--- /dev/null
+package Opcode;
+require 5.002;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK);
+$VERSION = "1.01";
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Exporter ();
+use DynaLoader ();
+@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ opset ops_to_opset
+ opset_to_ops opset_to_hex invert_opset
+ empty_opset full_opset
+ opdesc opcodes opmask define_optag
+ opmask_add verify_opset opdump
+ );
+use subs @EXPORT_OK;
+bootstrap Opcode $VERSION;
+*ops_to_opset = \&opset; # alias for old name
+sub opset_to_hex ($) {
+ return "(invalid opset)" unless verify_opset($_[0]);
+ unpack("h*",$_[0]);
+sub opdump (;$) {
+ my $pat = shift;
+ # handy utility: perl -MOpcode=opdump -e 'opdump File'
+ foreach(opset_to_ops(full_opset)) {
+ my $op = sprintf " %12s %s\n", $_, opdesc($_);
+ next if defined $pat and $op !~ m/$pat/i;
+ print $op;
+ }
+sub _init_optags {
+ my(%all, %seen);
+ @all{opset_to_ops(full_opset)} = (); # keys only
+ local($/) = "\n=cut"; # skip to optags definition section
+ <DATA>;
+ $/ = "\n="; # now read in 'pod section' chunks
+ while(<DATA>) {
+ next unless m/^item\s+(:\w+)/;
+ my $tag = $1;
+ # Split into lines, keep only indented lines
+ my @lines = grep { m/^\s/ } split(/\n/);
+ foreach (@lines) { s/--.*// } # delete comments
+ my @ops = map { split ' ' } @lines; # get op words
+ foreach(@ops) {
+ warn "$tag - $_ already tagged in $seen{$_}\n" if $seen{$_};
+ $seen{$_} = $tag;
+ delete $all{$_};
+ }
+ # opset will croak on invalid names
+ define_optag($tag, opset(@ops));
+ }
+ close(DATA);
+ warn "Untagged opnames: ".join(' ',keys %all)."\n" if %all;
+=head1 NAME
+Opcode - Disable named opcodes when compiling perl code
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Opcode;
+Perl code is always compiled into an internal format before execution.
+Evaluating perl code (e.g. via "eval" or "do 'file'") causes
+the code to be compiled into an internal format and then,
+provided there was no error in the compilation, executed.
+The internal format is based on many distinct I<opcodes>.
+By default no opmask is in effect and any code can be compiled.
+The Opcode module allow you to define an I<operator mask> to be in
+effect when perl I<next> compiles any code. Attempting to compile code
+which contains a masked opcode will cause the compilation to fail
+with an error. The code will not be executed.
+=head1 NOTE
+The Opcode module is not usually used directly. See the ops pragma and
+Safe modules for more typical uses.
+=head1 WARNING
+The authors make B<no warranty>, implied or otherwise, about the
+suitability of this software for safety or security purposes.
+The authors shall not in any case be liable for special, incidental,
+consequential, indirect or other similar damages arising from the use
+of this software.
+Your mileage will vary. If in any doubt B<do not use it>.
+=head1 Operator Names and Operator Lists
+The canonical list of operator names is the contents of the array
+op_name defined and initialised in file F<opcode.h> of the Perl
+source distribution (and installed into the perl library).
+Each operator has both a terse name (its opname) and a more verbose or
+recognisable descriptive name. The opdesc function can be used to
+return a list of descriptions for a list of operators.
+Many of the functions and methods listed below take a list of
+operators as parameters. Most operator lists can be made up of several
+types of element. Each element can be one of
+=over 8
+=item an operator name (opname)
+Operator names are typically small lowercase words like enterloop,
+leaveloop, last, next, redo etc. Sometimes they are rather cryptic
+like gv2cv, i_ncmp and ftsvtx.
+=item an operator tag name (optag)
+Operator tags can be used to refer to groups (or sets) of operators.
+Tag names always being with a colon. The Opcode module defines several
+optags and the user can define others using the define_optag function.
+=item a negated opname or optag
+An opname or optag can be prefixed with an exclamation mark, e.g., !mkdir.
