binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
eval { no warnings; binmode $DB::OUT, ":utf8"; };
-my( $informat, $inbase, $outformat, $help, $language, $name, $HACK, $sep, $stemmafile,
+my( $informat, $inbase, $outformat, $help, $language, $name, $sep, $stemmafile,
$dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass )
- = ( '', '', '', '', 1, 'Tradition', 0, "\t", '',
+ = ( '', '', '', '', 'Default', 'Tradition', "\t", '',
"dbi:SQLite:dbname=stemmaweb/db/traditions.db", undef, undef );
GetOptions( 'i|in=s' => \$informat,
'u|user=s' => \$dbuser,
'p|pass=s' => \$dbpass,
'sep=s' => \$sep,
- 'hack' => \$HACK,
'dsn=s' => \$dsn,
print STDERR "Saved stemma at $stemmafile\n" if $stemma;
-### Custom hacking
-# Remove witnesses C, E, G in the Matthew text
-if( $HACK ) {
- # Set the funny name while we're at it
- my $oldname = $tradition->name;
- $oldname =~ s/(\d)/ $1/;
- my $newname = "\x{17d}amanakagrut\x{2bf}iwn " . ucfirst( $oldname );
- $tradition->name( $newname );
# Now output what we have been asked to.
if( $outformat eq 'stemma' ) {
my $cdata = character_input( $tradition->collation->make_alignment_table );