test_requires 'File::Temp' => '0.16';
test_requires 'File::Path' => '2.07';
test_requires 'IPC::Open3' => 0;
-test_requires 'List::MoreUtils' => 0;
requires 'File::Spec' => 0;
requires 'Scalar::Util' => 0;
requires 'namespace::autoclean' => 0;
requires 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '1.200';
requires 'Scope::Guard' => 0;
+requires 'List::MoreUtils' => 0;
install_script 'script/dbicdump';
-# This is my manual hack for better feature control
-# If you want to change the default answer for a feature,
-# set the appropriate environment variable, like
-# DBIC_FEATURE_MYSQL. If you want the defaults to
-# apply automatically without asking any questions,
-# set DBIC_FEATURE_NOQUESTIONS. Hopefully this will
-# save someone some pain when trying to automate
-# the installation of this software.
-# Maintainer shouldn't set these, as they would affect
-# the META.yml shipped to CPAN.
-my $_features = [
- SQLITE => {
- label => 'SQLite Support',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_SQLITE} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.12',
- ],
- },
- MYSQL => {
- label => 'MySQL Support',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_MYSQL} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::mysql' => '4.004',
- ],
- },
- PG => {
- label => 'PostgreSQL Support',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_PG} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::Pg' => '1.49', # Soon to be 1.50
- ],
- },
- DB2 => {
- label => 'DB2 Support',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_DB2} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::DB2' => '1.0',
- ],
- },
- ORACLE => {
- label => 'Oracle Support',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_ORACLE} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::Oracle' => '0.19',
- ],
- },
- SYBASE => {
- label => 'Sybase Support',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_SYBASE} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::Sybase' => '1.09',
- ],
- },
- MSSQL => {
- label => 'Microsoft SQL Server Support via DBD::Sybase',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_MSSQL} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::Sybase' => '1.09',
- ],
- },
- label => 'Microsoft SQL Server Support via DBD::ODBC',
- def => $ENV{DBIC_FEATURE_MSSQL} || 0,
- deps => [
- 'DBI' => '1.56',
- 'DBD::ODBC' => '1.22',
- ],
- },
-for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#$_features - 1; $i += 2) {
- my $name = $_features->[$i];
- my $attrs = $_features->[$i+1];
- if($attrs->{def}) {
- requires @{$attrs->{deps}};
- }
- }
- else {
- feature $attrs->{label} =>
- -default => $attrs->{def},
- @{$attrs->{deps}};
- }
# Rebuild README for maintainers
if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
system("pod2text lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Loader.pm > README");