+Negating an opname or optag means remove the corresponding ops from the
+accumulated set of ops at that point.
+=item an operator set (opset)
+An I<opset> as a binary string of approximately 43 bytes which holds a
+set or zero or more operators.
+The opset and opset_to_ops functions can be used to convert from
+a list of operators to an opset and I<vice versa>.
+Wherever a list of operators can be given you can use one or more opsets.
+See also Manipulating Opsets below.
+=head1 Opcode Functions
+The Opcode package contains functions for manipulating operator names
+tags and sets. All are available for export by the package.
+=over 8
+=item opcodes
+In a scalar context opcodes returns the number of opcodes in this
+version of perl (around 340 for perl5.002).
+In a list context it returns a list of all the operator names.
+(Not yet implemented, use @names = opset_to_ops(full_opset).)
+=item opset (OP, ...)
+Returns an opset containing the listed operators.
+=item opset_to_ops (OPSET)
+Returns a list of operator names corresponding to those operators in
+the set.
+=item opset_to_hex (OPSET)
+Returns a string representation of an opset. Can be handy for debugging.
+=item full_opset
+Returns an opset which includes all operators.
+=item empty_opset
+Returns an opset which contains no operators.
+=item invert_opset (OPSET)
+Returns an opset which is the inverse set of the one supplied.
+=item verify_opset (OPSET, ...)
+Returns true if the supplied opset looks like a valid opset (is the
+right length etc) otherwise it returns false. If an optional second
+parameter is true then verify_opset will croak on an invalid opset
+instead of returning false.
+Most of the other Opcode functions call verify_opset automatically
+and will croak if given an invalid opset.
+=item define_optag (OPTAG, OPSET)
+Define OPTAG as a symbolic name for OPSET. Optag names always start
+with a colon C<:>.
+The optag name used must not be defined already (define_optag will
+croak if it is already defined). Optag names are global to the perl
+process and optag definitions cannot be altered or deleted once
+It is strongly recommended that applications using Opcode should use a
+leading capital letter on their tag names since lowercase names are
+reserved for use by the Opcode module. If using Opcode within a module
+you should prefix your tags names with the name of your module to
+ensure uniqueness and thus avoid clashes with other modules.
+=item opmask_add (OPSET)
+Adds the supplied opset to the current opmask. Note that there is
+currently I<no> mechanism for unmasking ops once they have been masked.
+This is intentional.
+=item opmask
+Returns an opset corresponding to the current opmask.
+=item opdesc (OP, ...)
+This takes a list of operator names and returns the corresponding list
+of operator descriptions.
+=item opdump (PAT)
+Dumps to STDOUT a two column list of op names and op descriptions.
+If an optional pattern is given then only lines which match the
+(case insensitive) pattern will be output.
+It's designed to be used as a handy command line utility:
+ perl -MOpcode=opdump -e opdump
+ perl -MOpcode=opdump -e 'opdump Eval'
+=head1 Manipulating Opsets
+Opsets may be manipulated using the perl bit vector operators & (and), | (or),
+^ (xor) and ~ (negate/invert).
+However you should never rely on the numerical position of any opcode
+within the opset. In other words both sides of a bit vector operator
+should be opsets returned from Opcode functions.
+Also, since the number of opcodes in your current version of perl might
+not be an exact multiple of eight, there may be unused bits in the last
+byte of an upset. This should not cause any problems (Opcode functions
+ignore those extra bits) but it does mean that using the ~ operator
+will typically not produce the same 'physical' opset 'string' as the
+invert_opset function.
+=head1 TO DO (maybe)
+ $bool = opset_eq($opset1, $opset2) true if opsets are logically eqiv
+ $yes = opset_can($opset, @ops) true if $opset has all @ops set
+ @diff = opset_diff($opset1, $opset2) => ('foo', '!bar', ...)
