? $args->{root}
: DBM::Deep::_::Root->new( $args );
- if (!defined($self->_fh)) { $self->{engine}->open( $self ); }
+ $self->{engine}->setup_fh( $self );
return $self;
# double-check file inode, in case another process
# has optimize()d our file while we were waiting.
if ($stats[1] != $self->_root->{inode}) {
- $self->{engine}->open( $self ); # re-open
+ $self->{engine}->close( $self );
+ $self->{engine}->setup_fh( $self );
flock($self->_fh, $type); # re-lock
+ # This may not be necessary after re-opening
$self->_root->{end} = (stat($self->_fh))[7]; # re-end
$self->{engine}->close( $self );
- $self->{engine}->open( $self );
+ $self->{engine}->setup_fh( $self );
return 1;
+sub setup_fh {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($obj) = @_;
+ $self->open( $obj ) if !defined $obj->_fh;
+ #XXX Is {end} busted? Can't we just seek( $fh, 0, SEEK_END ) ?
+ unless ( $obj->_root->{inode} ) {
+ my @stats = stat($obj->_fh);
+ $obj->_root->{inode} = $stats[1];
+ $obj->_root->{end} = $stats[7];
+ }
+ return 1;
sub open {
# Open a fh to the database, create if nonexistent.
# Make sure file signature matches DBM::Deep spec.
my $self = shift;
- my $obj = shift;
+ my ($obj) = @_;
if (defined($obj->_fh)) { $self->close( $obj ); }
my $old_af = $|; $| = 1; $| = $old_af;
select $old_fh;
- my @stats = stat($fh);
- $obj->_root->{inode} = $stats[1];
- $obj->_root->{end} = $stats[7];
return 1;
return $obj->_throw_error("Signature not found -- file is not a Deep DB");
- my @stats = stat($fh);
- $obj->_root->{inode} = $stats[1];
- $obj->_root->{end} = $stats[7];
# Get our type from master index signature
is($db->[1], "elem last");
is($returned[0], "middle ABC");
-# These tests verify that the hash methods cannot be called on arraytypes.
-# They will be removed once the ARRAY and HASH types are refactored into their own classes.
$db->[0] = [ 1 .. 3 ];
$db->[1] = { a => 'foo' };
is( $db->[0]->length, 3, "Reuse of same space with array successful" );
# Testing to verify that the close() will occur if open is called on an open DB.
#XXX WOW is this hacky ...
$db->_get_self->{engine}->open( $db->_get_self );
is( $db->{key1}, "value1", "Value still set after re-open" );
throws_ok {
# DBM::Deep Test
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 9;
+use Test::More tests => 10;
use Test::Exception;
use DBM::Deep;
-open(FILE, "t/27_filehandle.t.db") || die("Can't open t/27_filehandle.t.db\n");
+ open(FILE, "t/27_filehandle.t.db") || die("Can't open t/27_filehandle.t.db\n");
-my $db;
+ my $db;
-# test if we can open and read a db using its filehandle
+ # test if we can open and read a db using its filehandle
-ok(($db = DBM::Deep->new(fh => *FILE)), "open db in filehandle");
-ok($db->{hash}->{foo}->[1] eq 'b', "and get at stuff in the database");
-throws_ok {
- $db->{foo} = 1;
-} qr/Cannot write to a readonly filehandle/, "Can't write to a read-only filehandle";
-ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist" );
+ ok(($db = DBM::Deep->new(fh => *FILE)), "open db in filehandle");
+ ok($db->{hash}->{foo}->[1] eq 'b', "and get at stuff in the database");
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->{foo} = 1;
+ } qr/Cannot write to a readonly filehandle/, "Can't write to a read-only filehandle";
+ ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist" );
-undef $db;
+ my $db_obj = $db->_get_self;
+ ok( $db_obj->_root->{inode}, "The inode has been set" );
+ close(FILE);
# now the same, but with an offset into the file. Use the database that's
# embedded in the test for the DATA filehandle. First, find the database ...
my $offset = tell(FILE);
-open(FILE, "t/28_DATA.t");
-ok(($db = DBM::Deep->new(fh => *FILE, file_offset => $offset)), "open db in filehandle with offset");
-ok($db->{hash}->{foo}->[1] eq 'b', "and get at stuff in the database");
+ open(FILE, "t/28_DATA.t");
+ my $db;
-ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist yet" );
-throws_ok {
- $db->{foo} = 1;
-} qr/Cannot write to a readonly filehandle/, "Can't write to a read-only filehandle";
-ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist" );
+ ok(($db = DBM::Deep->new(fh => *FILE, file_offset => $offset)), "open db in filehandle with offset");
+ ok($db->{hash}->{foo}->[1] eq 'b', "and get at stuff in the database");
+ ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist yet" );
+ throws_ok {
+ $db->{foo} = 1;
+ } qr/Cannot write to a readonly filehandle/, "Can't write to a read-only filehandle";
+ ok( !$db->exists( 'foo' ), "foo doesn't exist" );
+ close FILE;