use constant NPattr_PADNAME => 0x03;
use constant NPattr_PADTMP => 0x04;
use constant NPattr_NOTE => 0x05;
+use constant NPattr_PRE_ATTR => 0x06;
my $parent = $stack[-1];
if ($parent) {
- # If node is an AVelem of a CvPADLIST propagate pad name to AVelem
- if ($parent->{name} eq 'SV(PVAV)' && @stack >= 4) {
- if ((my $cvpl = $stack[-4])->{name} eq 'CvPADLIST') {
- my $padnames = $cvpl->{attr}{+NPattr_PADNAME} || [];
- warn "@$padnames";
- $x->{name} = "pad";
+ if ($parent->{name} eq 'SV(PVAV)') {
+ Dwarn $x->{attr};
+ my $index = $x->{attr}{index};
+ # If node is an AVelem of a CvPADLIST propagate pad name to AVelem
+ if (@stack >= 4 and (my $cvpl = $stack[-4])->{name} eq 'CvPADLIST') {
+ # cache the pad names so we can eat them in order
+ my $padnames = $cvpl->{_cached}{padnames} ||= do {
+ my @names = @{ $cvpl->{attr}{+NPattr_PADNAME} || []};
+ $_ = "my(".($_||'').")" for @names;
+ $names[0] = '@_';
+ \@names;
+ };
+ #die Dwarn $x;
+ $x->{name} = $padnames->[$index] || "?";
+ $x->{name} =~ s/my\(SVs_PADTMP\)/PADTMP/; # XXX hack for neatness
+ }
+ else {
+ $x->{name} = "[$index]";
my $indent = ": ";
my @attr_type_name = (qw(size NAME PADFAKE my PADTMP NOTE));
+my $pending_pre_attr = {};
while (<>) {
if $stack[$val];
my $node = enter_node({
id => $id, type => $type, name => $name, extra => $extra,
- attr => {}, leaves => {}, depth => $val, self_size=>0, kids_size=>0
+ attr => { %$pending_pre_attr },
+ leaves => {}, depth => $val, self_size=>0, kids_size=>0
+ %$pending_pre_attr = ();
$stack[$val] = $node;
$seqn2node{$id} = $node;
my $node = $seqn2node{$id} || die;
my $attr = $node->{attr} || die;
- if ($type == NPattr_NAME or $type == NPattr_NOTE) {
+ # attributes to queue up and apply to the next node
+ if (NPattr_PRE_ATTR == $type) {
+ $pending_pre_attr->{$name} = $val;
+ }
+ # attributes where the string is a key (or always empty and the type is the key)
+ elsif ($type == NPattr_NAME or $type == NPattr_NOTE) {
printf "%s~%s(%s) %d [t%d]\n", $indent x ($node->{depth}+1), $attr_type_name[$type], $name, $val, $type
if $opt_text;
warn "Node $id already has attribute $type:$name (value $attr->{$type}{$name})\n"
$attr->{$type}{$name} = $val || $id;
$node->{title} = $name if $type == 1 and !$val;
+ # attributes where the number is a key (or always zero)
elsif (NPattr_PADFAKE==$type or NPattr_PADTMP==$type or NPattr_PADNAME==$type) {
printf "%s~%s('%s') %d [t%d]\n", $indent x ($node->{depth}+1), $attr_type_name[$type], $name, $val, $type
if $opt_text;
warn "Node $id already has attribute $type:$name (value $attr->{$type}[$val])\n"
if defined $attr->{$type}[$val];
$attr->{+NPattr_PADNAME}[$val] = $name; # store all as NPattr_PADNAME
- Dwarn $attr;
else {
printf "%s~%s %d [t%d]\n", $indent x ($node->{depth}+1), $name, $val, $type