# ...
my $obj = MyClass->new;
$obj->set_mapping(5, 'bar'); # 5 => 'bar'
$obj->set_mapping(6, 'baz'); # 6 => 'baz'
# prints 'bar'
print $obj->get_mapping(5) if $obj->exists_in_mapping(5);
=head2 curries
This points to a hashref that uses C<provider> for the keys and
-C<< {method => [ @args ]} >> for the values. The method will be added to
-the object itself (always using C<@args> as the beginning arguments).
+has two choices for the value:
+You can supply C<< {method => [ @args ]} >> for the values. The method will be
+added to the object itself (always using C<@args> as the beginning arguments).
+Another approach to curry a method provider is to supply a coderef instead of an
+arrayref. The code ref takes C<$self>, C<$body>, and any additional arguments
+passed to the final method.
+ # ...
+ curries => {
+ grep => {
+ times_with_day => sub {
+ my ($self, $body, $datetime) = @_;
+ $body->($self, sub { $_->ymd eq $datetime->ymd });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # ...
+ $obj->times_with_day(DateTime->now); # takes datetime argument, checks day
return sub { my $self = shift; $code->($self, @args, @_) };
+sub _curry_sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $body = shift;
+ my $code = shift;
+ warn "installing sub!";
+ return sub { my $self = shift; $code->($self, $body, @_) };
after 'install_accessors' => sub {
my $attr = shift;
my $class = $attr->associated_class;
while (my ($constructor, $constructed) = each %{$attr->curries}) {
my $method_code;
- if (ref $constructed eq 'HASH') {
- while (my ($curried_name, $curried_args) = each(%$constructed)) {
-# warn "CURRIED_NAME: $curried_name";
- if ($class->has_method($curried_name)) {
- confess
- "The method ($curried_name) already ".
- "exists in class (" . $class->name . ")";
- }
- $method_code = $attr->_curry(
- $method_constructors->{$constructor}->(
- $attr,
- $attr_reader,
- $attr_writer,
- ), @$curried_args,
- ),
- my $method = MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Meta::Method::Curried->wrap(
- $method_code,
- package_name => $class_name,
- name => $curried_name,
- );
- $attr->associate_method($method);
- $class->add_method($curried_name => $method);
+ while (my ($curried_name, $curried_arg) = each(%$constructed)) {
+ if ($class->has_method($curried_name)) {
+ confess
+ "The method ($curried_name) already ".
+ "exists in class (" . $class->name . ")";
- }
- elsif (ref $constructed eq 'CODE') {
-# my $method = MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Meta::Method::Curried->wrap(
-# $attr->_curry($method_constructors->{$key}->(
-# $attr,
-# $attr_reader,
-# $attr_writer,
-# ), @curried_args),
-# package_name => $class_name,
-# name => $curried_name,
-# );
- }
- else {
- confess "curries parameter must be ref type HASH or CODE";
+ my $body = $method_constructors->{$constructor}->(
+ $attr,
+ $attr_reader,
+ $attr_writer,
+ );
+ if (ref $curried_arg eq 'ARRAY') {
+ $method_code = $attr->_curry($body, @$curried_arg);
+ }
+ elsif (ref $curried_arg eq 'CODE') {
+ $method_code = $attr->_curry_sub($body, $curried_arg);
+ }
+ else {
+ confess "curries parameter must be ref type HASH or CODE";
+ }
+ my $method = MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Meta::Method::Curried->wrap(
+ $method_code,
+ package_name => $class_name,
+ name => $curried_name,
+ );
+ $attr->associate_method($method);
+ $class->add_method($curried_name => $method);
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 24;
+use Test::More tests => 25;
use Test::Exception;
+use DateTime;
+use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
'join' => {dashify => [ '-' ]}
+ has datetimes => (
+ metaclass => 'Collection::List',
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef[DateTime]',
+ curries => {
+ grep => {
+ times_with_day => sub {
+ my ($self, $body, $datetime) = @_;
+ $body->($self, sub { $_->ymd eq $datetime->ymd });
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ );
my $stuff = Stuff->new(options => [ 1 .. 10 ]);
is($stuff->dashify, '1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10');
+ DateTime->now->subtract(days => 1),
+ DateTime->now->subtract(days => 1),
+ DateTime->now,
+ DateTime->now,
+my $my_time = DateTime->now;
+is($stuff->times_with_day($my_time), 2, 'check for currying with a coderef');
## test the meta
my $options = $stuff->meta->get_attribute('_options');