#sub DESTROY {
-sub _find_bucket_list {
- ##
- # Locate offset for bucket list, given digested key
- ##
- my $self = shift;
- my $md5 = shift;
- ##
- # Locate offset for bucket list using digest index system
- ##
- my $ch = 0;
- my $tag = $self->{engine}->load_tag($self, $self->_base_offset);
- if (!$tag) { return; }
- while ($tag->{signature} ne SIG_BLIST) {
- $tag = $self->{engine}->index_lookup($self, $tag, ord(substr($md5, $ch, 1)));
- if (!$tag) { return; }
- $ch++;
- }
- return $tag;
-sub _traverse_index {
- ##
- # Scan index and recursively step into deeper levels, looking for next key.
- ##
- my ($self, $offset, $ch, $force_return_next) = @_;
- $force_return_next = undef unless $force_return_next;
- my $tag = $self->{engine}->load_tag($self, $offset );
- my $fh = $self->_fh;
- if ($tag->{signature} ne SIG_BLIST) {
- my $content = $tag->{content};
- my $start;
- if ($self->{return_next}) { $start = 0; }
- else { $start = ord(substr($self->{prev_md5}, $ch, 1)); }
- for (my $index = $start; $index < 256; $index++) {
- my $subloc = unpack($LONG_PACK, substr($content, $index * $LONG_SIZE, $LONG_SIZE) );
- if ($subloc) {
- my $result = $self->_traverse_index( $subloc, $ch + 1, $force_return_next );
- if (defined($result)) { return $result; }
- }
- } # index loop
- $self->{return_next} = 1;
- } # tag is an index
- elsif ($tag->{signature} eq SIG_BLIST) {
- my $keys = $tag->{content};
- if ($force_return_next) { $self->{return_next} = 1; }
- ##
- # Iterate through buckets, looking for a key match
- ##
- for (my $i=0; $i<$MAX_BUCKETS; $i++) {
- my $key = substr($keys, $i * $BUCKET_SIZE, $HASH_SIZE);
- my $subloc = unpack($LONG_PACK, substr($keys, ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $HASH_SIZE, $LONG_SIZE));
- if (!$subloc) {
- ##
- # End of bucket list -- return to outer loop
- ##
- $self->{return_next} = 1;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($key eq $self->{prev_md5}) {
- ##
- # Located previous key -- return next one found
- ##
- $self->{return_next} = 1;
- next;
- }
- elsif ($self->{return_next}) {
- ##
- # Seek to bucket location and skip over signature
- ##
- seek($fh, $subloc + SIG_SIZE + $self->_root->{file_offset}, SEEK_SET);
- ##
- # Skip over value to get to plain key
- ##
- my $size;
- read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- if ($size) { seek($fh, $size, SEEK_CUR); }
- ##
- # Read in plain key and return as scalar
- ##
- my $plain_key;
- read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- if ($size) { read( $fh, $plain_key, $size); }
- return $plain_key;
- }
- } # bucket loop
- $self->{return_next} = 1;
- } # tag is a bucket list
- return;
-sub _get_next_key {
- ##
- # Locate next key, given digested previous one
- ##
- my $self = $_[0]->_get_self;
- $self->{prev_md5} = $_[1] ? $_[1] : undef;
- $self->{return_next} = 0;
- ##
- # If the previous key was not specifed, start at the top and
- # return the first one found.
- ##
- if (!$self->{prev_md5}) {
- $self->{prev_md5} = chr(0) x $HASH_SIZE;
- $self->{return_next} = 1;
- }
- return $self->_traverse_index( $self->_base_offset, 0 );
sub lock {
# If db locking is set, flock() the db file. If called multiple
$self->lock( LOCK_SH );
- my $tag = $self->_find_bucket_list( $md5 );
+ my $tag = $self->{engine}->find_bucket_list( $self, $md5 );
if (!$tag) {
$self->lock( LOCK_EX );
- my $tag = $self->_find_bucket_list( $md5 );
+ my $tag = $self->{engine}->find_bucket_list( $self, $md5 );
if (!$tag) {
$self->lock( LOCK_SH );
- my $tag = $self->_find_bucket_list( $md5 );
+ my $tag = $self->{engine}->find_bucket_list( $self, $md5 );
# For some reason, the built-in exists() function returns '' for false
+sub find_bucket_list {
+ ##
+ # Locate offset for bucket list, given digested key
+ ##
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($obj, $md5) = @_;
+ ##
+ # Locate offset for bucket list using digest index system
+ ##
+ my $ch = 0;
+ my $tag = $self->load_tag($obj, $obj->_base_offset);
+ if (!$tag) { return; }
+ while ($tag->{signature} ne DBM::Deep->SIG_BLIST) {
+ $tag = $self->index_lookup($obj, $tag, ord(substr($md5, $ch, 1)));
+ if (!$tag) { return; }
+ $ch++;
+ }
+ return $tag;
+sub traverse_index {
+ ##
+ # Scan index and recursively step into deeper levels, looking for next key.
