my $true = JSON->true;
my $false = JSON->false;
+L<JSON::Any> used to be the favoured compatibility layer above the various
+JSON backends, but over time has grown a lot of extra code to deal with legacy
+backends (e.g. L<JSON::Syck>) that are no longer needed. This is a rough guide of translating such code:
+Change code from:
+ use JSON::Any;
+ my $json = JSON::Any->new->objToJson($data); # or to_json($data), or Dump($data)
+ use JSON::MaybeXS;
+ my $json = encode_json($data);
+Change code from:
+ use JSON::Any;
+ my $data = JSON::Any->new->jsonToObj($json); # or from_json($json), or Load($json)
+ use JSON::MaybeXS;
+ my $json = decode_json($data);
=head1 CAVEATS
The C<new()> method in this module is technically a factory, not a