--- /dev/null
+package Text::Tradition::Parser::CTE;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use XML::LibXML;
+use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
+=head1 NAME
+Parser module for Text::Tradition, given a TEI file exported from
+Classical Text Editor.
+=head1 METHODS
+=item B<parse>
+my @apparatus = read( $xml_file );
+Takes a Tradition object and a TEI file exported from Classical Text
+Editor; initializes the Tradition from the file.
+my %seg_readings; # Save the XML IDs for apparatus anchors.
+my %sigil_for; # Save the XML IDs for witnesses.
+my %note_start; # Save the readings where an apparatus entry is attached.
+sub parse {
+ my( $tradition, $xml_str ) = @_;
+ my $c = $tradition->collation; # Some shorthand
+ # First, parse the XML.
+ my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
+ my $doc = $parser->parse_string( $xml_str );
+ my $tei = $doc->documentElement();
+ my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $tei );
+ # CTE uses a DTD rather than any xmlns-based parsing. Thus we
+ # need no namespace foo.
+ # Get the witnesses and create the witness objects.
+ foreach my $wit_el ( $xpc->findnodes( '//sourceDesc/listWit/witness' ) ) {
+ # The witness xml:id is used internally, and is *not* the sigil name.
+ my $id= $wit_el->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
+ $id =~ s/^M/sig/; # Stupid but there you go.
+ my @sig_parts = $xpc->findnodes( './abbr/descendant::text()', $wit_el );
+ my $sig = join( '', grep { /\w/ } @sig_parts );
+ $tradition->add_witness( sigil => $sig, source => $wit_el->toString() );
+ $sigil_for{$id} = $sig;
+ }
+ # Now go through the text and find the base tokens. Tokens are
+ # either plain text to be split on whitespace, or they are wrapped
+ # in <hi/> or <seg/> elements.
+ my @base_text;
+ my $ctr = 1;
+ foreach my $pg_el ( $xpc->findnodes( '/TEI/text/p' ) ) {
+ foreach my $xn ( $pg_el->childNodes ) {
+ push( @base_text, _get_readings( $tradition, $xn ) );
+ }
+ }
+ # String together the base.
+ my $source = $c->start;
+ foreach my $b ( @base_text ) {
+ $c->add_path( $source, $b, $c->baselabel );
+ $source = $b;
+ }
+ $c->add_path( $source, $c->add_reading('#END#'), $c->baselabel );
+ # Now go through the text and find all the apparatus notes, and parse them.
+ foreach my $note_el( $xpc->findnodes( '//note[attribute::type = "a1"]' ) ) {
+ my $app_start = $note_start{$note_el};
+ my $apparatus = _parse_note( $note_el, $c, $app_start );
+ }
+## Recursive little helper function to help us navigate through nested
+## XML, picking out the text.
+sub _get_readings {
+ my( $tradition, $xn ) = @_;
+ my @readings;
+ if( $xn->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE ) {
+ my $str = $xn->data;
+ $str =~ s/^\s+//;
+ foreach my $w ( split( /\s+/, $str ) ) {
+ my $rdg = $tradition->collation->add_reading( 'n'.$ctr++ );
+ $rdg->text( $w );
+ push( @readings, $rdg );
+ }
+ } elsif( $xn->nodeName eq 'hi' ) {
+ foreach( $xn->childNodes ) {
+ # Recurse as if the hi weren't there.
+ push( @readings, _get_readings( $tradition, $_ ) );
+ }
+ } elsif( $xn->nodeName eq 'seg' ) {
+ # Read the reading, but also add the word in question as an anchor.
+ my $seg_id = $xn->getAttribute( 'xml:id' );
+ my @r;
+ foreach( $xn->childNodes ) {
+ push( @r, _get_readings( $tradition, $_ ) );
+ }
+ warn "More than one reading found in seg $seg_id" unless @r == 1;
+ $seg_readings{'#'.$seg_id} = $r[0];
+ push( @readings, @r );
+ } elsif( $xn->nodeName eq 'note' ) {
+ # Save where we found this note.
+ $note_start{$xn} = $readings[-1];
+ }
+ return @readings;
+## Helper function to parse apparatus entries. This could get nasty, I mean fun.
+sub _parse_note {
+ my( $xn, $c, $app_start ) = @_;
+ my $app_end = $seg_readings{$xn->getAttribute( 'targetEnd' )};
+ my $lemma = join( ' ', map { $_->text } $c->reading_sequence( $app_start, $app_end ) );
+ my %seen_wits;
+ # TODO A list of active witnesses should be passed really.
