{ use_namespaces => 1 },
- [ $dsn, $user, $password, { quote_char => [qw/[ ]/], name_sep => '.' }]
+ [ $dsn, $user, $password, ]
ok !$@, 'table name with . parsed correctly';
diag $@ if $@;
-eval 'use TestSL::Schema';
-ok !$@, 'loaded schema';
-diag $@ if $@;
## this doesn't work either
-#system qq{$^X -pi -e 's/"test\.dot"/\\\\""/' t/_common_dump/TestSL/Schema/Result/};
+system qq{$^X -pi -e 's/"test\.dot"/\\\\"[]"/' t/_common_dump/TestSL/Schema/Result/};
#diag do { local ($/, @ARGV) = (undef, "t/_common_dump/TestSL/Schema/Result/"); <> };
-eval {
- TestSL::Schema->resultset('TestDot')->create({ dat => 'foo' });
-ok !$@, 'used table from DBIC succeessfully';
+do "t/_common_dump/TestSL/Schema/Result/";
+eval 'use TestSL::Schema';
+ok !$@, 'loaded schema';
diag $@ if $@;
-rmtree $DUMP_DIR;
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = q{this is really a DBIC test to check if the table is usable,
+and it doesn't work in the released version yet};
+ eval {
+ my $rs = TestSL::Schema->resultset('TestDot');
+ my $row = $rs->create({ dat => 'foo' });
+ $row->update({ dat => 'bar' });
+ $row = $rs->find($row->id);
+ $row->delete;
+ };
+ ok !$@, 'used table from DBIC succeessfully';
+ diag $@ if $@;
+#rmtree $DUMP_DIR;
$dbh->do('DROP TABLE []');