+ ##
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($obj, $offset, $ch, $force_return_next) = @_;
+ $force_return_next = undef unless $force_return_next;
+ my $tag = $self->load_tag($obj, $offset );
+ my $fh = $obj->_fh;
+ if ($tag->{signature} ne DBM::Deep->SIG_BLIST) {
+ my $content = $tag->{content};
+ my $start;
+ if ($obj->{return_next}) { $start = 0; }
+ else { $start = ord(substr($obj->{prev_md5}, $ch, 1)); }
+ for (my $index = $start; $index < 256; $index++) {
+ my $subloc = unpack($DBM::Deep::LONG_PACK, substr($content, $index * $DBM::Deep::LONG_SIZE, $DBM::Deep::LONG_SIZE) );
+ if ($subloc) {
+ my $result = $self->traverse_index( $obj, $subloc, $ch + 1, $force_return_next );
+ if (defined($result)) { return $result; }
+ }
+ } # index loop
+ $obj->{return_next} = 1;
+ } # tag is an index
+ elsif ($tag->{signature} eq DBM::Deep->SIG_BLIST) {
+ my $keys = $tag->{content};
+ if ($force_return_next) { $obj->{return_next} = 1; }
+ ##
+ # Iterate through buckets, looking for a key match
+ ##
+ for (my $i=0; $i<$DBM::Deep::MAX_BUCKETS; $i++) {
+ my $key = substr($keys, $i * $DBM::Deep::BUCKET_SIZE, $DBM::Deep::HASH_SIZE);
+ my $subloc = unpack($DBM::Deep::LONG_PACK, substr($keys, ($i * $DBM::Deep::BUCKET_SIZE) + $DBM::Deep::HASH_SIZE, $DBM::Deep::LONG_SIZE));
+ if (!$subloc) {
+ ##
+ # End of bucket list -- return to outer loop
+ ##
+ $obj->{return_next} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq $obj->{prev_md5}) {
+ ##
+ # Located previous key -- return next one found
+ ##
+ $obj->{return_next} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($obj->{return_next}) {
+ ##
+ # Seek to bucket location and skip over signature
+ ##
+ seek($fh, $subloc + DBM::Deep->SIG_SIZE + $obj->_root->{file_offset}, SEEK_SET);
+ ##
+ # Skip over value to get to plain key
+ ##
+ my $size;
+ read( $fh, $size, $DBM::Deep::DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DBM::Deep::DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ if ($size) { seek($fh, $size, SEEK_CUR); }
+ ##
+ # Read in plain key and return as scalar
+ ##
+ my $plain_key;
+ read( $fh, $size, $DBM::Deep::DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DBM::Deep::DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ if ($size) { read( $fh, $plain_key, $size); }
+ return $plain_key;
+ }
+ } # bucket loop
+ $obj->{return_next} = 1;
+ } # tag is a bucket list
+ return;
+sub get_next_key {
+ ##
+ # Locate next key, given digested previous one
+ ##
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($obj) = @_;
+ $obj->{prev_md5} = $_[1] ? $_[1] : undef;
+ $obj->{return_next} = 0;
+ ##
+ # If the previous key was not specifed, start at the top and
+ # return the first one found.
+ ##
+ if (!$obj->{prev_md5}) {
+ $obj->{prev_md5} = chr(0) x $DBM::Deep::HASH_SIZE;
+ $obj->{return_next} = 1;
+ }
+ return $self->traverse_index( $obj, $obj->_base_offset, 0 );