) {
+ (my $base = $func_name) =~ s/^(start_|end_)//i;
if ($EXPORT{':any'} ||
$EXPORT{'-any'} ||
- $EXPORT{$func_name} ||
+ $EXPORT{$base} ||
(%EXPORT_OK || grep(++$EXPORT_OK{$_},&expand_tags(':html')))
- && $EXPORT_OK{$func_name}) {
- $code = _make_tag_func($func_name);
+ && $EXPORT_OK{$base}) {
+ $code = $CGI::DefaultClass->_make_tag_func($func_name);
die "Undefined subroutine $AUTOLOAD\n" unless $code;
my $self = shift;
my $compile = 0;
foreach (@_) {
- $NPH++, next if /^[:-]nph$/;
- $NO_DEBUG++, next if /^[:-]no_?[Dd]ebug$/;
- $PRIVATE_TEMPFILES++, next if /^[:-]private_tempfiles$/;
- $EXPORT{$_}++, next if /^[:-]any$/;
- $compile++, next if /^[:-]compile$/;
+ $HEADERS_ONCE++, next if /^[:-]unique_headers$/;
+ $NPH++, next if /^[:-]nph$/;
+ $NO_DEBUG++, next if /^[:-]no_?[Dd]ebug$/;
+ $USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS++, next if /^[:-]newstyle_urls$/;
+ $PRIVATE_TEMPFILES++, next if /^[:-]private_tempfiles$/;
+ $EXPORT{$_}++, next if /^[:-]any$/;
+ $compile++, next if /^[:-]compile$/;
- # This is probably extremely evil code -- to be deleted
- # some day.
+ # This is probably extremely evil code -- to be deleted some day.
if (/^[-]autoload$/) {
my($pkg) = caller(1);
*{"${pkg}::AUTOLOAD"} = sub {
unless (exists($self->{'.url_param'})) {
$self->{'.url_param'}={}; # empty hash
if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /=/) {
- my(@pairs) = split('&',$ENV{QUERY_STRING});
+ my(@pairs) = split(/[&;]/,$ENV{QUERY_STRING});
foreach (@pairs) {
($param,$value) = split('=',$_,2);
$filehandle = to_filehandle($filehandle);
local($,) = ''; # set print field separator back to a sane value
+ local($\) = ''; # set output line separator to a sane value
foreach $param ($self->param) {
my($escaped_param) = escape($param);
my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return undef if $self->{'.header_printed'}++ and $HEADERS_ONCE;
my($type,$status,$cookie,$target,$expires,$nph,@other) =
+ $self->rearrange([['TYPE','CONTENT_TYPE','CONTENT-TYPE'],
$nph ||= $NPH;
# rearrange() was designed for the HTML portion, so we
# need to fix it up a little.
foreach (@other) {
- next unless my($header,$value) = /([^\s=]+)=\"?([^\"]+)\"?/;
+ next unless my($header,$value) = /([^\s=]+)=\"?(.+?)\"?$/;
($_ = $header) =~ s/^(\w)(.*)/$1 . lc ($2) . ": $value"/e;
- $type = $type || 'text/html';
+ $type ||= 'text/html' unless defined($type);
