if ($k eq '-nest') {
return $self->_expand_expr($v);
+ if ($k eq '-bool') {
+ if (ref($v)) {
+ return $self->_expand_expr($v);
+ }
+ puke "-bool => undef not supported" unless defined($v);
+ return { -ident => $v };
+ }
if (my ($rest) = $k =~/^-not[_ ](.*)$/) {
return $self->_expand_expr({ -not => { "-${rest}", $v } }, $logic);
my ($self, $op, $rhs) = @_;
# top level special ops are illegal in general
- # this includes the -ident/-value ops (dual purpose unary and special)
puke "Illegal use of top-level '-$op'"
- if ! defined $self->{_nested_func_lhs} and List::Util::first { $op =~ $_->{regex} } @{$self->{special_ops}};
+ if !(defined $self->{_nested_func_lhs})
+ and List::Util::first { $op =~ $_->{regex} } @{$self->{special_ops}}
+ and not List::Util::first { $op =~ $_->{regex} } @{$self->{unary_ops}};
if (my $op_entry = List::Util::first { $op =~ $_->{regex} } @{$self->{unary_ops}}) {
my $handler = $op_entry->{handler};