+# the =cut above is used by _init_optags() to get here quickly
+=head1 Predefined Opcode Tags
+=over 5
+=item :base_core
+ null stub scalar pushmark wantarray const defined undef
+ rv2sv sassign
+ rv2av aassign aelem aelemfast aslice av2arylen
+ rv2hv helem hslice each values keys exists delete
+ preinc i_preinc predec i_predec postinc i_postinc postdec i_postdec
+ int hex oct abs pow multiply i_multiply divide i_divide
+ modulo i_modulo add i_add subtract i_subtract
+ left_shift right_shift bit_and bit_xor bit_or negate i_negate
+ not complement
+ lt i_lt gt i_gt le i_le ge i_ge eq i_eq ne i_ne ncmp i_ncmp
+ slt sgt sle sge seq sne scmp
+ substr vec stringify study pos length index rindex ord chr
+ ucfirst lcfirst uc lc quotemeta trans chop schop chomp schomp
+ match split
+ list lslice splice push pop shift unshift reverse
+ cond_expr flip flop andassign orassign and or xor
+ warn die lineseq nextstate unstack scope enter leave
+ rv2cv anoncode prototype
+ entersub leavesub return method -- XXX loops via recursion?
+ leaveeval -- needed for Safe to operate, is safe without entereval
+=item :base_mem
+These memory related ops are not included in :base_core because they
+can easily be used to implement a resource attack (e.g., consume all
+available memory).
+ concat repeat join range
+ anonlist anonhash
+Note that despite the existance of this optag a memory resource attack
+may still be possible using only :base_core ops.
+Disabling these ops is a I<very> heavy handed way to attempt to prevent
+a memory resource attack. It's probable that a specific memory limit
+mechanism will be added to perl in the near future.
+=item :base_loop
+These loop ops are not included in :base_core because they can easily be
+used to implement a resource attack (e.g., consume all available CPU time).
+ grepstart grepwhile
+ mapstart mapwhile
+ enteriter iter
+ enterloop leaveloop
+ last next redo
+ goto
+=item :base_io
+These ops enable I<filehandle> (rather than filename) based input and
+output. These are safe on the assumption that only pre-existing
+filehandles are available for use. To create new filehandles other ops
+such as open would need to be enabled.
+ readline rcatline getc read
+ formline enterwrite leavewrite
+ print sysread syswrite send recv eof tell seek
+ readdir telldir seekdir rewinddir
+=item :base_orig
+These are a hotchpotch of opcodes still waiting to be considered
+ gvsv gv gelem
+ padsv padav padhv padany
+ rv2gv refgen srefgen ref
+ bless -- could be used to change ownership of objects (reblessing)
+ glob
+ pushre regcmaybe regcomp subst substcont
+ sprintf prtf -- can core dump
+ crypt
+ tie untie
+ dbmopen dbmclose
+ sselect select
+ pipe_op sockpair
+ getppid getpgrp setpgrp getpriority setpriority localtime gmtime
+ entertry leavetry -- can be used to 'hide' fatal errors
+=item :base_math
+These ops are not included in :base_core because of the risk of them being
+used to generate floating point exceptions (which would have to be caught
+using a $SIG{FPE} handler).
+ atan2 sin cos exp log sqrt
+These ops are not included in :base_core because they have an effect
+beyond the scope of the compartment.
+ rand srand
+=item :default
+A handy tag name for a I<reasonable> default set of ops. (The current ops
+allowed are unstable while development continues. It will change.)
+ :base_core :base_mem :base_loop :base_io :base_orig
+If safety matters to you (and why else would you be using the Opcode module?)
+then you should not rely on the definition of this, or indeed any other, optag!
+=item :filesys_read
+ stat lstat readlink
+ ftatime ftblk ftchr ftctime ftdir fteexec fteowned fteread
+ ftewrite ftfile ftis ftlink ftmtime ftpipe ftrexec ftrowned
+ ftrread ftsgid ftsize ftsock ftsuid fttty ftzero ftrwrite ftsvtx
+ fttext ftbinary
+ fileno
+=item :sys_db
+ ghbyname ghbyaddr ghostent shostent ehostent -- hosts
+ gnbyname gnbyaddr gnetent snetent enetent -- networks
+ gpbyname gpbynumber gprotoent sprotoent eprotoent -- protocols
+ gsbyname gsbyport gservent sservent eservent -- services
+ gpwnam gpwuid gpwent spwent epwent getlogin -- users
+ ggrnam ggrgid ggrent sgrent egrent -- groups
+=item :browse
+A handy tag name for a I<reasonable> default set of ops beyond the
+:default optag. Like :default (and indeed all the other optags) its
+current definition is unstable while development continues. It will change.
