ok(!$@,'lvalue $+{...} should not throw an exception');
+ #
+ # Almost the same as the block above, except that the capture is nested.
+ #
+ my $s = 'foo bar baz';
+ my (@k,@v,@fetch,$res);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my @names = qw($+{A} $+{B} $+{C} $+{D});
+ if ($s = ~/(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%+)) {
+ $count++;
+ }
+ @k = sort keys(%+);
+ @v = sort values(%+);
+ $res = 1;
+ push @fetch,
+ [ "$+{A}", "$2" ],
+ [ "$+{B}", "$3" ],
+ [ "$+{C}", "$4" ],
+ [ "$+{D}", $1 ],
+ ;
+ }
+ foreach (0..3) {
+ if ($fetch[$_]) {
+ local $TODO = $_ == 3;
+ iseq($fetch[$_][0],$fetch[$_][1],$names[$_]);
+ } else {
+ ok(0, $names[$_]);
+ }
+ }
+ iseq($res,1,"$s~=/(?<D>(?<A>foo)\s+(?<B>bar)?\s+(?<C>baz))/");
+ iseq($count,4,"Got 4 keys in %+ via each # TODO bug 50496");
+ iseq(0+@k, 4, 'Got 4 keys in %+ via keys # TODO bug 50496');
+ iseq("@k","A B C D", "Got expected keys # TODO bug 50496");
+ iseq("@v","bar baz foo foo bar baz", "Got expected values # TODO bug = 50496");
+ eval'
+ print for $+{this_key_doesnt_exist};
+ ';
+ ok(!$@,'lvalue $+{...} should not throw an exception');
my $s='foo bar baz';
my @res;
if ('1234'=~/(?<A>1)(?<B>2)(?<A>3)(?<B>4)/) {
# Don't forget to update this!
- $::TestCount = 4019;
+ $::TestCount = 4029;
print "1..$::TestCount\n";