is( scalar $udstemma->witnesses, 13, "Found correct number of extant witnesses" );
is( scalar $udstemma->hypotheticals, 12, "Found correct number of hypotheticals" );
ok( $udstemma->is_undirected, "Stemma was recorded as undirected" );
+is( $udstemma->identifier, "RHM stemma", "Undirected graph retained its name" );
=end testing
-after 'graph' => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless @_;
- ## HORRIBLE HACK but there is no API access to graph attributes!
- my $graph_id = exists $_[0]->[4]->{'name'} ? $_[0]->[4]->{'name'} : '';
- if( $graph_id && !( $self->has_identifier && $self->identifier eq $graph_id ) ) {
- $self->set_identifier( $graph_id );
- } elsif ( !$graph_id && $self->has_identifier ) {
- $self->set_identifier( 'stemma' );
- }
sub _graph_from_dot {
my( $self, $dotfh ) = @_;
my $reader = Graph::Reader::Dot->new();
} elsif( !$graph ) {
throw( "Failed to create graph from dot" );
+ ## HORRIBLE HACK but there is no API access to graph attributes!
+ my $graph_id = exists $graph->[4]->{'name'} ? $graph->[4]->{'name'} : 'stemma';
# Correct for implicit graph -> digraph quirk of reader
if( $reader_err && $reader_err =~ /graph will be treated as digraph/ ) {
my $udgraph = $graph->undirected_copy;
$graph = $udgraph;
$self->graph( $graph );
+ $self->set_identifier( $graph_id );
sub is_undirected {
is( scalar $udstemma->witnesses, 13, "Found correct number of extant witnesses" );
is( scalar $udstemma->hypotheticals, 12, "Found correct number of hypotheticals" );
ok( $udstemma->is_undirected, "Stemma was recorded as undirected" );
+is( $udstemma->identifier, "RHM stemma", "Undirected graph retained its name" );