+The :browse tag represents the next step beyond :default. It it a
+superset of the :default ops and adds :filesys_read the :sys_db.
+The intent being that scripts can access more (possibly sensitive)
+information about your system but not be able to change it.
+ :default :filesys_read :sys_db
+=item :filesys_open
+ sysopen open close
+ umask binmode
+ open_dir closedir -- other dir ops are in :base_io
+=item :filesys_write
+ link unlink rename symlink truncate
+ mkdir rmdir
+ utime chmod chown
+ fcntl -- not strictly filesys related, but possibly as dangerous?
+=item :subprocess
+ backtick system
+ fork
+ wait waitpid
+=item :ownprocess
+ exec exit kill
+ time tms -- could be used for timing attacks (paranoid?)
+=item :others
+This tag holds groups of assorted specialist opcodes that don't warrant
+having optags defined for them.
+SystemV Interprocess Communications:
+ msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd
+ semctl semget semop
+ shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite
+=item :still_to_be_decided
+ chdir
+ flock ioctl
+ socket getpeername ssockopt
+ bind connect listen accept shutdown gsockopt getsockname
+ sleep alarm -- changes global timer state and signal handling
+ sort -- assorted problems including core dumps
+ tied -- can be used to access object implementing a tie
+ pack unpack -- can be used to create/use memory pointers
+ entereval -- can be used to hide code from initial compile
+ require dofile
+ caller -- get info about calling environment and args
+ reset
+ dbstate -- perl -d version of nextstate(ment) opcode
+=item :dangerous
+This tag is simply a bucket for opcodes that are unlikely to be used via
+a tag name but need to be tagged for completness and documentation.
+ syscall dump chroot
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ops(3) -- perl pragma interface to Opcode module.
+Safe(3) -- Opcode and namespace limited execution compartments
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Originally designed and implemented by Malcolm Beattie,
+mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk as part of Safe version 1.
+Split out from Safe module version 1, named opcode tags and other
+changes added by Tim Bunce <Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk>.
--- /dev/null
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+/* maxo shouldn't differ from MAXO but leave room anyway (see BOOT:) */
+#define OP_MASK_BUF_SIZE (MAXO + 100)
+static HV *op_named_bits; /* cache shared for whole process */
+static SV *opset_all; /* mask with all bits set */
+static IV opset_len; /* length of opmasks in bytes */
+static int opcode_debug = 0;
+static SV *new_opset _((SV *old_opset));
+static int verify_opset _((SV *opset, int fatal));
+static void set_opset_bits _((char *bitmap, SV *bitspec, int on, char *opname));
+static void put_op_bitspec _((char *optag, STRLEN len, SV *opset));
+static SV *get_op_bitspec _((char *opname, STRLEN len, int fatal));
+/* Initialise our private op_named_bits HV.
+ * It is first loaded with the name and number of each perl operator.
+ * Then the builtin tags :none and :all are added.
+ * Opcode.pm loads the standard optags from __DATA__
+ */
+static void
+ int i;
+ STRLEN len;
+ char *opname;
+ char *bitmap;
+ op_named_bits = newHV();
+ for(i=0; i < maxo; ++i) {
+ hv_store(op_named_bits, op_name[i],strlen(op_name[i]),
+ Sv=newSViv(i), 0);
+ SvREADONLY_on(Sv);
+ }
+ put_op_bitspec(":none",0, sv_2mortal(new_opset(Nullsv)));
+ opset_all = new_opset(Nullsv);
+ bitmap = SvPV(opset_all, len);
+ i = len-1; /* deal with last byte specially, see below */
+ while(i-- > 0)
+ bitmap[i] = 0xFF;
+ /* Take care to set the right number of bits in the last byte */
+ bitmap[len-1] = ~(~0 << (maxo & 0x07));
+ put_op_bitspec(":all",0, opset_all); /* don't mortalise */
+/* Store a new tag definition. Always a mask.
