use DBIx::Class::Carp;
use DBIx::Class::Exception;
use DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn;
-use Data::Query::Constants qw(DQ_JOIN DQ_IDENTIFIER DQ_ALIAS DQ_LITERAL);
+use Data::Query::Constants qw(
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed weaken/;
use Try::Tiny;
use Data::Compare (); # no imports!!! guard against insane architecture
my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
my $conv = $self->_sqla_converter;
my $from_dq = $conv->_table_to_dq($attrs->{from});
- my %source_map =
- map +($_->name => $_),
- map $self->result_source->schema->source($_),
- $self->result_source->schema->sources;
+ my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
my %col_map;
my @recurse = $from_dq;
while (my $next = shift @recurse) {
if ($next->{type} eq DQ_JOIN) {
- push @recurse, @{$next->{join}};
+ push @recurse, @{$next}{qw(left right)};
if ($next->{type} eq DQ_ALIAS) {
- if ($next->{alias}{type} eq DQ_IDENTIFIER) {
- my $name = join('.',@{$next->{alias}{elements}});
- my @cols = $source_map{$name}->columns;
+ if (my $source_name = $next->{alias}{'dbix-class.source_name'}) {
+ my @cols = $schema->source($source_name)->columns;
@col_map{@cols} = ($next->{as}) x @cols;
+sub _extract_by_from_order_by {
+ my ($self, $order_dq) = @_;
+ my @by;
+ while ($order_dq && $order_dq->{type} eq DQ_ORDER) {
+ push @by, $order_dq->{by};
+ $order_dq = $order_dq->{from};
+ }
+ return @by;
+sub _resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args {
+ my ($self, $from, $select, $where, $attrs) = @_; # ICK
+ $self->throw_exception ('Unable to analyze custom {from}')
+ if ref $from ne 'ARRAY';
+ # what we will return
+ my $aliases_by_type;
+ my $multiplying = $aliases_by_type->{multiplying} = {};
+ my $restricting = $aliases_by_type->{restricting} = {};
+ my $selecting = $aliases_by_type->{selecting} = {};
+ # see what aliases are there to work with
+ my $alias_list;
+ my %col_map;
+ my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
+ my $conv = $self->_sqla_converter;
+ my $from_dq = $conv->_table_to_dq($from);
+ my (%join_dq, @alias_dq);
+ while ($from_dq->{type} eq DQ_JOIN) {
+ die "Don't understand this from"
+ unless $from_dq->{right}{type} eq DQ_ALIAS;
+ push @alias_dq, $from_dq->{right};
+ $join_dq{$from_dq->{right}} = $from_dq;
+ my @columns = $schema->source($from_dq->{right}{'dbix-class.source_name'})
+ ->columns;
+ @col_map{@columns} = ($from_dq->{right}{to}) x @columns;
+ $from_dq = $from_dq->{left};
+ }
+ die "Don't understand this from"
+ unless $from_dq->{type} eq DQ_ALIAS;
+ push @alias_dq, $from_dq;
+ foreach my $alias (reverse @alias_dq) {
+ $alias_list->{$alias->{to}} = $alias;
+ my $join_path = $alias->{'dbix-class.join_path'}||[];
+ unless ($alias->{is_single} and !grep { $multiplying->{$_} } @$join_path) {
+ $multiplying->{$alias->{to}} = $join_path;
+ }
+ unless ($join_dq{$alias}{outer}) {
+ $restricting->{$alias->{to}} ||= $join_path;
+ }
+ }
+ my %to_scan = (
+ restricting => [
+ $conv->_where_to_dq($where),
+ ($attrs->{group_by} ? $conv->_group_by_to_dq($attrs->{group_by}) : ()),
+ ($attrs->{having} ? $conv->_where_to_dq($attrs->{having}) : ()),
+ ],
+ selecting => [
+ @{$conv->_select_field_list_to_dq($select)},
+ ($attrs->{order_by}
+ ? $self->_extract_by_from_order_by(
+ $conv->_order_by_to_dq($attrs->{order_by})
+ )
+ : ())
+ ]
+ );
+ foreach my $type (keys %to_scan) {
+ my $this_type = $aliases_by_type->{$type};
+ my @queue = @{$to_scan{$type}};
+ while (my $node = shift @queue) {
+ if ($node->{type} eq DQ_IDENTIFIER) {
+ my ($col, $alias) = reverse @{$node->{elements}};
+ $alias ||= $col_map{$col};
+ $this_type->{$alias} ||= $alias_list->{$alias}{'dbix-class.join_path'}
+ if $alias;
+ } else {
+ push @queue,
+ grep ref($_) eq 'HASH',
+ map +(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_),
+ @{$node}{grep !/./, keys %$node};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $aliases_by_type;
=head2 search
=over 4
} else {
$attrs->{from} = $storage->_prune_unused_joins ($attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select}, $cond, $attrs);
- $relation_classifications = $storage->_resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args (
- [ @{$attrs->{from}}[1 .. $#{$attrs->{from}}] ],
+ $relation_classifications = $self->_resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args(
+ $attrs->{from},
return +{
type => DQ_ALIAS,
- alias => $self->_table_to_dq($table),
- as => $as,
+ from => $self->_table_to_dq($table),
+ to => $as,
+ 'dbix-class.source_name' => $spec->{-rsrc}->source_name,
+ 'dbix-class.join_path' => $spec->{-join_path},
+ 'dbix-class.is_single' => $spec->{-is_single},
my $cur_dq = $self->_table_to_dq($from);
+#{ local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 3; ::Dwarn(\@joins); }
foreach my $join (@joins) {
my ($to, $on) = @$join;
if (ref($to_jt) eq 'HASH' and defined($to_jt->{-join_type})) {
$join_type = $to_jt->{-join_type};
$join_type =~ s/^\s+ | \s+$//xg;
+ undef($join_type) unless $join_type =~ s/^(left|right).*/$1/;
$join_type ||= $self->{_default_jointype};
$cur_dq = +{
type => DQ_JOIN,
($join_type ? (outer => $join_type) : ()),
- join => [ $cur_dq, $self->_table_to_dq($to) ],
+ left => $cur_dq,
+ right => $self->_table_to_dq($to),
? (on => $self->_expr_to_dq($self->_expand_join_condition($on)))
: ()),