ok IntGreaterThanInt->check([12,1]), "Success, 12 is greater than1.";
ok IntGreaterThanInt->check([0,-10]), "Success, 0 is greater than -10.";
- ## The dependent value cannot exist in the constraining arrayref
+ ## The dependent value cannot exist in the constraining arrayref. Also, it
+ ## (the dependent type) must exceed 2.
subtype UniqueInt,
as Depending[
ok UniqueInt->check([3,[100..110]]), 'PASS unique in set';
ok UniqueInt->check([4,[100..110]]), 'PASS unique in set';
- ## Basically as above, with sugar
+ ## Basically as above, with sugar.
subtype UniqueInt2,
as depending {
my ($dependent_int, $constraining_arrayref) = @_;