+ * The tag must not already be defined.
+ * SV *mask is copied not referenced.
+ */
+static void
+put_op_bitspec(optag, len, mask)
+ char *optag;
+ STRLEN len;
+ SV *mask;
+ SV **svp;
+ verify_opset(mask,1);
+ if (!len)
+ len = strlen(optag);
+ svp = hv_fetch(op_named_bits, optag, len, 1);
+ if (SvOK(*svp))
+ croak("Opcode tag \"%s\" already defined", optag);
+ sv_setsv(*svp, mask);
+ SvREADONLY_on(*svp);
+/* Fetch a 'bits' entry for an opname or optag (IV/PV).
+ * Note that we return the actual entry for speed.
+ * Always sv_mortalcopy() if returing it to user code.
+ */
+static SV *
+get_op_bitspec(opname, len, fatal)
+ char *opname;
+ STRLEN len;
+ int fatal;
+ SV **svp;
+ if (!len)
+ len = strlen(opname);
+ svp = hv_fetch(op_named_bits, opname, len, 0);
+ if (!svp || !SvOK(*svp)) {
+ if (!fatal)
+ return Nullsv;
+ if (*opname == ':')
+ croak("Unknown operator tag \"%s\"", opname);
+ if (*opname == '!') /* XXX here later, or elsewhere? */
+ croak("Can't negate operators here (\"%s\")", opname);
+ if (isALPHA(*opname))
+ croak("Unknown operator name \"%s\"", opname);
+ croak("Unknown operator prefix \"%s\"", opname);
+ }
+ return *svp;
+static SV *
+ SV *old_opset;
+ SV *opset;
+ if (old_opset) {
+ verify_opset(old_opset,1);
+ opset = newSVsv(old_opset);
+ }
+ else {
+ opset = newSV(opset_len);
+ Zero(SvPVX(opset), opset_len, char);
+ SvCUR_set(opset, opset_len);
+ (void)SvPOK_only(opset);
+ }
+ /* not mortalised here */
+ return opset;
+static int
+verify_opset(opset, fatal)
+ SV *opset;
+ int fatal;
+ char *err = Nullch;
+ if (!SvOK(opset)) err = "undefined";
+ else if (!SvPOK(opset)) err = "wrong type";
+ else if (SvCUR(opset) != opset_len) err = "wrong size";
+ if (err && fatal) {
+ croak("Invalid opset: %s", err);
+ }
+ return !err;
+static void
+set_opset_bits(bitmap, bitspec, on, opname)
+ char *bitmap;
+ SV *bitspec;
+ int on;
+ char *opname;
+ if (SvIOK(bitspec)) {
+ int myopcode = SvIV(bitspec);
+ int offset = myopcode >> 3;
+ int bit = myopcode & 0x07;
+ if (myopcode >= maxo || myopcode < 0)
+ croak("panic: opcode \"%s\" value %d is invalid", opname, myopcode);
+ if (opcode_debug >= 2)
+ warn("set_opset_bits bit %2d (off=%d, bit=%d) %s on\n",
+ myopcode, offset, bit, opname, (on)?"on":"off");
+ if (on)
+ bitmap[offset] |= 1 << bit;
+ else
+ bitmap[offset] &= ~(1 << bit);
+ }
+ else if (SvPOK(bitspec) && SvCUR(bitspec) == opset_len) {
+ STRLEN len;
+ char *specbits = SvPV(bitspec, len);
+ if (opcode_debug >= 2)
+ warn("set_opset_bits opset %s %s\n", opname, (on)?"on":"off");
+ if (on)
+ while(len-- > 0) bitmap[len] |= specbits[len];
+ else
+ while(len-- > 0) bitmap[len] &= ~specbits[len];
+ }
+ else
+ croak("panic: invalid bitspec for \"%s\" (type %d)",
+ opname, SvTYPE(bitspec));
+static void
+opmask_add(opset) /* THE ONLY FUNCTION TO EDIT op_mask ITSELF */
+ SV *opset;
+ int i,j;
+ char *bitmask;
+ STRLEN len;
+ int myopcode = 0;
+ verify_opset(opset,1); /* croaks on bad opset */
+ if (!op_mask) /* caller must ensure op_mask exists */
+ croak("Can't add to uninitialised op_mask");
+ bitmask = SvPV(opset, len);
+ for (i=0; i < opset_len; i++) {
+ U16 bits = bitmask[i];
