$ delete/symbol dsym
$ if f$type(usedebugging_perl) .nes. ""
$ then
-$ useperldebug = usedebugging_perl
+$ DEBUGGING = usedebugging_perl
$ delete/symbol usedebugging_perl
$ endif
$ echo "was mandatory on perl 5.005 and before on VMS, but is now"
$ echo "optional. If you do not generally use it you should probably"
$ echo "leave this off and gain a bit of extra speed."
-$ bool_dflt = "y"
-$ if f$type(useperldebug) .nes. ""
+$ bool_dflt = "n"
+$ if f$type(DEBUGGING) .nes. ""
$ then
-$ if f$extract(0,1,f$edit(useperldebug,"collapse,upcase")).eqs."N" .or. useperldebug .eqs. "undef" then bool_dflt="n"
+$ if f$extract(0,1,f$edit(DEBUGGING,"collapse,upcase")).eqs."Y" .or. DEBUGGING .eqs. "define" then bool_dflt="y"
$ endif
$ rp = "Build a DEBUGGING version of Perl? [''bool_dflt'] "
$ GOSUB myread