Porting/corelist-perldelta.pl Generates data perldelta from Module::CoreList
Porting/corelist.pl Generates data for Module::CoreList
Porting/curliff.pl Curliff or liff your curliffable files.
+Porting/epigraphs.pod the release epigraphs used over the years
Porting/expand-macro.pl A tool to expand C macro definitions in the Perl source
Porting/findrfuncs Find reentrant variants of functions used in an executable
Porting/findvars Find occurrences of words
Porting/manisort Sort the MANIFEST
Porting/newtests-perldelta.pl Generate Perldelta stub for newly added tests
Porting/perldelta_template.pod Template for creating new perldelta.pod files
+Porting/perlhist_calculate.pl Perform calculations to update perlhist
Porting/podtidy Reformat pod using Pod::Tidy
Porting/pumpkin.pod Guidelines and hints for Perl maintainers
Porting/README.y2038 Perl notes for the 2038 fix
=over 4
-=item perlepigraph
-You can now find a list of the quotes issued with each release of perl in
=item perlgpl
L<perlgpl> has been updated to contain GPL version 1, as is included in the