## functions for calculating C3 MRO
+# XXX to be replaced with XS code in either case (IN_CORE or not), see C3.xs
sub calculateMRO {
my ($class, $merge_cache) = @_;
if($C3_IN_CORE) {
+if(!$C3_IN_CORE) { eval { # only define these here if no C3 in the core,
+ # otherwise they're defined in C3.xs
package # hide me from PAUSE
sub method { (next::method($_[0]) || return)->(@_) }
+}} # End of "if(!$C3_IN_CORE) { eval {"
MODULE = Class::C3 PACKAGE = next
+#ifdef XXX_NEW_PERL /* some sort of cpp check for a perl that has mro_linear */
+/* we want to define next::can, next::method, and maybe::next::method */
- SV* self;
+ SV* self
register I32 cxix = __dopoptosub_at(cxstack, cxstack_ix);
register const PERL_CONTEXT *cx;
register const PERL_CONTEXT *ccstack = cxstack;
+#else /* mro_linear stuff not in core, so do some helpers for the pure-perl variant */
+/* we want to define two helper functions:
+ 1) A replacement for Alg::C3::merge based on mro_linear_c3, but without the mro_meta caching parts.
+ it should have optional merge cache support just like Alg::C3 does, but only support @ISA, not
+ generic parents. Call it Class::C3::calculateMRO_XS or something.
+ 2) A fast "fetch the most recent caller's package/sub-names", based on the xs can function above,
+ to speed up the top half of pure-perl next::method.