# child debugger, and mark us as the parent, so we'll know to set up
# more TTY's is we have to.
- $pids = "{pid=$$}";
+ $pids = "[pid=$$]";
$term_pid = $$;
# This example function resets $IN, $OUT itself
-sub os2_get_fork_TTY {
- local $^F = 40; # XXXX Fixme!
+my $c_pipe = 0;
+sub os2_get_fork_TTY { # A simplification of the following (and works without):
local $\ = '';
- my ( $in1, $out1, $in2, $out2 );
- # Having -d in PERL5OPT would lead to a disaster...
- $ENV{PERL5OPT} =~ s/(?:^|(?<=\s))-d\b// if $ENV{PERL5OPT};
- $ENV{PERL5OPT} =~ s/(?:^|(?<=\s))-d\B/-/ if $ENV{PERL5OPT};
- print $OUT "Making kid PERL5OPT->`$ENV{PERL5OPT}'.\n" if $ENV{PERL5OPT};
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = '' unless defined $ENV{PERL5LIB};
- $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join ';', @ini_INC, split /;/, $ENV{PERL5LIB};
( my $name = $0 ) =~ s,^.*[/\\],,s;
- my @args;
- if (
- pipe $in1, $out1
- and pipe $in2, $out2
- # system P_SESSION will fail if there is another process
- # in the same session with a "dependent" asynchronous child session.
- and @args = (
- $rl, fileno $in1, fileno $out2, "Daughter Perl debugger $pids $name"
- )
- and (
- ( $kpid = CORE::system 4, $^X, '-we',
- <<'ES', @args ) >= 0 # P_SESSION
-END {sleep 5 unless $loaded}
-BEGIN {open STDIN, '</dev/con' or warn "reopen stdin: $!"}
-use OS2::Process;
-my ($rl, $in) = (shift, shift); # Read from $in and pass through
-set_title pop;
-system P_NOWAIT, $^X, '-we', <<EOS or die "Cannot start a grandkid";
- open IN, '<&=$in' or die "open <&=$in: \$!";
- \$| = 1; print while sysread IN, \$_, 1<<16;
-my $out = shift;
-open OUT, ">&=$out" or die "Cannot open &=$out for writing: $!";
-select OUT; $| = 1;
-require Term::ReadKey if $rl;
-Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(4) if $rl; # Nodelay on kbd. Pipe is automatically nodelay...
-print while sysread STDIN, $_, 1<<($rl ? 16 : 0);
- or warn "system P_SESSION: $!, $^E" and 0
- )
- and close $in1
- and close $out2
- )
- {
- $pidprompt = ''; # Shown anyway in titlebar
- reset_IN_OUT( $in2, $out1 );
- $tty = '*reset*';
- return ''; # Indicate that reset_IN_OUT is called
- } ## end if (pipe $in1, $out1 and...
- return;
+ my %opt = ( title => "Daughter Perl debugger $pids $name",
+ ($rl ? (read_by_key => 1) : ()) );
+ require OS2::Process;
+ my ($in, $out, $pid) = eval { OS2::Process::io_term(related => 0, %opt) }
+ or return;
+ $pidprompt = ''; # Shown anyway in titlebar
+ reset_IN_OUT($in, $out);
+ $tty = '*reset*';
+ return ''; # Indicate that reset_IN_OUT is called
} ## end sub os2_get_fork_TTY
=head3 C<macosx_get_fork_TTY>