sub tests02 {
- tests01();
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
- no_droppings($_) for qw( Printable HasAccount );
+ has_meta('Printable');
+ requires_method( 'Printable', 'as_string' );
+ has_meta('Person');
+ does_role( 'Person', 'Printable' );
+ has_method( 'Person', 'as_string' );
- does_role( 'Person', $_ ) for qw( Printable HasAccount );
- has_method( 'Person', $_ ) for qw( as_string deposit withdraw );
+ has_meta('HasAccount');
+ has_method( 'HasAccount', $_ ) for qw( deposit withdraw );
+ has_role_attr( 'HasAccount', 'balance' );
+ does_role( 'Person', 'HasAccount' );
+ has_method( 'Person', $_ ) for qw( deposit withdraw );
has_rw_attr( 'Person', 'balance' );
+ has_meta('Employee');
does_role( 'Employee', $_ ) for qw( Printable HasAccount );
+ no_droppings($_) for qw( Printable HasAccount );
+ tests01();
sub tests03 {
has_method( 'Employee', '_build_salary' );
- ok( ! Employee->meta->has_method('full_name'),
- 'Employee no longer implements a full_name method' );
+ ok(
+ !Employee->meta->has_method('full_name'),
+ 'Employee no longer implements a full_name method'
+ );
my $person_title_attr = Person->meta->get_attribute('title');
ok( !$person_title_attr->is_required, 'title is not required in Person' );
- is( $person_title_attr->predicate, 'has_title',
- 'Person title attr has a has_title predicate' );
- is( $person_title_attr->clearer, 'clear_title',
- 'Person title attr has a clear_title clearer' );
+ is(
+ $person_title_attr->predicate, 'has_title',
+ 'Person title attr has a has_title predicate'
+ );
+ is(
+ $person_title_attr->clearer, 'clear_title',
+ 'Person title attr has a clear_title clearer'
+ );
my $balance_attr = Person->meta->get_attribute('balance');
is( $balance_attr->default, 100, 'balance defaults to 100' );
my $employee_title_attr = Employee->meta->get_attribute('title');
- is( $employee_title_attr->default, 'Worker',
- 'title defaults to Worker in Employee' );
+ is(
+ $employee_title_attr->default, 'Worker',
+ 'title defaults to Worker in Employee'
+ );
my $salary_level_attr = Employee->meta->get_attribute('salary_level');
is( $salary_level_attr->default, 1, 'salary_level defaults to 1' );
has_ro_attr( 'TPSReport', $_ ) for qw( t p s );
has_method( 'Document', 'output' );
- has_augmented_method( 'Report', 'output' );
+ has_augmented_method( 'Report', 'output' );
has_augmented_method( 'TPSReport', 'output' );
- for my $attr_name ( qw( first_name last_name title ) ) {
+ for my $attr_name (qw( first_name last_name title )) {
my $attr = Person->meta->get_attribute($attr_name);
- ok( $attr->has_type_constraint,
- "Person $attr_name has a type constraint" );
- is( $attr->type_constraint->name, 'Str',
- "Person $attr_name type is Str" );
+ ok(
+ $attr->has_type_constraint,
+ "Person $attr_name has a type constraint"
+ );
+ is(
+ $attr->type_constraint->name, 'Str',
+ "Person $attr_name type is Str"
+ );
my $salary_level_attr = Employee->meta->get_attribute('salary_level');
- ok( $salary_level_attr->has_type_constraint,
- 'Employee salary_level has a type constraint' );
+ ok(
+ $salary_level_attr->has_type_constraint,
+ 'Employee salary_level has a type constraint'
+ );
my $tc = $salary_level_attr->type_constraint;
for my $invalid ( 0, 11, -14, 'foo', undef ) {
my $str = defined $invalid ? $invalid : 'undef';
- ok( ! $tc->check($invalid),
- "salary_level type rejects invalid value - $str" );
+ ok(
+ !$tc->check($invalid),
+ "salary_level type rejects invalid value - $str"