# Maybe future compatibility. Maybe not.
my $protocol = $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL} || 'HTTP/1.0';
if ($cookie) {
my(@cookie) = ref($cookie) && ref($cookie) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$cookie} : $cookie;
foreach (@cookie) {
- push(@header,"Set-Cookie: " . (UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'CGI::Cookie') ? $_->as_string : $_));
+ my $cs = UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'CGI::Cookie') ? $_->as_string : $_;
+ push(@header,"Set-Cookie: $cs") if $cs ne '';
# if the user indicates an expiration time, then we need
push(@header,"Date: " . expires(0,'http')) if $expires || $cookie;
push(@header,"Pragma: no-cache") if $self->cache();
- push(@header,"Content-Type: $type");
+ push(@header,"Content-Type: $type") if $type ne '';
my $header = join($CRLF,@header)."${CRLF}${CRLF}";
if ($MOD_PERL and not $nph) {
unshift(@o,'-Target'=>$target) if $target;
unshift(@o,'-Cookie'=>$cookie) if $cookie;
+ unshift(@o,'-Type'=>'');
return $self->header(@o);
+'end_multipart_form' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub end_multipart_form {
+ &endform;
#### Method: start_multipart_form
# synonym for startform
$name = defined($name) ? $self->escapeHTML($name) : '';
my($s) = defined($size) ? qq/ SIZE=$size/ : '';
my($m) = defined($maxlength) ? qq/ MAXLENGTH=$maxlength/ : '';
- my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
- return qq/<INPUT TYPE="$tag" NAME="$name" VALUE="$current"$s$m$other>/;
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ # this entered at cristy's request to fix problems with file upload fields
+ # and WebTV -- not sure it won't break stuff
+ my($value) = $current ne '' ? qq(VALUE="$current") : '';
+ return qq/<INPUT TYPE="$tag" NAME="$name" $value$s$m$other>/;
sub unescapeHTML {
my $string = ref($_[0]) ? $_[1] : $_[0];
return undef unless defined($string);
- $string=~s/&/&/ig;
- $string=~s/"/\"/ig;
- $string=~s/>/>/ig;
- $string=~s/</</ig;
- $string=~s/&#(\d+);/chr($1)/eg;
- $string=~s/&#[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]);/chr(hex($1))/eg;
+ # thanks to Randal Schwartz for the correct solution to this one
+ $string=~ s[&(.*?);]{
+ local $_ = $1;
+ /^amp$/i ? "&" :
+ /^quot$/i ? '"' :
+ /^gt$/i ? ">" :
+ /^lt$/i ? "<" :
+ /^#(\d+)$/ ? chr($1) :
+ /^#x([0-9a-f]+)$/i ? chr(hex($1)) :
+ $_
+ }gex;
return $string;
} else {
$checked = $default;
- # If no check array is specified, check the first by default
- $checked = $values->[0] unless defined($checked) && $checked ne '';
- $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
@values = $self->_set_values_and_labels($values,\$labels,$name);
+ # If no check array is specified, check the first by default
+ $checked = $values[0] unless defined($checked) && $checked ne '';
+ $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
foreach (@values) {
my($checkit) = $checked eq $_ ? ' CHECKED' : '';
- return join("&",@pairs);
+ return join($USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS ? ';' : '&',@pairs);
# declares a quantitative score for it.
# This handles MIME type globs correctly.
-'accept' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
-sub accept {
+'Accept' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub Accept {
my($self,$search) = self_or_CGI(@_);
chmod 0600,$tmp; # only the owner can tamper with it
my ($data);
+ local($\) = '';
while (defined($data = $buffer->read)) {
print $filehandle $data;
'asString' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
sub asString {
my $self = shift;
- my $i = $$self;
- $i=~ s/^\*(\w+::)+//; # get rid of package name
+ # get rid of package name
+ (my $i = $$self) =~ s/^\*(\w+::)+//;
$i =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
return $i;
+# This was an extremely clever patch that allowed "use strict refs".
+# Unfortunately it relied on another bug that caused leaky file descriptors.
+# The underlying bug has been fixed, so this no longer works. However
+# "strict refs" still works for some reason.
+# my $self = shift;
+# return ${*{$self}{SCALAR}};
my($pack,$name,$file,$delete) = @_;
require Fcntl unless defined &Fcntl::O_RDWR;
- *{$FH} = quotemeta($name);
- sysopen($FH,$file,Fcntl::O_RDWR()|Fcntl::O_CREAT()|Fcntl::O_EXCL())
+ my $ref = \*{'Fh::' . quotemeta($name)};
+ sysopen($ref,$file,Fcntl::O_RDWR()|Fcntl::O_CREAT()|Fcntl::O_EXCL())
|| die "CGI open of $file: $!\n";
unlink($file) if $delete;
- return bless \*{$FH},$pack;
+ delete $Fh::{$FH};
+ return bless $ref,$pack;
package MultipartBuffer;
# how many bytes to read at a time. We use
-# a 5K buffer by default.
-$INITIAL_FILLUNIT = 1024 * 5;
-$TIMEOUT = 10*60; # 10 minute timeout
-$SPIN_LOOP_MAX = 1000; # bug fix for some Netscape servers
+# a 4K buffer by default.
+$INITIAL_FILLUNIT = 1024 * 4;
+$TIMEOUT = 240*60; # 4 hour timeout for big files
+$SPIN_LOOP_MAX = 2000; # bug fix for some Netscape servers
#reuse the autoload function
# characters "--" PLUS the Boundary string
# BUG: IE 3.01 on the Macintosh uses just the boundary -- not
- # the two extra spaces. We do a special case here on the user-agent!!!!
- $boundary = "--$boundary" unless CGI::user_agent('MSIE 3\.0[12]; Mac');
+ # the two extra hyphens. We do a special case here on the user-agent!!!!
