of importance:
(Keep Getty happy)
-- Figure out what fundamental leak (or group of leaks) is present in the
- DBICTest::LeakTrace implementation itself
-- Figure out why none of them show up as failures (ton of false negatives)
- Clarify/warn on the distinct over multiple columns get_column()
- Incompatibly move around pieces of BlockRunner (critical - people are
starting to rely on it)
with correlated subquery selections
- Fix multiple edge cases stemming from interaction of a non-selecting
order_by specification and distinct and/or complex prefetch
+ - Fix unbound growth of a resultset during repeated execute/exhaust
+ cycles (GHPR#29)
- Clarify ambiguous behavior of distinct when used with ResultSetColumn
i.e. $rs->search({}, { distinct => 1 })->get_column (...)
- Setting quote_names propagates to SQL::Translator when producing
if $source->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle');
$attrs = { %{$attrs||{}} };
- delete @{$attrs}{qw(_sqlmaker_select_args _related_results_construction)};
+ delete @{$attrs}{qw(_last_sqlmaker_alias_map _related_results_construction)};
if ($attrs->{page}) {
$attrs->{rows} ||= 10;
return undef unless @{$rows||[]};
# sanity check - people are too clever for their own good
- if ($attrs->{collapse} and my $aliastypes = $attrs->{_sqlmaker_select_args}[3]{_aliastypes} ) {
+ if ($attrs->{collapse} and my $aliastypes = $attrs->{_last_sqlmaker_alias_map} ) {
my $multiplied_selectors;
for my $sel_alias ( grep { $_ ne $attrs->{alias} } keys %{ $aliastypes->{selecting} } ) {
$attrs->{from}, $attrs->{select}, $attrs->{where}, $attrs
- $self->{_attrs}{_sqlmaker_select_args} = $attrs->{_sqlmaker_select_args};
# soooooo much better now. But that is also another
# battle...
#return (
- # 'select', @{$orig_attrs->{_sqlmaker_select_args}}
- #) if $orig_attrs->{_sqlmaker_select_args};
+ # 'select', $orig_attrs->{!args_as_stored_at_the_end_of_this_method!}
+ #) if $orig_attrs->{!args_as_stored_at_the_end_of_this_method!};
my $sql_maker = $self->sql_maker;
my $alias2source = $self->_resolve_ident_sources ($ident);
($attrs->{from}, $attrs->{_aliastypes}) = $self->_prune_unused_joins ($attrs);
+ # FIXME this is a gross, inefficient, largely incorrect and fragile hack
+ # during the result inflation stage we *need* to know what was the aliastype
+ # map as sqla saw it when the final pieces of SQL were being assembled
+ # Originally we simply carried around the entirety of $attrs, but this
+ # resulted in resultsets that are being reused growing continuously, as
+ # the hash in question grew deeper and deeper.
+ # Instead hand-pick what to take with us here (we actually don't need much
+ # at this point just the map itself)
+ $orig_attrs->{_last_sqlmaker_alias_map} = $attrs->{_aliastypes};
# This would be the point to deflate anything found in $attrs->{where}
# (and leave $attrs->{bind} intact). Problem is - inflators historically
# invoked, and that's just bad...
- return ( 'select', @{ $orig_attrs->{_sqlmaker_select_args} = [
- @{$attrs}{qw(from select where)}, $attrs, @limit_args
- ]} );
+ return ( 'select', @{$attrs}{qw(from select where)}, $attrs, @limit_args );
# Returns a counting SELECT for a simple count
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest::RunMode;
use DBICTest::Util::LeakTracer qw(populate_weakregistry assert_empty_weakregistry visit_refs hrefaddr);
-use Scalar::Util qw(weaken blessed);
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken blessed reftype);
use DBIx::Class;
+use DBIx::Class::_Util 'sigwarn_silencer';
plan skip_all => "Your perl version $] appears to leak like a sieve - skipping test"
if DBIx::Class::_ENV_::PEEPEENESS;
my $getcol_rs = $cds_rs->get_column('me.cdid');
my $pref_getcol_rs = $cds_with_stuff->get_column('me.cdid');
- # fire the column getters
- my @throwaway = $pref_getcol_rs->all;
my $base_collection = {
resultset => $rs,
leaky_resultset_cond => $cond_rowobj,
- # fire all resultsets multiple times
- # even if some of them can't find anything
- # (notably leaky_resultset)
- my @rsets = grep
- { blessed $_ and $_->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSet') }
- values %$base_collection
- ;
+ # fire all resultsets multiple times, once here, more below
+ # some of these can't find anything (notably leaky_resultset)
+ my @rsets = grep {
+ blessed $_
+ and
+ (
+ $_->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSet')
+ or
+ $_->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSetColumn')
+ )
+ } values %$base_collection;
+ my $fire_resultsets = sub {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sigwarn_silencer(
+ qr/Unable to deflate 'filter'-type relationship 'artist'.+related object primary key not retrieved/
+ );
+ map
+ { $_, (blessed($_) ? { $_->get_columns } : ()) }
+ map
+ { $_->all }
+ @rsets
+ ;
+ };
- push @{$base_collection->{random_results}}, map { $_->all } @rsets
- for (1,2);
+ push @{$base_collection->{random_results}}, $fire_resultsets->();
# FIXME - something throws a Storable for a spin if we keep
# the results in-collection. The same problem is seen above,
1; # true means "keep descending"
+ # do a heavy-duty fire-and-compare loop on all resultsets
+ # this is expensive - not running on install
+ my $typecounts = {};
+ unless (DBICTest::RunMode->is_plain) {
+ # FIXME - ideally we should be able to just populate an alternative
+ # registry, subtract everything from the main one, and arrive at
+ # an "empty" resulting hash
+ # However due to gross inefficiencies in the ::ResultSet code we
+ # end up recalculating a new set of aliasmaps which could have very
+ # well been cached if it wasn't for... anyhow
+ # What we do here for the time being is similar to the lazy approach
+ # of Devel::LeakTrace - we just make sure we do not end up with more
+ # reftypes than when we started. At least we are not blanket-counting
+ # SVs like D::LT does, but going by reftype... sigh...