+ );
- for my $valid ( 1..10 ) {
- ok( $tc->check($valid),
- "salary_level type accepts valid value - $valid" );
+ for my $valid ( 1 .. 10 ) {
+ ok(
+ $tc->check($valid),
+ "salary_level type accepts valid value - $valid"
+ );
my $salary_attr = Employee->meta->get_attribute('salary');
- ok( $salary_attr->has_type_constraint,
- 'Employee salary has a type constraint' );
+ ok(
+ $salary_attr->has_type_constraint,
+ 'Employee salary has a type constraint'
+ );
my $tc = $salary_attr->type_constraint;
for my $invalid ( 0, -14, 'foo', undef ) {
my $str = defined $invalid ? $invalid : 'undef';
- ok( ! $tc->check($invalid),
- "salary type rejects invalid value - $str" );
+ ok(
+ !$tc->check($invalid),
+ "salary type rejects invalid value - $str"
+ );
for my $valid ( 1, 100_000, 10**10 ) {
- ok( $tc->check($valid),
- "salary type accepts valid value - $valid" );
+ ok(
+ $tc->check($valid),
+ "salary type accepts valid value - $valid"
+ );
my $ssn_attr = Employee->meta->get_attribute('ssn');
- ok( $ssn_attr->has_type_constraint,
- 'Employee ssn has a type constraint' );
+ ok(
+ $ssn_attr->has_type_constraint,
+ 'Employee ssn has a type constraint'
+ );
my $tc = $ssn_attr->type_constraint;
for my $invalid ( 0, -14, 'foo', undef, '123-ab-1241', '123456789' ) {
my $str = defined $invalid ? $invalid : 'undef';
- ok( ! $tc->check($invalid),
- "ssn type rejects invalid value - $str" );
+ ok(
+ !$tc->check($invalid),
+ "ssn type rejects invalid value - $str"
+ );
for my $valid ( '041-12-1251', '123-45-6789', '926-41-5820' ) {
- ok( $tc->check($valid),
- "ssn type accepts valid value - $valid" );
+ ok(
+ $tc->check($valid),
+ "ssn type accepts valid value - $valid"
+ );
my $ba_meta = BankAccount->meta;
- ok( $ba_meta->has_attribute('balance'),
- 'BankAccount class has a balance attribute' );
+ ok(
+ $ba_meta->has_attribute('balance'),
+ 'BankAccount class has a balance attribute'
+ );
my $history_attr = $ba_meta->get_attribute('history');
'BankAccount history attribute uses native delegation to an array ref'
- ok( $ba_meta->get_attribute('balance')->has_trigger,
- 'BankAccount balance attribute has a trigger' );
+ ok(
+ $ba_meta->get_attribute('balance')->has_trigger,
+ 'BankAccount balance attribute has a trigger'
+ );
my $person_meta = Person->meta;
- ok( ! $person_meta->has_attribute('balance'),
- 'Person class does not have a balance attribute' );
+ ok(
+ !$person_meta->has_attribute('balance'),
+ 'Person class does not have a balance attribute'
+ );
my $deposit_meth = $person_meta->get_method('deposit');
isa_ok( $deposit_meth, 'Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation' );
my $withdraw_meth = $person_meta->get_method('withdraw');
isa_ok( $withdraw_meth, 'Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation' );
- ok( $ba_meta->get_attribute('owner')->is_weak_ref,
- 'owner attribute is a weak ref' );
+ ok(
+ $ba_meta->get_attribute('owner')->is_weak_ref,
+ 'owner attribute is a weak ref'
+ );
sub has_meta {
- my $class = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
- use_ok($class)
- or BAIL_OUT("$class cannot be loaded");
+ use_ok($package)
+ or BAIL_OUT("$package cannot be loaded");
- ok( $class->can('meta'), "$class has a meta() method" )
- or BAIL_OUT("$class does not have a meta() method (did you forget to 'use Moose'?)");
+ ok( $package->can('meta'), "$package has a meta() method" )
+ or BAIL_OUT(
+ "$package does not have a meta() method (did you forget to 'use Moose'?)"
