--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::Requires {
+ 'Test::LeakTrace' => '0.01',
+ 'Test::Memory::Cycle' => '0',
+use Test::More;
+use Moose ();
+use Moose::Util qw( apply_all_roles );
+ package MyRole;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ sub myname { "I'm a role" }
+ sub {
+ Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class->new_object;
+ },
+ 'anonymous class with no roles is leak-free'
+ sub {
+ Moose::Meta::Role->initialize('MyRole2');
+ },
+ 'Moose::Meta::Role->initialize is leak-free'
+ sub {
+ Moose::Meta::Class->create('MyClass2')->new_object;
+ },
+ 'creating named class is leak-free'
+ local $TODO
+ = 'role application leaks because we end up applying the role more than once to the meta object';
+ no_leaks_ok(
+ sub {
+ Moose::Meta::Class->create( 'MyClass', roles => ['MyRole'] );
+ },
+ 'named class with roles is leak-free'
+ );
+ no_leaks_ok(
+ sub {
+ Moose::Meta::Role->create( 'MyRole2', roles => ['MyRole'] );
+ },
+ 'named role with roles is leak-free'
+ );
+ sub {
+ my $object = Moose::Meta::Class->create('MyClass2')->new_object;
+ apply_all_roles( $object, 'MyRole' );
+ },
+ 'applying role to an instance is leak-free'
+ sub {
+ Moose::Meta::Role->create_anon_role;
+ },
+ 'anonymous role is leak-free'
+ local $TODO
+ = 'Until we eliminate meta objects from being closed over by the immutabilized methods, this will leak';
+ no_leaks_ok(
+ sub {
+ my $meta = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class;
+ $meta->make_immutable;
+ },
+ 'making an anon class immutable is leak-free'
+ );
+ my $meta3 = Moose::Meta::Class->create('MyClass3');
+ memory_cycle_ok( $meta3, 'named metaclass object is cycle-free' );
+ memory_cycle_ok( $meta3->new_object, 'MyClass3 object is cycle-free' );
+ my $anon_class = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class;
+ memory_cycle_ok($anon_class, 'anon metaclass object is cycle-free' );
+ memory_cycle_ok( $anon_class->new_object, 'object from anon metaclass is cycle-free' );
+ $anon_class->make_immutable;
+ memory_cycle_ok($anon_class, 'immutable anon metaclass object is cycle-free' );
+ memory_cycle_ok( $anon_class->new_object, 'object from immutable anon metaclass is cycle-free' );
+ my $anon_role = Moose::Meta::Role->create_anon_role;
+ memory_cycle_ok($anon_role, 'anon role meta object is cycle-free' );