sub make_reference {
my $self = shift;
my ($obj, $old_key, $new_key) = @_;
+ my $sector = $self->load_sector( $obj->_base_offset, 'refs' )
+ or return;
+# if ( $sector->staleness != $obj->_staleness ) {
+# return;
+# }
+ my $value_sector = $sector->get_data_for({
+ key => $old_key,
+ allow_head => 1,
+ });
+ unless ( $value_sector ) {
+ $value_sector = DBM::Deep::Sector::DBI::Scalar->new({
+ engine => $self,
+ data => undef,
+ });
+ $sector->write_data({
+ key => $old_key,
+ value => $value_sector,
+ });
+ }
+ if ( $value_sector->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Sector::DBI::Reference' ) ) {
+ $sector->write_data({
+ key => $new_key,
+ value => $value_sector,
+ });
+ $value_sector->increment_refcount;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sector->write_data({
+ key => $new_key,
+ value => $value_sector->clone,
+ });
+ }
+ return;
# exists returns '', not undefined.
sub key_exists {
sub _init {}
-sub clone { die "clone must be implemented in a child class" }
+#sub clone { die "clone must be implemented in a child class" }
+sub clone {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ref($self)->new({
+ engine => $self->engine,
+ type => $self->type,
+ data => $self->data,
+ });
sub engine { $_[0]{engine} }
sub offset { $_[0]{offset} }
sub increment_refcount {
- return 1;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $refcount = $self->get_refcount;
+ $refcount++;
+ $self->write_refcount( $refcount );
+ return $refcount;
sub decrement_refcount {
- return 0;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $refcount = $self->get_refcount;
+ $refcount--;
+ $self->write_refcount( $refcount );
+ return $refcount;
sub get_refcount {
- return 1;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($rows) = $self->engine->storage->read_from(
+ 'refs', $self->offset,
+ qw( refcount ),
+ );
+ return $rows->[0]{refcount};
sub write_refcount {
my $self = shift;
my ($num) = @_;
+ $self->engine->storage->{dbh}->do(
+ "UPDATE refs SET refcount = ? WHERE id = ?", undef,
+ $num, $self->offset,
+ );
-sub clone {
- my $self = shift;
- return ref($self)->new({
- engine => $self->engine,
- type => $self->type,
- data => $self->data,
- });
sub type { $_[0]{engine}->SIG_DATA }
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
. ") VALUES ("
. join( ',', ('?') x (@keys + 1) )
. ")";
-#warn $sql. $/;
-#no warnings;
-#warn "@args{@keys}\n";
$self->{dbh}->do( $sql, undef, $id, @args{@keys} );
return $self->{dbh}{mysql_insertid};
# basic put/get/push
+warn "1\n";
$db->[0] = "elem1";
+warn "2\n";
$db->push( "elem2" );
+warn "3\n";
$db->put(2, "elem3");
+warn "4\n";
$db->store(3, "elem4");
+warn "5\n";
+warn "6\n";
is( $db->[0], 'elem0', "Array get for shift works" );
is( $db->[1], 'elem1', "Array get for array set works" );
} qr/Cannot use an undefined array index/, "EXISTS fails on an undefined key";
# Bug reported by Mike Schilli
# Also, RT #29583 reported by HANENKAMP
$dbm_factory = new_dbm( type => DBM::Deep->TYPE_ARRAY );