+ for (values %$weak_registry) {
+ if ( my $r = reftype($_->{weakref}) ) {
+ $typecounts->{$r}--;
+ }
+ }
+ # For now we can only reuse the same registry, see FIXME above/below
+ #for my $interim_wr ({}, {}) {
+ for my $interim_wr ( ($weak_registry) x 4 ) {
+ visit_refs(
+ refs => [ $fire_resultsets->(), @rsets ],
+ action => sub {
+ populate_weakregistry ($interim_wr, $_[0]);
+ 1; # true means "keep descending"
+ },
+ );
+ # FIXME - this is what *should* be here
+ #
+ ## anything we have seen so far is cool
+ #delete @{$interim_wr}{keys %$weak_registry};
+ #
+ ## I still don't get any of this...
+ #delete $interim_wr->{$_} for grep {
+ # ref ($interim_wr->{$_}{weakref}) eq 'SCALAR'
+ # and
+ # ${$interim_wr->{$_}{weakref}} eq 'very closure... much wtf... wow!!!'
+ #} keys %$interim_wr;
+ #
+ ## moment of truth - the rest ought to be gone
+ #assert_empty_weakregistry($interim_wr);
+ }
+ for (values %$weak_registry) {
+ if ( my $r = reftype($_->{weakref}) ) {
+ $typecounts->{$r}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (keys %$typecounts) {
+ fail ("Amount of $_ refs changed by $typecounts->{$_} during resultset mass-execution")
+ if ( abs ($typecounts->{$_}) > 1 ); # there is a pad caught somewhere, the +1/-1 can be ignored
+ }
if ($has_dt) {
next unless length ref $r;
+ # no diving into weakregistries
+ next if $reg_of_regs{hrefaddr $r};
next if $args->{seen_refs}{my $dec_addr = Scalar::Util::refaddr($r)}++;
$args->{action}->($r) or next;
+ # This may end up being necessarry some day, but do not slow things
+ # down for now
+ #if ( defined( my $t = tied($r) ) ) {
+ # $visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ $t ] });
+ #}
my $type = reftype $r;
if ($type eq 'HASH') {
$visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ map {
+# if ($leaks_found == 1) {
+# # using the fh dumper due to intermittent buffering issues
+# # in case we decide to exit soon after (possibly via _exit)
+# require Devel::MAT::Dumper;
+# local $Devel::MAT::Dumper::MAX_STRING = -1;
+# open( my $fh, '>:raw', "leaked_${addr}_pid$$.pmat" ) or die $!;
+# Devel::MAT::Dumper::dumpfh( $fh );
+# close ($fh) or die $!;
+# use POSIX;
+# POSIX::_exit(1);
+# }
if (! $quiet and !$leaks_found and ! $tb->in_todo) {
is ($fresh->count_rs({ cdid => 1})->next, 1 );
ok (! exists $fresh->{cursor}, 'Still no cursor on fresh rs');
- ok (! exists $fresh->{_attrs}{_sqlmaker_select_args}, 'select args did not leak through' );
+ ok (! exists $fresh->{_attrs}{_last_sqlmaker_alias_map}, 'aliasmap did not leak through' );
+ my $n = $fresh->next;
+ # check that we are not testing for deprecated slotnames
+ ok ($fresh->{cursor}, 'Cursor at expected slot after fire');
+ ok (exists $fresh->{_attrs}{_last_sqlmaker_alias_map}, 'aliasmap at expected slot after fire' );