Revision history for Perl extension Moose
+ * Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor
+ - If an attribute had a lazy default, and that value did not
+ pass the attribute's type constraint, it did not get the
+ message from the type constraint, instead using a generic
+ message. Test provided by perigrin.
0.73 Fri, March 29, 2009
* No changes from 0.72_01.
. 'if (scalar(@_) >= 2) {' . "\n"
. $self->_inline_copy_value . "\n"
. $self->_inline_check_required . "\n"
- . $self->_inline_check_coercion . "\n"
+ . $self->_inline_check_coercion($value_name) . "\n"
. $self->_inline_check_constraint($value_name) . "\n"
. $self->_inline_store($inv, $value_name) . "\n"
. $self->_inline_trigger($inv, $value_name) . "\n"
. $self->_inline_pre_body(@_)
. $self->_inline_copy_value
. $self->_inline_check_required
- . $self->_inline_check_coercion
+ . $self->_inline_check_coercion($value_name)
. $self->_inline_check_constraint($value_name)
. $self->_inline_store($inv, $value_name)
. $self->_inline_post_body(@_)
sub _inline_check_coercion {
- my $attr = (shift)->associated_attribute;
+ my ($self, $value) = @_;
+ my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
return '' unless $attr->should_coerce;
- return '$val = $attr->type_constraint->coerce($_[1]);'
+ return "$value = \$attr->type_constraint->coerce($value);";
sub _inline_check_required {
' ' . $self->_inline_throw_error(q{sprintf "%s does not support builder method '%s' for attribute '%s'", ref(} . $instance . ') || '.$instance.', $attr->builder, $attr->name') .
';'. "\n }";
- $code .= ' $default = $type_constraint_obj->coerce($default);'."\n" if $attr->should_coerce;
- $code .= ' ($type_constraint->($default))' .
- ' || ' . $self->_inline_throw_error('"Attribute (" . $attr_name . ") does not pass the type constraint ("' .
- ' . $type_constraint_name . ") with " . (defined($default) ? overload::StrVal($default) : "undef")' ) . ';'
- . "\n";
+ $code .= $self->_inline_check_coercion('$default') . "\n";
+ $code .= $self->_inline_check_constraint('$default') . "\n";
$code .= ' ' . $self->_inline_init_slot($attr, $instance, $slot_access, '$default') . "\n";
else {