+ if (!bits) { /* optimise for sparse masks */
+ myopcode += 8;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (j=0; j < 8 && myopcode < maxo; )
+ op_mask[myopcode++] |= bits & (1 << j++);
+ }
+static void
+opmask_addlocal(opset, op_mask_buf) /* Localise op_mask then opmask_add() */
+ SV *opset;
+ char *op_mask_buf;
+ char *orig_op_mask = op_mask;
+ SAVEPPTR(op_mask);
+ if (opcode_debug >= 2)
+ SAVEDESTRUCTOR((void(*)_((void*)))warn,"op_mask restored");
+ op_mask = &op_mask_buf[0];
+ if (orig_op_mask)
+ Copy(orig_op_mask, op_mask, maxo, char);
+ else
+ Zero(op_mask, maxo, char);
+ opmask_add(opset);
+MODULE = Opcode PACKAGE = Opcode
+ assert(maxo < OP_MASK_BUF_SIZE);
+ opset_len = (maxo / 8) + 1;
+ if (opcode_debug >= 1)
+ warn("opset_len %d\n", opset_len);
+ op_names_init();
+_safe_call_sv(package, mask, codesv)
+ char * package
+ SV * mask
+ SV * codesv
+ char op_mask_buf[OP_MASK_BUF_SIZE];
+ GV *gv;
+ opmask_addlocal(mask, op_mask_buf);
+ save_aptr(&endav);
+ endav = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV()); /* ignore END blocks for now */
+ save_hptr(&defstash); /* save current default stack */
+ /* the assignment to global defstash changes our sense of 'main' */
+ defstash = gv_stashpv(package, GV_ADDWARN); /* should exist already */
+ /* defstash must itself contain a main:: so we'll add that now */
+ /* take care with the ref counts (was cause of long standing bug) */
+ /* XXX I'm still not sure if this is right, GV_ADDWARN should warn! */
+ gv = gv_fetchpv("main::", GV_ADDWARN, SVt_PVHV);
+ sv_free((SV*)GvHV(gv));
+ GvHV(gv) = (HV*)SvREFCNT_inc(defstash);
+ perl_call_sv(codesv, GIMME|G_EVAL|G_KEEPERR); /* use callers context */
+ SPAGAIN; /* for the PUTBACK added by xsubpp */
+verify_opset(opset, fatal = 0)
+ SV *opset
+ int fatal
+ SV *opset
+ {
+ char *bitmap;
+ STRLEN len = opset_len;
+ opset = new_opset(opset); /* verify and clone opset */
+ bitmap = SvPVX(opset);
+ while(len-- > 0)
+ bitmap[len] = ~bitmap[len];
+ /* take care of extra bits beyond maxo in last byte */
+ bitmap[opset_len-1] &= ~(0xFF << (maxo & 0x0F));
+ }
+ ST(0) = opset;
+opset_to_ops(opset, desc = 0)
+ SV *opset
+ int desc
+ {
+ STRLEN len;
+ int i, j, myopcode;
+ char *bitmap = SvPV(opset, len);
+ char **names = (desc) ? op_desc : op_name;
+ verify_opset(opset,1);
+ for (myopcode=0, i=0; i < opset_len; i++) {
+ U16 bits = bitmap[i];
+ for (j=0; j < 8 && myopcode < maxo; j++, myopcode++) {
+ if ( bits & (1 << j) )
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(names[myopcode], 0)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int i, j;
+ SV *bitspec, *opset;
+ char *bitmap;
+ STRLEN len, on;
+ opset = new_opset(Nullsv);
+ bitmap = SvPVX(opset);
+ for (i = 0; i < items; i++) {
+ char *opname;
+ on = 1;
+ if (verify_opset(ST(i),0)) {
+ opname = "(opset)";
+ bitspec = ST(i);
+ }
+ else {
+ opname = SvPV(ST(i), len);
+ if (*opname == '!') { on=0; ++opname;--len; }
+ bitspec = get_op_bitspec(opname, len, 1);
+ }
+ set_opset_bits(bitmap, bitspec, on, opname);
+ }
+ ST(0) = opset;
+#define PERMITING (ix == 0 || ix == 1)
+#define ONLY_THESE (ix == 0 || ix == 2)
+permit_only(safe, ...)