+ $boundary = "--$boundary" unless CGI::user_agent('MSIE 3\.0[12]; ?Mac');
} else { # otherwise we find it ourselves
+ $self->{BUFFER} = '' unless defined $self->{BUFFER};
# An apparent bug in the Apache server causes the read()
# to return zero bytes repeatedly without blocking if the
my ($vol) = $MAC ? MacPerl::Volumes() =~ /:(.*)/ : "";
unless ($TMPDIRECTORY) {
- "${SL}tmp","${SL}temp","${vol}${SL}Temporary Items",
+ "C:${SL}temp","${SL}tmp","${SL}temp","${vol}${SL}Temporary Items",
foreach (@TEMP) {
do {$TMPDIRECTORY = $_; last} if -d $_ && -w _;
For example, using the object oriented style, here is how you create
a simple "Hello World" HTML page:
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl
use CGI; # load CGI routines
$q = new CGI; # create new CGI object
print $q->header, # create the HTTP header
into our name space (usually the "standard" functions), and we don't
need to create the CGI object.
- #!/usr/local/bin/pelr
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl
use CGI qw/:standard/; # load standard CGI routines
print header, # create the HTTP header
start_html('hello world'), # start the HTML
Microsoft comes out with a new tag called <GRADIENT> (which causes the
user's desktop to be flooded with a rotating gradient fill until his
machine reboots). You don't need to wait for a new version of CGI.pm
-to start using it immediately:
+to start using it immeidately:
use CGI qw/:standard :html3 gradient/;
print gradient({-start=>'red',-end=>'blue'});
to tell the server that the script is NPH. See the discussion
of NPH scripts below.
+=item -newstyle_urls
+Separate the name=value pairs in CGI parameter query strings with
+semicolons rather than ampersands. For example:
+ ?name=fred;age=24;favorite_color=3
+Semicolon-delimited query strings are always accepted, but will not be
+emitted by self_url() and query_string() unless the -newstyle_urls
+pragma is specified.
=item -autoload
This overrides the autoloader so that any function in your program
the -private_tempfiles pragma will cause the temporary file to be unlinked as soon
as it is opened and before any data is written into it,
eliminating the risk of eavesdropping.
+Many of the methods generate HTML tags. As described below, tag
+functions automatically generate both the opening and closing tags.
+For example:
+ print h1('Level 1 Header');
+ <H1>Level 1 Header</H1>
+There will be some times when you want to produce the start and end
+tags yourself. In this case, you can use the form start_I<tag_name>
+and end_I<tag_name>, as in:
+ print start_h1,'Level 1 Header',end_h1;
+With a few exceptions (described below), start_I<tag_name> and
+end_I<tag_name> functions are not generated automatically when you
+I<use CGI>. However, you can specify the tags you want to generate
+I<start/end> functions for by putting an asterisk in front of their
+name, or, alternatively, requesting either "start_I<tag_name>" or
+"end_I<tag_name>" in the import list.
+ use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/;
+In this example, the following functions are generated in addition to
+the standard ones:
+=over 4
+=item 1. start_table() (generates a <TABLE> tag)
+=item 2. end_table() (generates a </TABLE> tag)
+=item 3. start_ul() (generates a <UL> tag)
+=item 4. end_ul() (generates a </UL> tag)
this allows you to specify different source files for different dialects
of JavaScript. Example:
- print $q->start_html(-title=>'The Riddle of the Sphinx',
- -script=>[
- { -language => 'JavaScript1.0',
- -src => '/javascript/utilities10.js'
+ print $q->start_html(-title=>'The Riddle of the Sphinx',
+ -script=>[
+ { -language => 'JavaScript1.0',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities10.js'
- { -language => 'JavaScript1.1',
- -src => '/javascript/utilities11.js'
+ { -language => 'JavaScript1.1',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities11.js'
- { -language => 'JavaScript1.2',
- -src => '/javascript/utilities12.js'
+ { -language => 'JavaScript1.2',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities12.js'
- { -language => 'JavaScript28.2',
- -src => '/javascript/utilities219.js'
+ { -language => 'JavaScript28.2',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities219.js'
+ $color = $query->url_param('color');
+It is possible for a script to receive CGI parameters in the URL as
+well as in the fill-out form by creating a form that POSTs to a URL
+containing a query string (a "?" mark followed by arguments). The
+B<param()> method will always return the contents of the POSTed
+fill-out form, ignoring the URL's query string. To retrieve URL
+parameters, call the B<url_param()> method. Use it in the same way as
+B<param()>. The main difference is that it allows you to read the
+parameters, but not set them.
