NV => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; NV value;}',
UV => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; UV value;}',
PV => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; const char *value;}',
+ PVN => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; const char *value; STRLEN len;}',
YES => '{const char *name; I32 namelen;}',
NO => '{const char *name; I32 namelen;}',
+ UNDEF => '{const char *name; I32 namelen;}',
'' => '{const char *name; I32 namelen;} ',
NV => sub { $_[0] . '->value' },
UV => sub { $_[0] . '->value' },
PV => sub { $_[0] . '->value' },
+ PVN => sub { $_[0] . '->value', $_[0] . '->len' },
YES => sub {},
NO => sub {},
+ UNDEF => sub {},
'' => sub {},
NV => sub { "newSVnv($_[0])" },
UV => sub { "newSVuv($_[0])" },
PV => sub { "newSVpv($_[0], 0)" },
+ PVN => sub { "newSVpvn($_[0], $_[1])" },
YES => sub { '&PL_sv_yes' },
NO => sub { '&PL_sv_no' },
'' => sub { '&PL_sv_yes' },
%type_temporary =
- SV => 'SV *',
- PV => 'const char *',
+ SV => ['SV *'],
+ PV => ['const char *'],
+ PVN => ['const char *', 'STRLEN'],
-$type_temporary{$_} = $_ foreach qw(IV UV NV);
+$type_temporary{$_} = [$_] foreach qw(IV UV NV);
while (my ($type, $value) = each %XS_TypeSet) {
die "Can't find generator code for type $type"
unless defined $generator;
- print $xs_fh <<"EOBOOT";
- {
- $type_temporary{$type} temp;
- print $xs_fh " $item->{pre}\n" if $item->{pre};
+ print $xs_fh " {\n";
# We need to use a temporary value because some really troublesome
# items use C pre processor directives in their values, and in turn
# these don't fit nicely in the macro-ised generator functions
- printf $xs_fh <<"EOBOOT", &$type_to_value($value), $name, &$generator('temp');
- temp = %s;
+ my $counter = 0;
+ printf $xs_fh " %s temp%d;\n", $_, $counter++
+ foreach @{$type_temporary{$type}};
+ print $xs_fh " $item->{pre}\n" if $item->{pre};
+ # And because the code in pre might be both declarations and
+ # statements, we can't declare and assign to the temporaries in one.
+ $counter = 0;
+ printf $xs_fh " temp%d = %s;\n", $counter++, $_
+ foreach &$type_to_value($value);
+ my @tempvarnames = map {sprintf 'temp%d', $_} 0 .. $counter - 1;
+ printf $xs_fh <<"EOBOOT", $name, &$generator(@tempvarnames);
${c_subname}_add_symbol($athx symbol_table, "%s",
$namelen, %s);