use Test::More;
use B 'svref_2object';
+BEGIN { $^P |= 0x210 }
# This is a mess. The stash can supposedly handle Unicode but the behavior
# is literally undefined before 5.16 (with crashes beyond the basic plane),
is $stash_name, $expected, "stash name for $type is correct $for_what";
is $sub->(), $expected, "caller() in $type returns correct name $for_what";
+ ok $DB::sub{$expected}, "%DB::sub entry for $type is correct $for_what";
0x1f4a9, # PILE OF POO
unless "$]" < 5.008;
-plan tests => @ordinal * 2 * 2;
+plan tests => @ordinal * 2 * 3;
my $legal_ident_char = "A-Z_a-z0-9'";
$legal_ident_char .= join '', map chr, 0x100, 0x498
unless "$]" < 5.008;
+my $uniq = 'A000';
for my $ord (@ordinal) {
my $sub;
- my $pkg = sprintf 'test::SOME_%c_STASH', $ord;
- my $subname = sprintf 'SOME_%c_NAME', $ord;
+ $uniq++;
+ my $pkg = sprintf 'test::%s::SOME_%c_STASH', $uniq, $ord;
+ my $subname = sprintf 'SOME_%s_%c_NAME', $uniq, $ord;
my $fullname = join '::', $pkg, $subname;
$sub = subname $fullname => sub { (caller(0))[3] };
# test that we can *always* compile at least within the correct package
my $expected;
if ( chr($ord) =~ m/^[$legal_ident_char]$/o ) { # compile directly
- $expected = $fullname;
- $sub = compile_named_sub $fullname => '(caller(0))[3]';
+ $expected = "native::$fullname";
+ $sub = compile_named_sub $expected => '(caller(0))[3]';
else { # not a legal identifier but at least test the package name by aliasing
$expected = "${pkg}::foo";