+Under no circumstances will the contents of the URL query string
+interfere with similarly-named CGI parameters in POSTed forms. If you
+try to mix a URL query string with a form submitted with the GET
+method, the results will not be what you expect.
CGI.pm defines general HTML shortcut methods for most, if not all of
print $q->blockquote(
"Many years ago on the island of",
- "there lived a Minotaur named",
+ "there lived a minotaur named",
+ Accept
+ Sub
In addition, start_html(), end_html(), start_form(), end_form(),
start_multipart_form() and all the fill-out form tags are special.
See their respective sections.
+By default, all the HTML produced by these functions comes out as one
+long line without carriage returns or indentation. This is yuck, but
+it does reduce the size of the documents by 10-20%. To get
+pretty-printed output, please use L<CGI::Pretty>, a subclass
+contributed by Brian Paulsen.
I<General note> The various form-creating methods all return strings
print $query->startform(-method=>$method,
- -encoding=>$encoding);
+ -enctype=>$encoding);
<... various form stuff ...>
print $query->endform;
method: POST
action: this script
- encoding: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ enctype: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
endform() returns the closing </FORM> tag.
-Startform()'s encoding method tells the browser how to package the various
+Startform()'s enctype argument tells the browser how to package the various
fields of the form before sending the form to the server. Two
values are possible:
The optional second parameter is the starting value for the field contents
to be used as the default file name (-default).
-The beta2 version of Netscape 2.0 currently doesn't pay any attention
-to this field, and so the starting value will always be blank. Worse,
-the field loses its "sticky" behavior and forgets its previous
-contents. The starting value field is called for in the HTML
-specification, however, and possibly later versions of Netscape will
-honor it.
+For security reasons, browsers don't pay any attention to this field,
+and so the starting value will always be blank. Worse, the field
+loses its "sticky" behavior and forgets its previous contents. The
+starting value field is called for in the HTML specification, however,
+and possibly some browser will eventually provide support for it.
=item 3.
form to its value from the last time the script was called,
NOT necessarily to the defaults.
+Note that this conflicts with the Perl reset() built-in. Use
+CORE::reset() to get the original reset function.
print $query->defaults('button_label')
non-Netscape browsers this form element will probably not even
-Netscape browsers versions 1.1 and higher support a so-called
-"cookie" designed to help maintain state within a browser session.
-CGI.pm has several methods that support cookies.
+Netscape browsers versions 1.1 and higher, and all versions of
+Internet Explorer, support a so-called "cookie" designed to help
+maintain state within a browser session. CGI.pm has several methods
+that support cookies.
A cookie is a name=value pair much like the named parameters in a CGI
query string. CGI scripts create one or more cookies and send
This is a time/date string (in a special GMT format) that indicates
when a cookie expires. The cookie will be saved and returned to your
script until this expiration date is reached if the user exits
-Netscape and restarts it. If an expiration date isn't specified, the cookie
-will remain active until the user quits Netscape.
+the browser and restarts it. If an expiration date isn't specified, the cookie
+will remain active until the user quits the browser.
=item 2. a domain
This is a partial or complete domain name for which the cookie is
valid. The browser will return the cookie to any host that matches
the partial domain name. For example, if you specify a domain name
-of ".capricorn.com", then Netscape will return the cookie to
+of ".capricorn.com", then the browser will return the cookie to
Web servers running on any of the machines "www.capricorn.com",
"www2.capricorn.com", "feckless.capricorn.com", etc. Domain names
must contain at least two periods to prevent attempts to match
-The interface to Netscape cookies is the B<cookie()> method:
+The interface to HTTP cookies is the B<cookie()> method:
$cookie = $query->cookie(-name=>'sessionID',
=item B<-name>
The name of the cookie (required). This can be any string at all.
-Although Netscape limits its cookie names to non-whitespace
+Although browsers limit their cookie names to non-whitespace
alphanumeric characters, CGI.pm removes this restriction by escaping
and unescaping cookies behind the scenes.
See the B<cookie.cgi> example script for some ideas on how to use
cookies effectively.
-B<NOTE:> There appear to be some (undocumented) restrictions on
-Netscape cookies. In Netscape 2.01, at least, I haven't been able to
-set more than three cookies at a time. There may also be limits on
-the length of cookies. If you need to store a lot of information,
-it's probably better to create a unique session ID, store it in a
-cookie, and use the session ID to locate an external file/database
-saved on the server's side of the connection.
