PerlIO_apply_layers(pTHX_ PerlIO *f, const char *mode, const char *names)
- if (!names || !*names || strEQ(names, ":crlf") || strEQ(names, ":raw")) {
+ if (!names || !*names
+ || strEQ(names, ":crlf")
+ || strEQ(names, ":raw")
+ || strEQ(names, ":bytes")
+ ) {
return 0;
Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Cannot apply \"%s\" in non-PerlIO perl", names);
return PerlIO_apply_layers(aTHX_ f, NULL, names) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
else {
+ if (*f) {
+ /* Turn off UTF-8-ness, to undo UTF-8 locale effects
+ This may be too simplistic!
+ */
+ PerlIOBase(f)->flags &= ~PERLIO_F_UTF8;
+ }
/* FIXME?: Looking down the layer stack seems wrong,
but is a way of reaching past (say) an encoding layer
to flip CRLF-ness of the layer(s) below
PerlIO_funcs PerlIO_utf8 = {
$a = chr(300); # This *is* UTF-encoded
$b = chr(130); # This is not.
open F, ">:utf8", 'a' or die $!;
print F $a,"\n";
close F;
open F, "<:utf8", 'a' or die $!;
$x = <F>;
print "not " unless $x eq chr(300);
print "ok 14\n";
open F, "a" or die $!; # Not UTF
binmode(F, ":bytes");
$x = <F>;
print "not " unless $x eq $chr;
print "ok 15\n";
close F;
open F, ">:utf8", 'a' or die $!;
binmode(F); # we write a "\n" and then tell() - avoid CRLF issues.
+ binmode(F,":utf8"); # turn UTF-8-ness back on
print F $a;
my $y;
{ my $x = tell(F);
print "not " unless $x == $y;
print "ok 16\n";
{ # Check byte length of $b
use bytes; my $y = length($b);
print "not " unless $y == 1;
print "ok 17\n";
print F $b,"\n"; # Don't upgrades $b
{ # Check byte length of $b
use bytes; my $y = length($b);
print "not ($y) " unless $y == 1;
print "ok 18\n";
my $x = tell(F);
{ use bytes; if (ord('A')==193){$y += 2;}else{$y += 3;}} # EBCDIC ASCII
print "not ($x,$y) " unless $x == $y;
print "ok 19\n";
close F;
open F, "a" or die $!; # Not UTF
binmode(F, ":bytes");
$x = <F>;
if (ord('A') == 193) { $chr = v141.83.130; } # EBCDIC
printf "not (%vd) ", $x unless $x eq $chr;
print "ok 20\n";
open F, "<:utf8", "a" or die $!;
$x = <F>;
close F;
printf "not (%vd) ", $x unless $x eq chr(300).chr(130);
print "ok 21\n";
open F, ">", "a" or die $!;
if (${^OPEN} =~ /:utf8/) {
binmode(F, ":bytes:");
binmode(F, ":bytes");
print F chr(130)."\n";
close F;
open F, "<", "a" or die $!;
binmode(F, ":bytes");
$x = <F>; chomp $x;