+ );
sub check_isa {
my $overridden = shift;
my $articled = $overridden ? "an overridden $name" : A($name);
- ok( $class->meta->has_attribute($name),
- "$class has $articled attribute" );
+ ok(
+ $class->meta->has_attribute($name),
+ "$class has $articled attribute"
+ );
my $attr = $class->meta->get_attribute($name);
- is( $attr->get_read_method, $name,
- "$name attribute has a reader accessor - $name()" );
- is( $attr->get_write_method, $name,
- "$name attribute has a writer accessor - $name()" );
+ is(
+ $attr->get_read_method, $name,
+ "$name attribute has a reader accessor - $name()"
+ );
+ is(
+ $attr->get_write_method, $name,
+ "$name attribute has a writer accessor - $name()"
+ );
sub has_ro_attr {
my $name = shift;
my $articled = A($name);
- ok( $class->meta->has_attribute($name),
- "$class has $articled attribute" );
+ ok(
+ $class->meta->has_attribute($name),
+ "$class has $articled attribute"
+ );
my $attr = $class->meta->get_attribute($name);
- is( $attr->get_read_method, $name,
- "$name attribute has a reader accessor - $name()" );
- is( $attr->get_write_method, undef,
- "$name attribute does not have a writer" );
+ is(
+ $attr->get_read_method, $name,
+ "$name attribute has a reader accessor - $name()"
+ );
+ is(
+ $attr->get_write_method, undef,
+ "$name attribute does not have a writer"
+ );
+sub has_role_attr {
+ my $role = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $articled = A($name);
+ ok(
+ $role->meta->get_attribute($name),
+ "$role has $articled attribute"
+ );
sub has_method {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
my $articled = A($name);
- ok( $class->meta->has_method($name), "$class has $articled method" );
+ ok( $package->meta->has_method($name), "$package has $articled method" );
sub has_overridden_method {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
my $articled = A($name);
- ok( $class->meta->has_method($name), "$class has $articled method" );
+ ok( $package->meta->has_method($name), "$package has $articled method" );
- my $meth = $class->meta->get_method($name);
+ my $meth = $package->meta->get_method($name);
isa_ok( $meth, 'Moose::Meta::Method::Overridden' );
isa_ok( $meth, 'Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented' );
+sub requires_method {
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $method = shift;
+ ok(
+ $package->meta->requires_method($method),
+ "$package requires the method $method"
+ );
sub no_droppings {
- my $class = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
- ok( !$class->can('has'), "no Moose droppings in $class" );
- ok( !$class->can('subtype'), "no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints droppings in $class" );
+ ok( !$package->can('has'), "no Moose droppings in $package" );
+ ok( !$package->can('subtype'),
+ "no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints droppings in $package" );
sub is_immutable {
sub does_role {
- my $class = shift;
- my $role = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $role = shift;
- ok( $class->meta->does_role($role), "$class does the $role role" );
+ ok( $package->meta->does_role($role), "$package does the $role role" );
sub person01 {
last_name => 'Baggins',
- is( $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins',
- 'full_name() is correctly implemented' );
+ is(
+ $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins',
+ 'full_name() is correctly implemented'
+ );
$person = eval { Person->new( [ qw( Lisa Smith ) ] ) };
ok( !$@, 'Person->new() can accept an array reference as an argument' )
is( $person->first_name, 'Lisa', 'set first_name from two-arg arrayref' );
is( $person->last_name, 'Smith', 'set last_name from two-arg arrayref' );
- eval { Person->new( sub { 'foo' } ) };
- like( $@, qr/\QSingle parameters to new() must be a HASH ref/,
- 'Person constructor still rejects bad parameters' );
+ eval {
+ Person->new( sub {'foo'} );
+ };
+ like(
+ $@, qr/\QSingle parameters to new() must be a HASH ref/,
+ 'Person constructor still rejects bad parameters'
+ );
sub employee01 {
