$0 =~ m|^ x?t / .+ \.t $|x
) ? 1 : 0 );
+ *Class::Accessor::Grouped::perlstring = ($] < '5.008')
+ ? do {
+ require Data::Dumper;
+ my $d = Data::Dumper->new([])->Indent(0)->Purity(0)->Pad('')->Useqq(1)->Terse(1)->Freezer('')->Toaster('');
+ sub { $d->Values([shift])->Dump };
+ }
+ : do {
+ require B;
+ \&B::perlstring;
+ }
+ ;
# Yes this method is undocumented
# Yes it should be a private coderef like all the rest at the end of this file
# No we can't do that (yet) because the DBIC-CDBI compat layer overrides it
# %$*@!?&!&#*$!!!
+my $illegal_accessors_warned;
sub _mk_group_accessors {
my($self, $maker, $group, @fields) = @_;
my $class = length (ref ($self) ) ? ref ($self) : $self;
my ($name, $field) = (ref $_) ? (@$_) : ($_, $_);
- Carp::croak("Illegal accessor name '$name'")
- unless $name =~ /\A[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*\z/;
+ if ($name !~ /\A[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*\z/) {
+ if ($name =~ /\0/) {
+ Carp::croak(sprintf
+ "Illegal accessor name %s - nulls should never appear in stash keys",
+ perlstring($name),
+ );
+ }
+ Carp::croak(
+ "Illegal accessor name '$name'. If you want CAG to attempt creating "
+ . 'it anyway (possible if Sub::Name is available) set '
+ );
+ }
+ elsif (__CAG_ENV__::NO_SUBNAME) {
+ Carp::croak(
+ "Unable to install accessor with illegal name '$name': "
+ . 'Sub::Name not available'
+ );
+ }
+ elsif (
+ # Because one of the former maintainers of DBIC::SL is a raging
+ # idiot, there is now a ton of DBIC code out there that attempts
+ # to create column accessors with illegal names. In the interest
+ # of not cluttering the logs of unsuspecting victims (unsuspecting
+ # because these accessors are unusuable anyway) we provide an
+ # explicit "do not warn at all" escape, until all such code is
+ # fixed (this will be a loooooong time >:(
+ and
+ ! $illegal_accessors_warned->{$class}++
+ ) {
+ Carp::carp(
+ "Installing illegal accessor '$name' into $class, see "
+ . 'documentation for more details'
+ );
+ }
+ }
Carp::carp("Having a data accessor named '$name' in '$class' is unwise.")
if $name =~ /\A(?: DESTROY | AUTOLOAD | CLONE )\z/x;
L<this post|>
for more information.
+=head2 Notes on accessor names
+In general method names in Perl are considered identifiers, and as such need to
+conform to the identifier specification of C<qr/\A[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*\z/>.
+While it is rather easy to invoke methods with non-standard names
+(C<< $obj->${\"anything goes"} >>), it is not possible to properly declare such
+methods without the use of L<Sub::Name>. Since this module must be able to
+function identically with and without its optional dependencies, starting with
+version C<0.10008> attempting to declare an accessor with a non-standard name
+is a fatal error (such operations would silently succeed since version
+C<0.08004>, as long as L<Sub::Name> is present, or otherwise would result in a
+syntax error during a string eval).
+Unfortunately in the years since C<0.08004> a rather large body of code
+accumulated in the wild that does attempt to declare accessors with funny
+names. One notable perpetrator is L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>, which under
+certain conditions could create accessors of the C<column> group which start
+with numbers and/or some other punctuation (the proper way would be to declare
+columns with the C<accessor> attribute set to C<undef>).
+Therefore an escape mechanism is provided via the environment variable
+C<CAG_ILLEGAL_ACCESSOR_NAME_OK>. When set to a true value, one warning is
+issued B<per class> on attempts to declare an accessor with a non-conforming
+name, and as long as L<Sub::Name> is available all accessors will be properly
+created. Regardless of this setting, accessor names containing nulls C<"\0">
+are disallowed, due to various deficiencies in perl itself.
+If your code base has too many instances of illegal accessor declarations, and
+a fix is not feasible due to time constraints, it is possible to disable the
+warnings altogether by setting C<$ENV{CAG_ILLEGAL_ACCESSOR_NAME_OK}> to
+C<DO_NOT_WARN> (observe capitalization).
=head1 METHODS
=head2 mk_group_accessors
-my $perlstring;
-if ($] < '5.008') {
- require Data::Dumper;
- my $d = Data::Dumper->new([])->Indent(0)->Purity(0)->Pad('')->Useqq(1)->Terse(1)->Freezer('')->Toaster('');
- $perlstring = sub { $d->Values([shift])->Dump };
-else {
- require B;
- $perlstring = \&B::perlstring;
my $maker_templates = {
rw => {
cxsa_call => 'accessors',
pp_generator => sub {
# my ($group, $fieldname) = @_;
- my $quoted_fieldname = $perlstring->($_[1]);
+ my $quoted_fieldname = perlstring($_[1]);
sprintf <<'EOS', ($_[0], $quoted_fieldname) x 2;
@_ > 1
cxsa_call => 'getters',
pp_generator => sub {
# my ($group, $fieldname) = @_;
- my $quoted_fieldname = $perlstring->($_[1]);
+ my $quoted_fieldname = perlstring($_[1]);
sprintf <<'EOS', $_[0], $quoted_fieldname;
@_ > 1
cxsa_call => 'setters',
pp_generator => sub {
# my ($group, $fieldname) = @_;
- my $quoted_fieldname = $perlstring->($_[1]);
+ my $quoted_fieldname = perlstring($_[1]);
sprintf <<'EOS', $_[0], $quoted_fieldname;
@_ > 1
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+use Test::Exception;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use AccessorGroupsSubclass;
+ my $warned = 0;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ $_[0] =~ /unwise/ ? $warned++ : warn(@_)
+ };
+ AccessorGroupsSubclass->mk_group_accessors(warnings => $_);
+ }
+ is($warned, 3, 'Correct amount of unise warnings');
+ my $warned = 0;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ $_[0] =~ /Installing illegal accessor/ ? $warned++ : warn(@_)
+ };
+ for (qw/666_one 666_two/) {
+ no warnings qw/once/;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ AccessorGroupsSubclass->mk_group_accessors(warnings => $_);
+ }
+ is($warned, 1, 'Correct amount of illegal installation warnings');
+throws_ok { AccessorGroupsSubclass->mk_group_accessors(simple => '2wrvwrv;') }
+ qr/Illegal accessor name/;
+throws_ok {
+ AccessorGroupsSubclass->mk_group_accessors(simple => "2wr\0vwrv;")
+} qr/nulls should never appear/;