our $VERSION = '0.07002';
+# Glossary:
+# remote_relname -- name of relationship from the local table referring to the remote table
+# local_relname -- name of relationship from the remote table referring to the local table
+# remote_method -- relationship type from remote table to local table, usually has_many
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::RelBuilder - Builds relationships for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
if ($counters->{$remote_moniker} > 1) {
my $relationship_exists = 0;
- if (-f (my $existing_remote_file = $self->{base}->get_dump_filename($remote_class))) {
+ if (-f (my $existing_remote_file = $self->base->get_dump_filename($remote_class))) {
my $class = "${remote_class}Temporary";
if (not do { no strict 'refs'; %{$class . '::'} }) {
$code =~ s/(?<=package $remote_class)/Temporary/g;
- $code =~ s/__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;//g;
+ $code =~ s/__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable[^;]*;//g;
eval $code;
die $@ if $@;