$ then
$ line = f$edit(line,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
$ $PATCHLEVEL = f$element(2," ",line)
-$ goto patchlevel_h_Done
+$ if f$type($SUBVERSION).nes."" then goto patchlevel_h_Done
+$ endif
+$ if f$locate("SUBVERSION",line).ne.f$length(line)
+$ then
+$ line = f$edit(line,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
+$ $SUBVERSION = f$element(2," ",line)
+$ if f$type($PATCHLEVEL).nes."" then goto patchlevel_h_Done
$ endif
$ goto read_patchlevel_h
$! $spitshell = ECHO !<<!GROK!THIS!
$ ECHO " "
-$ ECHO "Summary of my ''$package' (patchlevel ''$PATCHLEVEL') configuration:"
+$ ECHO "Summary of my ''$package' (patchlevel ''$PATCHLEVEL' subversion ''$SUBVERSION') configuration:"
$ ECHO " Platform:"
$ ECHO " osname=''$osname', osver=''$osvers', archname=''$archname'"
$ ECHO " uname=''$myuname'" !->d_has_uname?
-$ ECHO " hint=''$hint'" !->hintfile?
+$ ECHO " hint=''$hint' d_sigaction='undef'" !->hintfile?
$ ECHO " static exts=''$staticexts'" ! added for VMS
$ ECHO " Compiler:"
$ ECHO " cc=''$cc', optimize=''$optimize', ld=''$ld'"