+ map { $seen_wits{$_} = 0 } vals( %sigil_for );
+ # The note has a <p/> tag, then <mentioned/>, then 0-1 text nodes,
+ # then an assortment of <hi/> or <abbr/> elements. If the hi
+ # contains an abbr, then it goes before, otherwise it probably
+ # goes after.
+ my @p = $xn->getChildrenByTagName( 'p' );
+ warn "More than one pg in note" unless @p == 1;
+ # Strip the <hi/> elements.
+ my @childnodes;
+ foreach ( $p[0]->childNodes ) {
+ if( $_->nodeName eq 'hi' ) {
+ push( @childnodes, $_->childNodes );
+ } else {
+ push( @childnodes, $_ );
+ }
+ }
+ # Go through and try to parse the sucker.
+ my $apparatus;
+ my $curr_rdg = '';
+ my $reading_sigla = 0;
+ my @curr_wits;
+ foreach my $pxn ( $p[0]->childNodes ) {
+ next if $pxn->nodeName eq 'mentioned'; # Redundant for us.
+ if( $pxn->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE ) {
+ my $pxn_str = $pxn->data;
+ $pxn_str =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $pxn_str =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my @parts = split( /,\s*/, $pxn_str );
+ if( @parts > 1 ) {
+ # Comma separation means that we are starting a new reading.
+ my $last = shift @parts;
+ if( $last =~ /^\s*a\.\s*c\.\s*$/ ) {
+ my $sig = pop @curr_wits;
+ $sig .= '_ac';
+ push( @curr_wits, $sig );
+ }
+ $pxn_str = join( ', ', @parts );
+ # Trigger a reading interpretation.
+ $reading_sigla = 1;
+ }
+ if( $reading_sigla ) {
+ my @wits = keys %curr_wits;
+ $apparatus->{ interpret( $curr_rdg, $lemma ) } = \@wits;
+ $curr_rdg = '';
+ $reading_sigla = 0;
+ @curr_wits = ();
+ }
+ if( $pxn_str =~ /^\s*a\.\s*c\.\s*$/ ) {
+ my $sig = pop @curr_wits;
+ $sig .= '_ac';
+ push( @curr_wits, $sig );
+ } else {
+ $curr_rdg .= $pxn_str;
+ }
+ } elsif( $pxn->nodeName eq 'abbr' ) {
+ # It is a witness, stick it in @curr_wits
+ my $wit = $sigil_for{$pxn->getAttribute( 'n' )}
+ push( @curr_wits, $wit ) unless $curr_wits[-1] eq $wit;
+ $seen_wits{$wit} += 1; # Keep track of a 'seen' count in case there is an a.c.
+ $reading_sigla = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $apparatus->{ interpret( $curr_rdg, $lemma ) } = \@wits if $curr_rdg;
+ $apparatus->{ $lemma } = grep { $seen_wits{$_} == 0 } keys %seen_wits;
+ return $apparatus;
+sub interpret {
+ # A utility function to change apparatus-ese into a full variant.
+ my( $reading, $lemma ) = @_;
+ return $reading if $reading eq $lemma;
+ my $oldreading = $reading;
+ $lemma =~ s/\s+[[:punct:]]+$//;
+ $reading =~ s/\s*\(?sic([\s\w.]+)?\)?$//;
+ my @words = split( /\s+/, $lemma );
+ if( $reading =~ /^(.*) praem.$/ ) {
+ $reading = "$1 $lemma";
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) add.$/ ) {
+ $reading = "$lemma $1";
+ } elsif( $reading eq 'om.' ) {
+ $reading = '';
+ } elsif( $reading eq 'inv.' ) {
+ # Hope it is two words.
+ print STDERR "WARNING: want to invert a lemma that is not two words\n"
+ unless scalar( @words ) == 2;
+ $reading = join( ' ', reverse( @words ) );
+ } elsif( $reading eq 'iter.' ) {
+ # Repeat the lemma
+ $reading = "$lemma $lemma";
+ } elsif( $reading =~ /^(.*) \.\.\. (.*)$/ ) {
+ # The first and last N words captured should replace the first and
+ # last N words of the lemma.
+ my @begin = split( /\s+/, $1 );
+ my @end = split( /\s+/, $2 );
+ if( scalar( @begin ) + scalar ( @end ) > scalar( @words ) ) {
+ # Something is wrong and we can't do the splice.
+ print STDERR "ERROR: $lemma is too short to accommodate $oldreading\n";
+ } else {
+ splice( @words, 0, scalar @begin, @begin );
+ splice( @words, -(scalar @end), scalar @end, @end );
+ $reading = join( ' ', @words );
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR "Interpreted $oldreading as $reading given $lemma\n";
+ return $reading;
+=head1 LICENSE
+This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
+or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tara L Andrews, aurum@cpan.org