-It's possible for CGI.pm scripts to write into several browser
-panels and windows using Netscape's frame mechanism.
-There are three techniques for defining new frames programmatically:
+It's possible for CGI.pm scripts to write into several browser panels
+and windows using the HTML 4 frame mechanism. There are three
+techniques for defining new frames programmatically:
=over 4
print $q->header(-target=>'ResultsWindow');
-This will tell Netscape to load the output of your script into the
-frame named "ResultsWindow". If a frame of that name doesn't
-already exist, Netscape will pop up a new window and load your
-script's document into that. There are a number of magic names
-that you can use for targets. See the frame documents on Netscape's
-home pages for details.
+This will tell the browser to load the output of your script into the
+frame named "ResultsWindow". If a frame of that name doesn't already
+exist, the browser will pop up a new window and load your script's
+document into that. There are a number of magic names that you can
+use for targets. See the frame documents on Netscape's home pages for
=item 3. Specify the destination for the document in the <FORM> tag
-You can pass a value of 'true' to dump() in order to get it to
-print the results out as plain text, suitable for incorporating
-into a <PRE> section.
-As a shortcut, as of version 1.56 you can interpolate the entire CGI
-object into a string and it will be replaced with the a nice HTML dump
-shown above:
+As a shortcut, you can interpolate the entire CGI object into a string
+and it will be replaced with the a nice HTML dump shown above:
$query=new CGI;
print "<H2>Current Values</H2> $query\n";
=over 4
-=item B<accept()>
+=item B<Accept()>
+Return a list of MIME types that the remote browser accepts. If you
+give this method a single argument corresponding to a MIME type, as in
+$query->Accept('text/html'), it will return a floating point value
+corresponding to the browser's preference for this type from 0.0
+(don't want) to 1.0. Glob types (e.g. text/*) in the browser's accept
+list are handled correctly.
-Return a list of MIME types that the remote browser
-accepts. If you give this method a single argument
-corresponding to a MIME type, as in
-$query->accept('text/html'), it will return a
-floating point value corresponding to the browser's
-preference for this type from 0.0 (don't want) to 1.0.
-Glob types (e.g. text/*) in the browser's accept list
-are handled correctly.
+Note that the capitalization changed between version 2.43 and 2.44 in
+order to avoid conflict with Perl's accept() function.
=item B<raw_cookie()>
Returns the HTTP_COOKIE variable, an HTTP extension implemented by
-Netscape browsers version 1.1 and higher. Cookies have a special
-format, and this method call just returns the raw form (?cookie
-dough). See cookie() for ways of setting and retrieving cooked
+Netscape browsers version 1.1 and higher, and all versions of Internet
+Explorer. Cookies have a special format, and this method call just
+returns the raw form (?cookie dough). See cookie() for ways of
+setting and retrieving cooked cookies.
Called with no parameters, raw_cookie() returns the packed cookie
structure. You can separate it into individual cookies by splitting
=item B<user_name ()>
-Attempt to obtain the remote user's name, using a variety
-of different techniques. This only works with older browsers
-such as Mosaic. Netscape does not reliably report the user
+Attempt to obtain the remote user's name, using a variety of different
+techniques. This only works with older browsers such as Mosaic.
+Newer browsers do not report the user name for privacy reasons!
=item B<request_method()>
-Copyright 1995-1997, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved. It may
-be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
-notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
-wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
-listing the modifications you have made.
+Copyright 1995-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Address bug reports and comments to:
+Address bug reports and comments to: lstein@cshl.org. When sending
+bug reports, please provide the version of CGI.pm, the version of
+Perl, the name and version of your Web server, and the name and
+version of the operating system you are using. If the problem is even
+remotely browser dependent, please provide information about the
+affected browers as well.
=head1 CREDITS
=item Joergen Haegg (jh@axis.se)
-=item Laurent Delfosse (delfosse@csgrad1.cs.wvu.edu)
+=item Laurent Delfosse (delfosse@delfosse.com)
=item Richard Resnick (applepi1@aol.com)
- print "<P>",$query->reset;
+ print "<P>",$query->Reset;
print $query->submit('Action','Shout');
print $query->submit('Action','Scream');
print $query->endform;
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<CGI::Carp>, L<URI::URL>, L<CGI::Request>, L<CGI::MiniSvr>,
-L<CGI::Base>, L<CGI::Form>, L<CGI::Apache>, L<CGI::Switch>,
-L<CGI::Push>, L<CGI::Fast>
+L<CGI::Base>, L<CGI::Form>, L<CGI::Push>, L<CGI::Fast>,