Revision history for Perl extension Moose
+0.65 Thu, January 22, 2008
* Moose and Moose::Meta::Method::Overridden
- If an overridden method called super(), and then the
superclass's method (not overridden) _also_ called super(),
- Added Moose::Util::TypeConstraints to the SEE ALSO
section. (pjf)
+ * Moose::Role
+ - Methods created via an attribute can now fulfill a "requires"
+ declaration for a role. (nothingmuch)
+ * Moose::Meta::Method::*
+ - Stack traces from inlined code will now report its line and
+ file as being in your class, as opposed to in Moose
+ guts. (nothingmuch).
0.64 Wed, December 31, 2008
* Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor
- Always inline predicate and clearer methods (Sartak)