+ SV *safe
+ permit = 1
+ deny_only = 2
+ deny = 3
+ int i, on;
+ SV *bitspec, *mask;
+ char *bitmap, *opname;
+ STRLEN len;
+ if (!SvROK(safe) || !SvOBJECT(SvRV(safe)) || SvTYPE(SvRV(safe))!=SVt_PVHV)
+ croak("Not a Safe object");
+ mask = *hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(safe), "Mask",4, 1);
+ if (ONLY_THESE) /* *_only = new mask, else edit current */
+ sv_setsv(mask, new_opset(PERMITING ? opset_all : Nullsv));
+ else verify_opset(mask,1); /* croaks */
+ bitmap = SvPVX(mask);
+ for (i = 1; i < items; i++) {
+ on = PERMITING ? 0 : 1; /* deny = mask bit on */
+ if (verify_opset(ST(i),0)) { /* it's a valid mask */
+ opname = "(opset)";
+ bitspec = ST(i);
+ }
+ else { /* it's an opname/optag */
+ opname = SvPV(ST(i), len);
+ /* invert if op has ! prefix (only one allowed) */
+ if (*opname == '!') { on = !on; ++opname; --len; }
+ bitspec = get_op_bitspec(opname, len, 1); /* croaks */
+ }
+ set_opset_bits(bitmap, bitspec, on, opname);
+ }
+ ST(0) = &sv_yes;
+ int i, myopcode;
+ STRLEN len;
+ SV **args;
+ /* copy args to a scratch area since we may push output values onto */
+ /* the stack faster than we read values off it if masks are used. */
+ args = (SV**)SvPVX(sv_2mortal(newSVpv((char*)&ST(0), items*sizeof(SV*))));
+ for (i = 0; i < items; i++) {
+ char *opname = SvPV(args[i], len);
+ SV *bitspec = get_op_bitspec(opname, len, 1);
+ if (SvIOK(bitspec)) {
+ myopcode = SvIV(bitspec);
+ if (myopcode < 0 || myopcode >= maxo)
+ croak("panic: opcode %d (%s) out of range",myopcode,opname);
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(op_desc[myopcode], 0)));
+ }
+ else if (SvPOK(bitspec) && SvCUR(bitspec) == opset_len) {
+ int b, j;
+ char *bitmap = SvPV(bitspec,na);
+ myopcode = 0;
+ for (b=0; b < opset_len; b++) {
+ U16 bits = bitmap[b];
+ for (j=0; j < 8 && myopcode < maxo; j++, myopcode++)
+ if (bits & (1 << j))
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(op_desc[myopcode], 0)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ croak("panic: invalid bitspec for \"%s\" (type %d)",
+ opname, SvTYPE(bitspec));
+ }
+define_optag(optagsv, mask)
+ SV *optagsv
+ SV *mask
+ STRLEN len;
+ char *optag = SvPV(optagsv, len);
+ put_op_bitspec(optag, len, mask); /* croaks */
+ ST(0) = &sv_yes;
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(new_opset(Nullsv));
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(new_opset(opset_all));
+ SV *opset
+ if (!op_mask)
+ Newz(0, op_mask, maxo, char);
+ if (GIMME == G_ARRAY) {
+ croak("opcodes in list context not yet implemented"); /* XXX */
+ }
+ else {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(maxo)));
+ }
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(new_opset(Nullsv));
+ if (op_mask) {
+ char *bitmap = SvPVX(ST(0));
+ int myopcode;
+ for(myopcode=0; myopcode < maxo; ++myopcode) {
+ if (op_mask[myopcode])
+ bitmap[myopcode >> 3] |= 1 << (myopcode & 0x07);
+ }
+ }