$new->{render}{from_list} = '_render_from_list';
$new->{expand}{join} = '_expand_join';
$new->{render}{join} = '_render_join';
+ $new->{expand_op}{as} = '_expand_op_as';
+ $new->{expand}{as} = '_expand_op_as';
+ $new->{render}{as} = '_render_as';
return $new;
my @list;
my @args = ref($args) ? @$args : ($args);
while (my $entry = shift @args) {
- if (!ref($entry) and $entry =~ /^-/) {
+ if (!ref($entry) and $entry =~ /^-(.*)/) {
+ if ($1 eq 'as') {
+ $list[-1] = $self->expand_expr({ -as => [
+ $list[-1], map +(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_), shift(@args)
+ ]});
+ next;
+ }
$entry = { $entry => shift @args };
my $aqt = $self->expand_expr($entry, -ident);
? %$args
: (to => $args->[0], @{$args}[1..$#$args])
+ if (my $as = delete $proto{as}) {
+ $proto{to} = { -as => [ $proto{to}, ref($as) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$as : $as ] };
+ }
my %ret = map +($_ => $self->expand_expr($proto{$_}, -ident)),
sort keys %proto;
return +{ -join => \%ret };
return $self->_join_parts(' ', @parts);
+sub _expand_op_as {
+ my ($self, undef, $vv, $k) = @_;
+ my @as = map $self->expand_expr($_, -ident),
+ (defined($k) ? ($k) : ()), ref($vv) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$vv : $vv;
+ return { -as => \@as };
+sub _render_as {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ my ($thing, $as, @cols) = @$args;
+ return $self->_join_parts(
+ ' ',
+ [ $self->render_aqt($thing) ],
+ [ $self->_sqlcase('as') ],
+ [ @cols
+ ? $self->render_aqt({ -func => [ $as, @cols ] })
+ : $self->render_aqt($as)
+ ],
+ );
my ($sql, @bind) = $sqlac->select({
select => [ qw(artist.id artist.name), { -func => [ json_agg => 'cd' ] } ],
from => [
- artist => -join => [ cd => on => { 'cd.artist_id' => 'artist.id' } ],
+ { artists => { -as => 'artist' } },
+ -join => [ cds => as => 'cd' => on => { 'cd.artist_id' => 'artist.id' } ],
where => { 'artist.genres', => { '@>', { -value => [ 'Rock' ] } } },
order_by => 'artist.name',
$sql, \@bind,
SELECT artist.id, artist.name, JSON_AGG(cd)
- FROM artist JOIN cd ON cd.artist_id = artist.id
+ FROM artists AS artist JOIN cds AS cd ON cd.artist_id = artist.id
WHERE artist.genres @> ?
ORDER BY artist.name
GROUP BY artist.id