- my @keys = qw(CDPATH IFS ENV BASH_ENV);
- push @keys, qw(PATH) unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- local @ENV{@keys} = (undef) x scalar(@keys);
fresh_perl_is('$a = substr $^X, 0, 0; /\x{100}/i; /$a\x{100}/i || print q,ok,',
'ok', {switches => ["-T", "-l"]},
"matching a regexp is taint agnostic");
die "test.pl:runperl() does not take a hashref"
if ref $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH';
my $runperl = &_create_runperl;
+ my $result;
if (${^TAINT}) {
- # We will assume that if you're running under -T, you really mean
- # to run a fresh perl, so we'll brute force launder everything for
- # you
- foreach ($runperl, $ENV{PATH}) {
- $_ =~ /(.*)/s;
- $_ = $1;
+ # We will assume that if you're running under -T, you really mean to
+ # run a fresh perl, so we'll brute force launder everything for you
+ my $sep;
+ eval "require Config; Config->import";
+ if ($@) {
+ warn "test.pl had problems loading Config: $@";
+ $sep = ':';
+ } else {
+ $sep = $Config{path_sep};
+ my @keys = grep {exists $ENV{$_}} qw(CDPATH IFS ENV BASH_ENV);
+ local @ENV{@keys} = ();
+ # Untaint, plus take out . and empty string:
+ $ENV{PATH} =~ /(.*)/s;
+ local $ENV{PATH}
+ = join $sep, grep {$_ ne "" and $_ ne "."}
+ split quotemeta ($sep), $1;
+ $runperl =~ /(.*)/s;
+ $runperl = $1;
+ $result = `$runperl`;
+ } else {
+ $result = `$runperl`;
- my $result = `$runperl`;
$result =~ s/\n\n/\n/ if $is_vms; # XXX pipes sometimes double these
return $result;