title => 'Singer',
- my $called = 0;
+ my $called = 0;
my $orig_super = \&Employee::super;
no warnings 'redefine';
local *Employee::super = sub { $called++; goto &$orig_super };
- is( $employee->full_name, 'Amanda Palmer (Singer)',
- 'full_name() is properly overriden in Employee' );
+ is(
+ $employee->full_name, 'Amanda Palmer (Singer)',
+ 'full_name() is properly overriden in Employee'
+ );
ok( $called, 'Employee->full_name calls super()' );
balance => 0,
- is( $person->as_string, 'Bilbo Baggins',
- 'as_string() is correctly implemented' );
+ is(
+ $person->as_string, 'Bilbo Baggins',
+ 'as_string() is correctly implemented'
+ );
balance => 0,
- is( $employee->as_string, 'Amanda Palmer (Singer)',
- 'as_string() uses overridden full_name method in Employee' );
+ is(
+ $employee->as_string, 'Amanda Palmer (Singer)',
+ 'as_string() uses overridden full_name method in Employee'
+ );
last_name => 'Baggins',
- is( $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins',
- 'full_name() is correctly implemented for a Person without a title' );
- ok( !$person->has_title,
- 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly (returns false)' );
+ is(
+ $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins',
+ 'full_name() is correctly implemented for a Person without a title'
+ );
+ ok(
+ !$person->has_title,
+ 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly (returns false)'
+ );
- ok( $person->has_title, 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly (returns true)' );
+ ok( $person->has_title,
+ 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly (returns true)' );
- my $called = 0;
+ my $called = 0;
my $orig_pred = \&Person::has_title;
no warnings 'redefine';
local *Person::has_title = sub { $called++; goto &$orig_pred };
- is( $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins (Ringbearer)',
- 'full_name() is correctly implemented for a Person with a title' );
- ok( $called, 'full_name in person uses the predicate for the title attribute' );
+ is(
+ $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins (Ringbearer)',
+ 'full_name() is correctly implemented for a Person with a title'
+ );
+ ok( $called,
+ 'full_name in person uses the predicate for the title attribute' );
ok( !$person->has_title, 'Person clear_title method cleared the title' );
salary => 42,
- is( $employee->salary, 30000,
- 'salary is calculated from salary_level, and salary passed to constructor is ignored' );
+ is(
+ $employee->salary, 30000,
+ 'salary is calculated from salary_level, and salary passed to constructor is ignored'
+ );
sub person06 {
isa_ok( $person->account, 'BankAccount' );
- is( $person->account->owner, $person,
- 'owner of bank account is person that created account' );
+ is(
+ $person->account->owner, $person,
+ 'owner of bank account is person that created account'
+ );
- is_deeply( $person->account->history, [ 100 ],
- 'deposit was recorded in account history' );
+ is_deeply(
+ $person->account->history, [100],
+ 'deposit was recorded in account history'
+ );
- is_deeply( $person->account->history, [ 100, 110 ],
- 'withdrawal was recorded in account history' );
+ is_deeply(
+ $person->account->history, [ 100, 110 ],
+ 'withdrawal was recorded in account history'
+ );
- is_deeply( $person->account->history, [ 100, 110, 95 ],
- 'withdrawal was recorded in account history' );
+ is_deeply(
+ $person->account->history, [ 100, 110, 95 ],
+ 'withdrawal was recorded in account history'
+ );
sub account_tests {
eval { $person->withdraw( 75 + $base_amount ) };
- like( $@, qr/\QBalance cannot be negative/,
- 'cannot withdraw more than is in our balance' );
+ like(
+ $@, qr/\QBalance cannot be negative/,
+ 'cannot withdraw more than is in our balance'
+ );
- $person->withdraw( 23 );
+ $person->withdraw(23);
- is( $person->balance, 27 + $base_amount,
- 'balance is 27 (+ starting balance) after deposit of 50 and withdrawal of 23' );
+ is(
+ $person->balance, 27 + $base_amount,
+ 'balance is 27 (+ starting balance) after deposit of 50 and withdrawal of 23'
+ );