--- /dev/null
+package DX::Step::EnterRecheck;
+use DX::Class;
+with 'DX::Role::Step';
+has proposition_list => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
+sub apply_to {
+ my ($self, $old_ss) = @_;
+ my ($prop, @rest) = @{$self->proposition_list};
+ die "NOT YET DAMNIT" if @rest;
+ my $old_hyp = $old_ss->current_hypothesis;
+ # we should probably be doing something about pruning the scope
+ # but that's completely pointless until we have rules (and also,
+ # the lock_to_depth arg needs to come from the proposition somehow)
+ my $ap = DX::ActionPolicy::LockScope->new(
+ lock_to_depth => $old_hyp->scope->depth,
+ next_policy => $old_hyp->action_policy,
+ );
+ my $hyp = ref($old_hyp)->new(
+ scope => $old_hyp->scope,
+ resolved_propositions => DX::ResolvedPropositionSet->new_empty,
+ actions => [],
+ action_applications => [],
+ action_policy => $ap,
+ );
+ my $pseq = DX::PropositionSequence->new(
+ members => [ $prop ],
+ external_names => {},
+ internal_names => {},
+ );
+ trace 'step.recheck.hyp' => $hyp;
+ my $ss = DX::SearchState->new(
+ current_hypothesis => $hyp,
+ alternatives => [],
+ propositions => $pseq,
+ next_step => DX::Step::ConsiderProposition->new(
+ proposition => $prop,
+ ),
+ is_solution_state => 0,
+ on_exhaustion_step => undef,
+ on_solution_step => DX::Step::MarkAsSolution->new,
+ );
+ return $ss;
package DX::Step::ResolveProposition;
+use DX::Step::EnterRecheck;
use Types::Standard qw(ArrayRef);
use DX::Utils qw(deparse);
use DX::Class;
with 'DX::Role::Step';
sub _recheck_one {
my ($self, $old_ss, $prop) = @_;
- my $old_hyp = $old_ss->current_hypothesis;
- my $ap = DX::ActionPolicy::LockScope->new(
- lock_to_depth => $old_hyp->scope->depth,
- next_policy => $old_hyp->action_policy,
- );
- # we should probably be doing something about pruning the scope
- # but that's completely pointless until we have rules
- my $hyp = ref($old_hyp)->new(
- scope => $old_hyp->scope,
- resolved_propositions => DX::ResolvedPropositionSet->new_empty,
- actions => [],
- action_applications => [],
- action_policy => $ap,
- );
- my $pseq = DX::PropositionSequence->new(
- members => [ $prop ],
- external_names => {},
- internal_names => {},
- );
- trace 'step.recheck.hyp' => $hyp;
- my $ss = DX::SearchState->new(
- current_hypothesis => $hyp,
- alternatives => [],
- propositions => $pseq,
- next_step => DX::Step::ConsiderProposition->new(
- proposition => $prop,
- ),
- is_solution_state => 0,
- on_exhaustion_step => undef,
- on_solution_step => DX::Step::MarkAsSolution->new,
+ my $ss = $old_ss->but(
+ next_step => DX::Step::EnterRecheck->new(
+ proposition_list => [ $prop ],
+ ),
my $sp = DX::SearchProcess->new(
my $sol_rps = $sol_sp->current_hypothesis->resolved_propositions;
+ my $old_hyp = $old_ss->current_hypothesis;
my $rps = $old_hyp->resolved_propositions;
$rps = $rps->with_updated_dependencies_for(